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Newton Over- Rated

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Ok Wow this is a little early to throw the overated tag all over the team, They had a bad game the worst of the year and Ec played a great game. Things happen they just need to learn from this game and move on.

They arent who we thought they were so let them off the hook
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I like Hardins field also, however, I think it is way too early to start analyzing the season for the district. Lot of football left to play for all the teams. Let what happens on the field decide who is or is not worthy and who is still working on gettting to the top.
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If you think Newton is no good you need to put down the pipe and watch. Newton has 6 or 7 kids (#2,4,7,11,15,22,25) that could play on any 3A team no problem. They have a ton of talent and just because they lost to EC does not mean they are not good. Keep you heads up Newton and use that talent where it is needed. Dang this is a tough district.
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[quote name="whsalum" post="1071047" timestamp="1317490076"]
Newton had every chance to beat Silsbee is who is solid so they definitely aren't overated, EC is just solid as always.The kids at EC don't get enough credit.They just keep winning year after year.
I agree, good program down there in Winnie as always.
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[quote name="whsalum" post="1071047" timestamp="1317490076"]
Newton had every chance to beat Silsbee is who is solid so they definitely aren't overated, EC is just solid as always.The kids at EC don't get enough credit.They just keep winning year after year.
Yes we never get enough credit. The boys worked hard this week and i think they used everybody picking newton to there advantege  ;D
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