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Everything posted by atb63

  1. Yes Scooter, and it's at a bad time.  They are fighting to make the playoffs. And should they win against Baytown Sterling, they are in the playoffs, and the next opponent will no doubt be tougher. Hopefully they win against Sterling and come away without any additional injuries.
  2. Goat you are correct.  I would be surprised if the Coach from Baytown doesn't at least run up the middle to see if they have success, especially after watching the WB and LaPorte games. Peppermint Patty, it might be easier for Sterling to stop the Titans without 4 or 5 of their starters on offense, who are all questionable.  They have to be very careful with concussions and the big hit Wesley took last week.  At least WR Overton has been cleared to play. O-line: Powell - LG - concussion Griffin - LT - ankle RBs: Nate Holmes - concussion Fisher Romar - held out of practice all week WR: Wesley - stinger - taken off field last week on stretcher.
  3. Congratulations Hannah.  We wish you all the best at Texas Tech.
  4. Not making any excuses for the Titans offense, but they had a lot of injuries going into the game against LaPorte. They were without the left side of their line, the guard and the tackle, they were without RB Nate Holmes, and the other RB Romar was banged up, and then Wesley, arguably the best receiver on the team, goes out on a stretcher in the 2nd quarter. However, that has nothing to do with the defense giving up that many rushing yards and points.  Well, maybe the defense stayed on the field too long because the offense could not move the ball and had a lot of 3 and outs. It's going to be tough for the Titans because everyone I mentioned above are questionable for this game.  The Titans will have WR Overton back from a broken leg.  The one good thing for the Titans defense is that Sterling does not have an offense like WB, or a rushing attack like LaPorte.  However, as someone pointed out previously, they have a lot of incentive with the Coach being re-assigned at the end of the season.  They would like to extend his season as long as possible. Titans by a touchdown.
  5. Yeah Scooter, for some reason, they have always struggled with Channelview. Also, it's Homecoming and it's tough to keep the kids focused. Coach Kenny has his work cut out for him, but I think that PAM pulls it out by 14.
  6. Bigd92, I am going with your prediction:  Central 28 - Nederland 14.
  7. I am picking LCM by 2 TDs. LCM is more balanced on both sides of the ball. Vidor's offense is pretty good.  However, there defense is a little lacking, and I think LCM will be able to put up more points than Vidor.
  8. Ozen is off-track as a team.  Sasquatch22 called it when he said that Ozen as a team seems confused. They will show flashes of athleticism and speed, but it's not consistent. I attribute this to Ozen being a young team.  They haven't jelled at all. However, I will give them one thing, they will keep battling and fighting until the clock shows 0:00. I have been to several Ozen home games this year, and the fan base and turnout has been disappointing. I expected to see more fans show up at the home games.  The school and team spirit seems to be down. However, despite the lack of, or low fan support, the players keep battling.  Winning will take care of the fence riding fans.
  9. Palincoln4life pretty much nailed it. Play sound defense, and definitely tackle well. Offensively, take what they give you, and spread the ball around. NS has the same speed and athleticism, if not more, as PAM Definitely, no turnovers, especially fumbles.
  10. Sasquash22, I was trying to think of a word or analysis for Ozen thus far, and you summed it up for me. I agree, Ozen  looks like a team that is confused.  They are young, erratic, and inconsistent. They have flashes of athleticism, but that's about it.  Nothing consistent. I think that Vidor will win this one at home
  11. [quote name="A Bear's Bear" post="864004" timestamp="1286042628"] I think after 2 games it the power rankings look like this 1. Central 2. LCM 3-4. Livingston/Lumberton [/quote] A Bear's Bear, I have to agree with you.  That's how I see it after 2 District games. It's still early, but this week could be make or break especially for Ozen and PNG since neither of them have a win in district.
  12. BMTSoulja1, you are correct, everybody has room for improvement. By winning 3 weeks in a row, Central has gained momentum and a key ingredient for success, and that is confidence. Winning against Galveston Ball was important just to get into the Win column Winning against Ozen was a big emotional rivalry win. Winning against Livingston, at Livingston, was a confidence booster, especially after Livingston had just won against the defending District Champions. Central has momentum and confidence, and so does LCM, but Central has been baptized by fire against PAM and WB. Granted they still have room for improvement, but they are coming along and progressing each week.
  13. I have to tip my hat to BMTSoulja1.  He called it regarding Central, even after the two big losses to WB and PAM. Congratulations to the Jags for going to Livingston and winning in overtime.  That showed a lot about their team. I am picking Central in this one by 7+. Central is doing what all coaches want to be doing, and that is, they are improving each week. Their offense is clicking on all cylinders and their defense is getting better. I don't know if they had any turnovers, or caused any, but that also helps to not turn the ball over. I will not be able to watch this game because I plan to attend the PAM vs NS game on Friday, and attend the LU Homecoming game on Saturday.
  14. Yes sir reeee!  Gumbo sounds nice, especially with this cool front. Ohhh man.  Now I'm getting hungry. But, to stick to the topic, I still pick Dayton. I don't know anything about Galena Park, or who they have played so far.
  15. Awwww c'mon BMTSoulja1, I thought I saw you standing over a cauldron, stirring the pot with a broom stick. LOL!!!  ;D ;D ;D Just having some fun.
