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  1. Past hour
  2. Dershowitz: It’s a Day After the Ruling and I Still Don’t Know What the Crime Is – Merchan Took This a Step Further than Stalin – Supreme Court Should See This Case and Reverse This Case! Maybe the legal scholar Dershowitz should contact you and you can fill him in on the crime that Trump committed. [Hidden Content]
  3. This is what is going on with Trump: Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”
  4. This was a misdemeanor wrapped around a supposed felony wrapped around another claim. It was 3 separate claims. Charging docs by the judge which has, to my knowledge, never been seen. This judge literally said to the jury: If 4 agree on the underlying felony, and 4 more of you agree on a separate underlying felony, and 4 more agree on a 3rd underlying felony, then they can add that all together and that would allow for the charging of a State misdemeanor be charge as a State felony -- even though this was well outside the statue of limitations!
  5. How did he know? He’s another Trump shill who makes his bread as a talking head. Gotta have a better source to convince me.
  6. Game day is 1 day closer! Let’s go ‘Jackets!!!!
  7. Here you go to support the claim of acting judge: At the 1:15 mark, Mark Levine, lawyer and former chief of staff to AG Ed Meese under Ronald Reagan, says he was not a full fledged judge but an "acting" judge handpicked for every Trump related case in NY city.
  8. Today
  9. That was them Antifas George Soros hired, lol. Apparently all of the trump supporters at the rally mysteriously vanished at the same instance a crowd of liberals disguised as patriots magically appeared at the same exact spot and attacked the Capitol on Nancy Pelosi’s orders. I swear, it happened. Just ask any of these people.
  10. Interesting piece ... [Hidden Content] Texas Speaker Dade Phelan turned the tide to keep,an army of campaign staffers.
  11. You didn't see those people storm the Capitol?
  12. It is illegal to use campaign funds to pay off someone. He should've used his personal funds. Democrat John Edward's was indicted for that very reason.
  13. And that’s the reason the Republican Party is dying. There is no room for compromise on any idea, period, in your mind. I’m right, everybody else is wrong… it’s my way or the highway. And Rs will just keep on losing elections. There are people who think the rich should pay higher taxes and that abortion is immoral… what are they? There are lower taxes, lower spending, 2A supporting people who also believe a woman should have a right to choose. There are proud Americans who believe in a strong border, lower debt/deficit, go to church every Sunday, but also don’t see why some dude can’t marry his boyfriend. And you think all of them are pieces of crap because they aren’t in lock step with you. News flash, buddy. Everybody else isn’t the problem… you are.
  14. Looks like the pitcher came set to me. Should have been catchers obstruction for hindering the batters opportunity at the pitch. The run should have scored. The umpires missed all the calls on the field during that play and got lucky the right thing happened in the end. The play should have been dead and bases awarded. Just like on all base awards all runners must advance to the next base or risk being called out on appeal.
  15. Why would red states need more democrats? Would it be to increase crime, raise taxes, kill more babies on demand? No thank you, there are no democrat policies I would care to embrace. Democrats have become a group to be defeated, not compromised with.
  16. I ain’t like manchin at first. But I believe this country can do more of democrats in red states and republicans in blue states. I believe you grow much as a politician when it’s your beliefs vs the people you’re responsible for representing beliefs. I believe it forces you to understand different point of views.
  17. Clearly on the video the pitcher never comes set & didn’t step off the rubber & if the batter would have swung it would have been catchers interference. But I’m no expert on that part of the catchers interference. But since it was a pitch & not a throw to home plate the batters still had the right to swing even though the catcher was in front of the plate.
  18. It’s not “smart,” it’s reading comprehension. TVC (who I was responding to) has gone on the record on the other post about Phelan stating “hopefully” in regards to Phelan losing his speakership. For and educated person (and educator, to boot), that’s a pretty ignorant sentiment, in my opinion anyways. Gone are the days of Jack Brooks, Carl Parker, etc… when you expected your local representation to “bring home the bacon.” I’d like to point out another politician from SETX with as much clout as Phelan HAD in the Texas lege, but I can’t, because we’ve never been fortunate enough to have one. And smart local people are saying “hopefully” he loses his job, to our local detriment, because of Trump, Paxton, Abbott, Patrick, and every other yayhoo, NOT FROM HERE, that wanted Phelan to stop thinking for himself. I’d like to hear from this educator of lawmen, hopefully unbiased and incorruptible… what do you think of the allegations of wrongdoing on the part of “Our General,” as the Rs like to say, Ken Paxton? Would you take the directive of politicos who told you to sit down and NOT investigate at risk of your job?
  19. I don’t think this was the instructions given by the judge. At least from what I have heard.
  20. That is incorrect. They had to be unanimous on all counts. They had to agree unanimously that the falsification was to hide another crime. They did not have to agree unanimously that it was particular crime. That’s the law in New York. Applied equally to all defendants committing such felonies.
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