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5 Random Things about Baseball

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If you have a profile on Facebook, there's a 100 percent chance you're being bombarded with requests to write "25 Random Things" about yourself.  It's navel-gazing at its finest, but it's also perfectly suited for the blog environment.

Name 5 , I'll start it.

1. I hit 3 hr's in Little League. In the same game, Wade hit one off me, I came back and hit one off him, a hanging curveball, it was 40 yrs ago.

2. I used a lefthanded catcher once, stiil don't know why it's a taboo.

3. In a PNG baseball tournment , Jasper won it on a HR in the 18 th inning of the championship game.

4. I was behind Nolan Ryan in a breakfast buffet in Bentonville, Ark.

5. I've touched the Green Monster.

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1. played in the finals of the Pony World Series

2. been to 15 different major league parks...  San Fran, Oakland, Anaheim, LA, Yankee, Shea, Houston(dome and minutemaid), Texas (The ball park and the old one), Fenway, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Philly

3. played little league when you could wear blue jeans to games!!!  (I think we were sponsored by a liquor store..... can you imagine that happening now???)

4. played little league with a wood bat... not because it was cool. but my pops said the metal bats were too expensive

5. Think "Bingo Long and the traveling All Stars" is the greatest baseball movie ever.

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1. Saw Juan Marichal pitch and Willie Mays play Centerfield and Willie McCovy play first base at the astrodome.

2. Saw Nolan Ryan vs Steve Carlton when Nolan was only 6 strike outs ahead of Carlton for all time strikeouts. Nolan struck out around 10 and Carlton only 4 and Nolan was never challenged by Carlton again for the lead.

3. Seven is my favorite number, my favorite all time baseball players are Mickey Mantle #7 and Pete Rose #14 ( thats 7+7 ) Shows where my morals are, one was an alcholholic and the other an addicited gambler.

4. I umpired at both Olsen Field ( A&M ) and Disch-Faulk ( Texas ) in 2008. They were high school games

5. I was batting champ of Twin County Babe Ruth ( Winnie ) summer of 1974

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1.  I learned how to hit from my dad throwing whiffle balls in the front yard; sliders, knuckleballs, curveballs, screwballs, splitties, etc.   Over the powerlines was a homerun.  First base was the tree, second was the water meter, third was the expansion joint in the driveway, and home was the front porch. Sis was the catcher, she was a great foul ball getter.

2.  The worst part about juco baseball is the 15 hour bus rides; the best part about juco baseball is the 15 hour bus rides.

3.  I played in the best high school baseball game ever in this area 12 years ago.  Great players, great coaches, great fans, great memories.  We scored on a passed ball, otherwise i think the game could have went well into the night.

4.  Best player i ever played against was Albert Pujols.  You think he's good now? You should have seen him against Juco pitching.

5.  I've homered in 8 big 12 ballparks, 9 if you count the conference tourney in OKC.

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Guest Orangeboy

1. Played for one of the greatest high school baseball coaches this state has ever seen in Coach Young.

2. My first varsity win came against Beau Hale when we were both sophomores. My last came against PNG. (man I love beating those Indians 8))

3. Saw the first closed roof game at Enron Field (against the Rangers).

4. Was on a team back in Little League (Dodgers) that won back to back titles.

5. Baseball has given me many nicknames through the years, as I have given many others out as well. Still run into some of the guys and can't remember their real name but never forget the nickname.  ;D

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1. Circle can attest to this, I was not good at baseball a single bit. I really did not even enjoy playing the game yet I love the game of baseball and it is by far my favorite sport.

2. I have seen every NL team in Houston, some more than once.

3. My parents became friends with Denny Walling of the Astros when we lived in Bay City. We used to talk to him for a while after home games.

4. I have a scrapbook I put together when I was 6 years old of the 1986 Astros.

5. I'm an Astros fan by birth but somehow along the line grew to love the Yankees at an early age. I don't know why but something drew me to them when I was about 5 or 6.

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1. 50 yrs ago I chased HR balls landing in Ave A comming out of the Bmt Exporters field.                                        2. 47 yrs ago I played ny first LL game in Minglewood park and went to my first Big League game Colt 45s v/s Cards (Stan Musial)                                                                                                                                          3. 22yrs ago coached my oldset sons first game and I was a nervious wreck!!!                                                  4. 10 yrs ago I watched my yougest son pitch against Albert Pujois with the winning team advancing to the JUCO series, Pujois went 0-3 with 2ks, 1 week later I watched my son pitch complete game at the series, saw Techsun17 trotting around bases with a huge smile. I was a nervous wreck at both games.                                                  5. Last summer I watched my grandson play his first LL game. I was a nervous wreck

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Saw Bobby Tolan hit a foul ball in the Astrodome---umpire signaled HR and he ran the bases laughing.

My Asto Buddy --Pitcher lost two games in the same day.

Saw Hank Aaron hit two home runs in the same inning.

Saw Alan Ashby smuggle two Budweisers out of the Dome in his socks.

Once saw a Drunk at minute maid park which indicates that he was once a wealthy man.

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1.  My youth baseball teams were the astros, the Cubs, and the astros again.

2.  I'm a RANGERS and Cubs fan.  I hate the astros!!!

3.  I've hung out with Mickey Hatcher a few times, after games, and loved all of his stories. 

4.  I've been to the following ballparks: astrodome, minutemaid, Dell Diamond, Arlington Stadium, The Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Dr. Pepper Ballpark, Wrigley Field, Miller Park, Turner Field, Jacobs Field, Great American Ballpark, Aviator Field, Camden Yards, Prince George's Stadium, Ripken Stadium, and Nationals Park.

5.  I've been to many(over 30) professional baseball games and have never caught a HR or foul ball.

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1. I love the CUBS and the Rangers!! Can't stand the 'stros.

