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Posts posted by 44stack

  1. Newton Eagle here bucko!

    Don't remember HD ever handing Newton their hind end. 

    What is HD's mascot again?  I can't remember. 

    We'll play Newton anytime they want. Word was we were trying to get Newton when Kountze didnt' want any after the Hurricane. The Bobcats may not beat Newton, but I guarentee you them Eagles would know they were in a game when it was over. Here's some history for you as well sir.....

    Since 1950: Hull-Daisetta and Newton have played a total of six times.

    The series is knotted at 3 wins each!

    Total Points scored : Newton - 64  Hull-Daisetta - 68

    That's about as close as you can get. We ain't scared though, i promise ya that!!

    Since 1950???? LOL  How many times has HD played Newton since 1980?????  Ain't scared my arse.  Newton would know that Daisetta was there?  Newton beat Buna 55-10 last year who beat Daisetta by over 50.  Daisetta wouldn't even be a speedbump. 

  2. I agree this will decide the district championship. H-D will win the district followed by Evadale and who cares who finishes third, will be West Hardin probably. H-D should go deep in to the playoffs.

    i agree with you on the district outcome but i do not believe that HD will go deep in the playoffs no offense  HD is good for the district but the district is extremely weak probably 1 of the weakest districts in the state.

    What are you smoking !!! H-D NO OFFENSE !!! H-D is a great offensive team averaging over 30 points a game and lead by soon to be district MVP Aaron Cook. Also remember H-D has two victories over two 2A teams and still is averaging over 30 points a game. LOL NO OFFENSE !!! We will crush Evadale and West Hardin. Blow outs !!!  H-D had no problem beating bigger schools in preseason,while Evadale and West Hardin played and may have beaten the South Texas school for the blind. H-D will breeze through this pile of garbage district.

    So if Hd wins it all are they the "garbage king"?  Y'all can always play Newton if ya'll think y'all are bad enough.  No respect, fear or love forthcoming. 

  3. hey newtonjb shut your trap whats done is done we will win this district but you will not win yours. kirbyville wins that one and yes our seniors were on the sideline and yes newton whooped us. kountze ? please. they only thing you will beat EC  at this year is basketball . your not even on the same level you better go play high island 

    You don't think Newton had a sophomore or two out on the field? 

  4. Did anyone else at the EC/Newton game notice the EC Seniors on the sidelines.  Makes one wonder who was coaching that game.  That was a coaching loss. or maybe the coaching was coming from the press box either way it was some of the worst coaching I have ever seen on the Buc Field.  Coach V is sidelining the core of his team, sidelining the heart of his team, makes you wonder.  I am a Buc Fan and support those boys, THEY ARE GREAT, DEDICATED PLAYERS but after last night I question the Buc coaches.


  5. Just to set the story straight. Corrigan was trying to fill a schedule. Coach Armstrong at Corrigan asked Barbay specifically to play week 0. With Barbay normally not being a week 0 type of guy, he wanted to play a different week, but rest of the CC schedule was full.

    Whether you play your first game on week 0 or week 1, it's still your first game of the season.

    ANd you guys get the honor of playing a bunch of mad war eagles!  Those eagles will have you eating crow next week. 

  6. Ok, I tried to be diplomatic on my first post and not start the mouthing or trash talking, but this is Hardin and Hull-Daisetta, so lets go! Stelly and Barber should have fun, but let's not forget Villamez, he is gonna light some people up. Just ask Hardin Jefferson, they had a few kids walking to the wrong sideline after he hit them. As far as the two HD running backs, WHATEVER! I'm over 230 pounds too, I don't want any part of Hardins run defense. But, after looking at HD's TAKS scores over the last few years, I can see where they would struggle with these forums. Now, that should open things up a little on here!

    I wish I would have seen all this smack before tonight, because this is downright funny right now. That vaunted Hardin Hornet run defense let HD's big backs run through them like water through a screen. I'll go out on a limb and say HD ran for 250-300 yards, if i had to guess. I think Villamez is a good player, but he was introduced formally to Mr. Cook tonight. On more than one occasion I saw the back of poor #8's helmet be the first part of his body to make contact with the ground after The COOOKIE MONSTER rumbled right over him. Speaking of lights out, it seemed like there were a few Hornets that #69 Scotty Gilmore turned the lights out on! Stelly played tough, and was a load, but he wasn't in Aarron Cook's league tonight. Sam Elliott throwin that pretty left-handed spiral was a wonderful sight. Anyway, I'll leave it at that, and let the scoreboard do the talking. Hardin did look great in pre-game warm-ups though, I'll give 'em that! Bottom line.

