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Posts posted by rounder17

  1. Whoa! Hold on just a minute before we put all the blame on Select ball or anything else. One thing nobody has addressed yet is the arm care issue, specifically before and after a kid pitches. This is a huge contributing factor to injuries. The lack of adequate warm up/stretching before most guys pitch along with how they care for their arms when they are done is terribly insufficient. Guys try to do too much too fast to get started and then not nearly enough when they finish or on their off days. You watch most guys, a little 3-5 minutes of stretching then they grab a baseball and start throwing rather than going through an adequate warm up period. Check out a professional pitcher and how long it takes them to get ready to pitch, it will blow your mind. It will also blow your mind to see what these pitchers do when they are done. The amount of running, stretching, icing, and so on is incredible. The off day work outs are often more intense than the actual game day throwing the pitcher goes through. It's basically the same concept as starting your car and going straight to 100 without allowing the car to warm up sufficiently, it causes damage. Now I agree pitch counts are needed and common sense should be applied as to what pitches a young player throws and at what age they begin throwing them, no dispute here. I just think more attention needs to be placed on how these young arms are cared for as well.
    Out of curiosity I'd like to know if pitchers in Japan have the same arm issues as guys in the USA? You always hear the stories about guys like "Dice-K" throwing both ends of double header when they were in high school or averaging 125-150 pitches per outing. It would be interesting to know if they have the same sort of problems.

    I agree 100% with your post.
  2. Just imagine how good they'd be if they had a BASEBALL coach and not some old guy driving a bus. These guys have done what they've done with very little coaching. The little coaching they have had has been in the form of a few bones thrown their way from the varsity coach on a few occasions.... Things like bunt coverage, run-downs, pre-pitch defensive positioning, base running, bunting, patience and approach at the plate... totally ignored. Gorilla baseball only goes so far. JMO

    Shouldn't they know these things already?
  3. Please tell me or show me where I have made fun of someone?... don't worry I'll wait..

    Errows topic. Went back and lookrd, you weren't so much making fun, just egging it on. My apologies, I really hope you accept. Oops, looks like I hit the r instead of the e on my phone and spelled looked wrong. Sure hope I don't get mad fun of now. Crap I mean made fun of.
  4. Rounder strikes again.. SMH

    You crack me up. You will gang up with your Kountze buddies to make fun of someone for something as little as spelling, and when someone is messing with deputy, you are real quick to jump in. Are you the husband or wife?
  5. Rounder is a great guy he is gonna teach his players about positive energy and become the next university of texas baseball coach!

    Nah, I'll just stick to teaching them baseball, and working on fundamentals. Positive energy, and meditation is next year.
  6. Rounder...I am a fan of sports so I assure you I will voice my thoughts on this forum as a fan in the future...I am a Kountze fan and I feel Kountze is a very good team that is young and early on had some inconsistency in their play. I also feel Kountze has played a difficult schedule and they have matured a great deal and become a much better ball club. IMO...I think Kountze could hold their ground with anyother local team around here with the exception of one or two. I happen to pull for Evadale, because my son has played with a couple of young men over the years from Evadale and they are 1st class young men!

    Absolutely they can hang with most teams, if Franklin or Marshall is on the bump. That's not a knock at the other guys, but those two are game changers on the bump. Kountze simply isn't as deep as the bigger schools. However I believe they will make a good run this year and next, because of those two.
    I just don't see the need to get so upset that someone ranked a team ahead of them, because you deputy doesn't agree with it. It's an opinion poll, and everyone is going have different opinions. Get over it.
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