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Posts posted by 44stack

  1. The MVP choice is selected by the 8 men that have the most knowledge of the game and the players. The athletic directors/ head football coaches. We are just fans and may not catch all of the little things that the players do. The award is not for best athlete or for the most D1 offers, or who had the most highlights on the tailgate party. The coaches have the most direct knowledge of who has earned that pick. I didn't go see Newton the week that Kountze played Kirbyville so I went to watch that game. Kirbyville blew Kountze out and shut Kountzes offense down. That game is on video for other coaches to see. I'm sure that was noticed. Also, coaches look at defense and special teams. I'd take a great two way player over a flashier one way player any day. I never got a chance to see EC or the other schools in the district, just that one game. I'm sure that whatever the picks are that it was well discussed at the all district meeting.
  2. Before the EC-LRA game, you were posting: "GO BUMBLEBEES!" Now you are trying to bet that EC loses by 14 or more.
    You think that equates to "improving facilities"? Spare me the BS. EC's facilities are more than fine. You just don't like SETX, So don't try to treat your opposition to SETX like some kind of noble endeavor to "improve facilities".

    Great post!

    He doesn't matter to anyone. Just a negative miserable person I guess.
  3. If either party thinks that they have a lock on the government then they are in for a huge letdown. Politics is cyclical. Whining about low turnout is an excuse. The Dems should have done a better job of getting their supporters out.
  4. Mine went up as well. My deductible also increased. Now Gruber, the architect of Obamacare is basically saying that they pulled the wool over the eyes of the American people ( which we knew all along) and Pelosi lies and says she's never heard of him! Obama has been a sham since day 1.
  5. Lame duck. Obama got shellacked the other night. Or rather his policies did. After all, he is the one that said his policies were on the ballot. What an embarrassing rout of a defeat it was for him. Even his home (blue)state of Illinois elected a Rep Governor over one that Obama campaigned for. He's the emperor with no clothes.
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