    Hull-Daisetta - 27

    Hardin     -  24

    P.S. Bushpilot, if you actually know Villamez, you may want to get him some psychicatric counciling, because I'm pretty sure he's going to have nightmares about a big #7 crushing his dreams of beating HD.

    That is one of the most low class comments I have ever seen on here.

  7. Hull Daisetta beat Deweyville 2-1 in the controlled scrimmage and the 2-live quarters of play ended 0 - 0.  However, HD dominated the scrimmage on both sides of the ball, if not for 2-turnovers deep in Deweyville territority HD would have scored more points.  Deweyville's offensive total for the WHOLE scrimmage was close to negative total yards. HD is a very good, well Coached team that will do very well this year, on the other hand, Deweyville is in trouble.  Unless changes are made, Deweyville will be lucky to win 1-game this year.  Again, congrats to HD, they looked very fast, and well Coached.

    Was Deweyville beating themselves are could they just not do anything?

    Offensively you have 4-returning All-District lineman, 2-start on offense and the other 2-start on defense, we are a small 2a school, we can't afford to try and have 11-on offense and a different 11-on defense.  The offense we run is a spread offense that throws the ball, your strength is power football to take advantage of the lineman, we do not have the atheletes to run the spread offense. On defense you have a player that just finished the JV scrimmage put on the starting Defense as the strong side LB.  Just really disappointing with this being the 3rd scrimmage action to include the intra squad scrimmage to see the level of play tonight, Deweyville is better than that, but the Coach's have to give the players a chance to win by putting the best 11 on the field.  HD came to play, I don't want to take anything from them, however, Deweyville needs to wake up and recognize that unless changes are made, this will be a very long season. IMO

    Deweyville had a good coach (Bickham)but they bellyached so much that he left.  HMMMM

    Who are you talking about that "bellyached" about Coach Bickham?

    Just what was seen on here last yr griping about how he ran things.  He was a good coach.  I don't know anything about Dville's current coach.  He's probably a good one as well.  Deweyville just needs to give him time.

    Unfortunately we don't have the personnel to run his offense, I'm sure he is a good Coach, but you have to recognize your personnel limitations and strength's.

    Time will show him that. He's new to Dville.  He'll recognize what he can and can't do with his boys.  

    I hope your right Stack.

    Oh I may be dead wrong.  But I just think that he deserves a chance and any coach worth his salt will regonize what will work and what won't.

  8. Spin it all you want, but EC requested home & away the past two years, and Newton refused. NOW they accept. They did not want the possibility of being upset by a  stong EC team. Conversely, if they lost to some larger DETX school, it wouldn't be a such a big deal. After barely beating EC 14-7 (where EC led until late) in 2004, Newton avoided EC in 06' anf 07'. Call it whatever you want to call it. Thats the facts.

    LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hull Daisetta beat Deweyville 2-1 in the controlled scrimmage and the 2-live quarters of play ended 0 - 0.  However, HD dominated the scrimmage on both sides of the ball, if not for 2-turnovers deep in Deweyville territority HD would have scored more points.  Deweyville's offensive total for the WHOLE scrimmage was close to negative total yards. HD is a very good, well Coached team that will do very well this year, on the other hand, Deweyville is in trouble.  Unless changes are made, Deweyville will be lucky to win 1-game this year.  Again, congrats to HD, they looked very fast, and well Coached.

    Was Deweyville beating themselves are could they just not do anything?

    Offensively you have 4-returning All-District lineman, 2-start on offense and the other 2-start on defense, we are a small 2a school, we can't afford to try and have 11-on offense and a different 11-on defense.  The offense we run is a spread offense that throws the ball, your strength is power football to take advantage of the lineman, we do not have the atheletes to run the spread offense. On defense you have a player that just finished the JV scrimmage put on the starting Defense as the strong side LB.  Just really disappointing with this being the 3rd scrimmage action to include the intra squad scrimmage to see the level of play tonight, Deweyville is better than that, but the Coach's have to give the players a chance to win by putting the best 11 on the field.  HD came to play, I don't want to take anything from them, however, Deweyville needs to wake up and recognize that unless changes are made, this will be a very long season. IMO

    Deweyville had a good coach (Bickham)but they bellyached so much that he left.  HMMMM

    Who are you talking about that "bellyached" about Coach Bickham?

