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  1. Past hour
  2. Which infielder moved to the outfield against caglianone?
  3. Today
  4. Pretty sure he was at the HF basketball camp last week. It sure didn’t last long
  5. Tigers 8 runs in first 2 innings. Over before it started 13-5 scrubbing.
  6. I believe they will be played at Barbers Hill.
  7. Yesterday
  8. that typically what happens when you get a better job offer so maybe he got one. Kinda like how somebody ran from their program cause it was tanking once Harley’s talent ran out.
  9. It will be posted the 23 of this month.. is the rumor
  10. So his tenure at Hamshire Fannett was even shorter than his dad's! I guess I get it. Hard to pass up a chance to learn from one of the masters in Josh Mitchell.
  11. 3 games, 3 walk offs. Ags are the home team tonight
  12. Kentucky hits walk off HR in the bottom of 10 for the W.
  13. Ball hit hp the middle and knocked down by the pitcher. 2nd base fields it and gets the hitter at 1st. Going to extras tied 4-4.
  14. UT alum, is this acceptable? Or, does he get a pass because he is a po💩liberal? And what’s worse, he claims to be a Reverend. I guess he follows in the footsteps of the long time community agitators, such as Sharpton, Jackson, and Farrakhan. They throw that Reverend title around loosely.
  15. This NC State vs Kentucky game is a great one. 2 outs, bottom of 9, tied 4-4. Kentucky has runners on the corners.
  16. From a Christian it drives me absolutely bonkers that DT would say those words in a church. It drives me absolutely bonkers some of the idiotic, provocative and confrontational things he says. However, when he was president he did what he could to push forth a platform that was infinitely more conducive to Christian values than the current president has. You know what though - we keep hashing out the same things. You are going to vote how you feel is best for you, and I will vote for what I feel is best for our country. Worship DT - I think not. Applaud him for what he did in office - yessir I surely will.
  17. Maybe she’ll read one of them.
  18. Biden absolutely positively supports abortion every way possible.
  19. We posted the same article at about the same time. Lmao
  20. Really???? I’ve never heard Biden say that. Here’s your two-faced idol. [Hidden Content]
  21. That’s incorrect. [Hidden Content]
  22. That 3 game stretch last year when I watched them was bad IMO 🤷🏾‍♂️ (BH, KP, MHS). The 4 game stretch the year before was worse than that (Bwood, BH, KP, MHS). Hopefully for them they're better. I'll say this: their secondary was a bit of a bright spot for em on defense last year. If they got those guys back that's a plus. 😎
  23. Biden personally doesn't believe in abortion. He has said that numerous times. Trump should be ashamed of himself
  24. Weren’t bad most weeks last year, have that DC back too
  25. Any word yet on LP's three "home" football games ? Can't see any way the new stadium will be ready in time. But it sure is going to be nice when it's finished !!
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