  16. I think that GP doesn't get a lot of exposure is because they haven't consistently been a playoff team, or power, and they are over-shadowed by North Shore.  When you say Galena Park, people automatically think of Galena Park North Shore, not Galena Park High School.  Also, the school location is off of Clinton drive near the ship channel (610) bridge.  They are probably known more for basketball than football.  They sit between North Shore and Deer Park. I think that Dayton will win this game.  I haven't seen either team play this year. I give Dayton the edge based upon tradition.
  17. Rake1, I think in the beginning most teams have a freshman team.  However, especially in your smaller enrollment schools, the following happens, and coaches decide to not have a freshman team: 1. No pass, no play - I think this is the number 1 reason. 2. Injuries on the Varsity and JV teams 3. Due to numbers that come out, most freshmen move up to JV or Varsity. I have seen that happen on the 4A level many times, due to the no pass, no play rule.
  18. I have to go with LCM on this one.  Ozen will have a little more incentive since it's homecoming. However, I still pick LCM by 10.
  19. Prediction: PNG by 14 I think that Nederland has too many distractions, and losing to Vidor only compounded the issues. PNG is a solid team, and as someone else pointed out, a play here or there, and they could easily be 4-0, or at worst, 2-2.
  20. I am pulling for Central and hope that they win. I don't think that people are underestimating Central's defense based upon their performances against WB & PAM. I think it's as Badndn pointed out, that Central has had problems with teams that run misdirection, even when they had a very good defense, such as they have had the last couple of years.  However, losing the LB core that they had last year, they are definitely not as strong in that area, and your LBs definitely have to be disciplined and play assignment football against a team that runs a lot of misdirection. The keys for Central to win, imo: [list] [*]Force, or hold Livingston into 3 and out early in the game [*] [/list] [list] [*]Don't give up the big play [*] [/list] [list] [*]Score and stay ahead of Livingston, and force them to pass. [*] [/list]
  21. WOW!!!  I did not attend the game, but I picked Ozen.  However, I identified 3 things that Central needed to do to win, and it looks like they did all 3. 1. The first and most important was to run out of the I formation and setup the play action pass. 2. Keep Ozen's QB in the pocket and play assignment football 3. Special teams - do a much better job on kickoffs and Kickoff returns. Congratulations to Central.  I knew that they had the talent, it was just a matter of execution. The biggest difference was running out of the I - formation.  That is Central's id. The linemen are accustomed to run blocking, which is a totally different blocking scheme from the spread. I don't know what happened at half time, but it appears that Central made adjustments and Ozen didn't. Congratulations.  Good job Jags.
  22. When I read the reply by Lack, the first thing that jumped out at me was this: "The way the situation actually happened was Ben Jones, Austin Dial, and I  were all talking on the sideline during practice about Dionte Forney. What was said was that we thought it was wrong for the coaches to use Carson (Raines) and toss him to the sideline when they didn’t need him anymore." First, Lack, and the other players disrespected the Coaches by stating that the coaches just used Raines and tossed him to the side. The coaches didn't use Raines and toss him to the sideline when they didn't need him anymore.  Raines only played because the starter was injured.  If Forney had not been injured he might have still been 2nd string, or on the JV.  In College, and in the Pros, when the starter goes down, the backup knows that when the starter is healthy and cleared to play, that the starter will be re-inserted into the starting lineup.  They are not just using the backup and tossing them to the side, they know their role.  They might be called upon again, who knows.  That's how it works on every team.  The samething happened in the UT vs Texas Tech game.  Tech switched out QBs, and it's up to the coach to make that decision. Raider81, I have to disagree with you regarding Forney going to the coach.  I believe it was the right thing to do because, there was an issue, and this type of issue needed to be addressed.  The same as in the movie Remember the Titans.  As a player, if you notice an issue, especially dissention among several players, then you should bring it to the attention of the head coach.  Lack did the wrong thing by bringing his dad into the issue.  It should have been kept in house and dealt with among the team, which is what Coach Neuman tried to do.  He called a meeting among the players that complained so that they could bridge the gap. I played football in High School and if I had an issue and told the coach what my dad said, or his opinion, what Coach Neuman said would be considered a compliment compared to what the coach probably would have told me, or he would have said the exact same thing that Lack alleged that Neuman said to him.  Kids and parents don't run the team.  This isn't Pop Warner.  It's High School football.  If you have an issue, you keep it in house, and resolve it among the team.  Ok, ok, Let's get back to football.  I hope that Nederland uses this as a rallying point.  It would be great.
  23. Dogs2X2, well said; great summation.  I agree that he not only quit on Forney, which isn't as bad, but he quit on his team mates and his coaches.  That is not good.  Neuman is a veteran coach and I think that he will be fine.  He has to stand with his principles and convictions. BobbyMcgee, I posted in another thread, that this could be a turning point or turnaround for Nederland.   And it could be a blessing in disguise that they are playing at Vidor.  You never want this to happen, especially starting district.  But, to have this happen, and to have your opponent be Vidor, and playing at Vidor, could actually work in their favor.  They probably will not have as many fans as they definitely would if the game was at home in Nederland, and they can focus more on the game instead of all of the distractions. I would love to see Nederland win and use this as a momentum builder.  However, a loss, in my opinion, would be disastrous.  I don't know about Forney's attitude, demeanor, or leadership skills, but that is left up to Coach Neuman and his coaching staff.  Apparently they believe that Forney is the better choice right now, to win and make the playoffs.
  24. I was wondering what happened.  Thanks for the explanation Scooter.  :)
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