    Just what was seen on here last yr griping about how he ran things.  He was a good coach.  I don't know anything about Dville's current coach.  He's probably a good one as well.  Deweyville just needs to give him time.

    Unfortunately we don't have the personnel to run his offense, I'm sure he is a good Coach, but you have to recognize your personnel limitations and strength's.

    Time will show him that. He's new to Dville.  He'll recognize what he can and can't do with his boys.  

  10. Hull Daisetta beat Deweyville 2-1 in the controlled scrimmage and the 2-live quarters of play ended 0 - 0.  However, HD dominated the scrimmage on both sides of the ball, if not for 2-turnovers deep in Deweyville territority HD would have scored more points.  Deweyville's offensive total for the WHOLE scrimmage was close to negative total yards. HD is a very good, well Coached team that will do very well this year, on the other hand, Deweyville is in trouble.  Unless changes are made, Deweyville will be lucky to win 1-game this year.  Again, congrats to HD, they looked very fast, and well Coached.

    Was Deweyville beating themselves are could they just not do anything?

    Offensively you have 4-returning All-District lineman, 2-start on offense and the other 2-start on defense, we are a small 2a school, we can't afford to try and have 11-on offense and a different 11-on defense.  The offense we run is a spread offense that throws the ball, your strength is power football to take advantage of the lineman, we do not have the atheletes to run the spread offense. On defense you have a player that just finished the JV scrimmage put on the starting Defense as the strong side LB.  Just really disappointing with this being the 3rd scrimmage action to include the intra squad scrimmage to see the level of play tonight, Deweyville is better than that, but the Coach's have to give the players a chance to win by putting the best 11 on the field.  HD came to play, I don't want to take anything from them, however, Deweyville needs to wake up and recognize that unless changes are made, this will be a very long season. IMO

    Deweyville had a good coach (Bickham)but they bellyached so much that he left.  HMMMM

    Who are you talking about that "bellyached" about Coach Bickham?

    Just what was seen on here last yr griping about how he ran things.  He was a good coach.  I don't know anything about Dville's current coach.  He's probably a good one as well.  Deweyville just needs to give him time.

  11. Hull Daisetta beat Deweyville 2-1 in the controlled scrimmage and the 2-live quarters of play ended 0 - 0.  However, HD dominated the scrimmage on both sides of the ball, if not for 2-turnovers deep in Deweyville territority HD would have scored more points.  Deweyville's offensive total for the WHOLE scrimmage was close to negative total yards. HD is a very good, well Coached team that will do very well this year, on the other hand, Deweyville is in trouble.  Unless changes are made, Deweyville will be lucky to win 1-game this year.  Again, congrats to HD, they looked very fast, and well Coached.

    Was Deweyville beating themselves are could they just not do anything?

    Offensively you have 4-returning All-District lineman, 2-start on offense and the other 2-start on defense, we are a small 2a school, we can't afford to try and have 11-on offense and a different 11-on defense.  The offense we run is a spread offense that throws the ball, your strength is power football to take advantage of the lineman, we do not have the atheletes to run the spread offense. On defense you have a player that just finished the JV scrimmage put on the starting Defense as the strong side LB.  Just really disappointing with this being the 3rd scrimmage action to include the intra squad scrimmage to see the level of play tonight, Deweyville is better than that, but the Coach's have to give the players a chance to win by putting the best 11 on the field.  HD came to play, I don't want to take anything from them, however, Deweyville needs to wake up and recognize that unless changes are made, this will be a very long season. IMO

    Deweyville had a good coach (Bickham)but they bellyached so much that he left.  HMMMM

  12. i think that would be great. One point though, spring football is only allowed at the 3A level and up and it is only during the athletic period.  They aren't practicing football after school during the spring.  Basketball coaches can practice basketball during the period from the first day of school so they can realistically get 10-12 weeks practice before their first game.  Now before I'm attacked by the basketball Gods I realize that at small schools the basketball coach is probably coaching football and most of the players are playing football. 

    I love basketball just as much as I love football and baseball.  I think that each sport compliments the other and that true athletes should play em all.  But I don't think that basketball gets shorted on time any more than football or baseball.  The baseball coach would love to have his players earlier but usually can't because basketball isn't over, or he may even be an assistant coach in basketball. 

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