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Everything posted by oldman

  1. Awesome....... great response to a crybaby!!!!
  2. As I said earlier..... excuses excuses excuses.... game was played ... in the end DV had more points on the scoreboard.....BAM. Victory for DV
  3. Coaches agree on the crew that calls the game. They have picks sometime in June/July. So both coaches mutually agree on and pick the crew they want from what is available.
  4. That’s the truth.... they will go winless this year
  5. Nope. Was a practice dummy most of the time. But paid for some of my education. I suck at tennis , but I’m an advanced cornhole player.
  6. You would lose your bet MR HD. Played thru college.....if I were in the band I vision myself as a drummer. Being from HD you strike me as a banjo player ..... visions of “Deliverance “ in my head.
  7. Well crap. If the Lumberton band was in attendance that would Atleast be good for 2 touchdowns
  8. That would be a negative MR HD . Never have set foot on the greatest grass field in America. I stay in the Big Boy division of football and not the Coach Pitch division.
  9. How does the Tomato Bowl look? Have been told the renovations are awesome
  10. You would be incorrect sir. I can tell you for certain I’m not a HD fan .
  11. HD 55 is delusional. First.... He thinks he can coach better than the HD coaching staff. Funny stuff. Second.... Several of their players could start for many of the 3A-4A teams in the area. Third..... they have 2 Sub 4.5 athletes... ( how would he know... no timing systems in HD.. hour glass timing is obsolete. and Now..... they have the best Grass field in America.... 😳
  12. Could care less about Lumberton. Old Fart not a Raider Fan. Vidor will not make playoffs. Mark my word... but the will have the top defense in the district LOL!!!!
  13. Old Fart .... 😳 Just speaking the truth
  14. Guess Vidor will have the top defense in district again this year stat wise. Last year the Vidor Faithful stated they had the top defense in their district yet no playoff team. Same will be said this year👍🏻
  15. So what is the verdict on Branch. Hope not serious. But with Collarbones it could be a multi week injury
  16. Guess the Powerhouse wasn’t what they thought they were
  17. Jacksonville got trampled last week 59-6. Will be an easy win for Nederland . Tomato Bowl is awesome. Great Venue
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