2.  I struck out 4 times in my final HS game, a playoff game in Austin. (2 swinging, 2 looking, they were both outside!!)

3. I've been in the Rangers clubhouse before and after a game.

4.  I saw Don Mattingly's 8th consecutive game with a HR at the old Arlington Stadium.

5.  I played Pony league for the Maroons, whatever that means.

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1.  My high school won 46 straight district games over 4 years, including regional in 1978.  There was no state tourney for 2A then.

2.  My high school baseball coach was fired the next year because he couldn't get along with the head football coach.

3.  My best memories are watching my kid play at West End Little League.(we did some select also, but I don't care for the travel).

4. I also pull for the Rangers(even though I haven't lived near Dallas for 25 years)

5. I hope the Aggies win the College World Series this year.

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Guest JoesBros

1. Lifelong Astros fan.

2. Got Lance Berkmans autograph at Vincent-Beck when he was at Rice. Asked him if he wanted to play for the Astros and he said "no because Jeff Bagwell played first base" Two months later he got drafted by the Stros.

3. Been to a million Astros game in my life and never gotten a foul ball!

4. In high school became friends with Corey Cephus (right fielder for Lamar) and started his fan club sitting on the first base side at the Beck call the dog pound. Everytime he ran by we would bark lol.

5. My cousin's brother in law is Ryan Theriot who plays for the Chicago Cubs. He also scored the winning run the last time LSU won the College World series.

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1. I threw 4 no hitters my senior year of high school.

2. I've hit a walk off homer. That's funny because I wasn't the best hitter.

3. I get more nervous watching my children play a regular game than any game or situation that I've ever been in.

4. I played for one of if not the best coach this area has ever seen, Ronnie Anderson.

5. I was offered a scholarship that Nolan Ryan pays for at Alvin Jr. College.

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1.  Saw the longest homerun in a juco game at a double-a ballpark, an armpit high 88-mph fastball hit by a teammate named Josh Early.  It hit the top of the light standard in left center and had just reached it's highest point when it slammed the standard at the top (375 to the fence in the gap).  Pic of the stadium

This is the hidden content, please
.  He hit over 25 home runs in a 35 game schedule, but alas, could not hit a curveball but would always swing at them.

2.  Was lucky enough to play on more winning baseball teams than losing ones from little league through JUCO.

3.  Played with or against about 25 guys that played some form of pro ball, including a few that made it to the show.

4.  Saw a shortstop take a line drive to the top of the head the year before -5 bats became illegal to use in JUCO conference.  He was playing halfway with a guy at second and third and a left hander smashed an outside fastball at him.  Couldn't get a glove up in time, ball hit him in the high forehead area and went 20 ft. up in the air.  Removed a piece of hair and skin.

5.  Hope the steriods don't ruin my favorite game.  When I was in JUCO, about 6 of my team mates did a cycle or two of deca during the summer.  They were on the cusp of getting into a decent D1 school and felt they needed it to make that jump.  Half were pitchers trying to recover quicker and make more appearances, not people trying to bulk up and smash baseballs.

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1.  my little league coach would drink beer while hitting us infield...  true story.

2.  got hit in my right testicle by a line drive while pitching a game for my son's 8 year old team ( in front of a crowd! )

3.  don't watch MLB on television until October

4.  had a high school teammate that used leather work gloves as batting gloves

5.  hit .485 my senior year....  not really

sorry, but I still can't get over number 1

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5 things about Nolan Ryan:

1.  Went to the 1st ever Nolan Ryan Day...in 1968 in Alvin, Texas.  Got his autograph along with the scout who signed him (Red Murff).

2.  Got to babysit his kids when I was in HS/College...which meant that I got to sit on his back porch and drink a beer with him while he was waiting for his wife to get ready.  His wife (Ruth), by the way, was a state champion tennis player.

3.  My dad (a retired judge) mediated a case for him involving somebody using Nolan's likeness of pocketknives.  His fee?  My dad got some of the knives...and gave me one.

4.  The centerpiece trophy in his home in Alvin?  All tournament in basketball at the West Columbia tournament.

5.  Got invited and went to his 50th birthday party in Gruene, Texas.  Neal McCoy was the lead entertainment.

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1. Was a bat boy for the Golden Gators one year. Cooliest thing ever.

2. 13 year old all-star team played at Olsen field (A&M) for the state championship and had to lose two games, and we did. That sucked.

3. My dad called time out in a little league game and whipped me on the pitchers mound for back talking him. True story and my friends still jack with me about that.

4. Got into a fight at The Palace with the Lumberton Little league all-star players after we (Amelia) beat them like 26-1. Of course we started it.

5. Enjoyed playing little league all the way through high school baseball. Good memories.

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1. Been in the Yankees clubhouse and saw Babe Ruth's and Thurman Munson's actual lockers. (The only lockers that remained in tact since the last time they were used. Sad to see Munson's. Really sad to see all that go, even though I hate the Yankees.)

2. Hit a walk-off homerun, Grandslam, 2-run, and 3-run shot. Never hit a solo shot. I do it big.

3. Thrown 3 no-hitters.

4. In little league, recorded all but 1 out off of a strikeout.

5. Over 15 years of playing experience.

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1. I played one year of organized baseball in my whole life...JV for Jasper in the '91 season. I was used primarily as a starting pitcher and my ERA was something just short of infinity. It was bad, but I never had more fun playing any sport.

2. I had one hit that whole season. It was in my first at-bat against Newton. I was born with a mild form of CP and all things considered, was a pretty decent athlete...but I had no concept for hitting a moving baseball. I was DH'd for in almost every game I played because of this. Despite my "help", we won half of our games that year.

3. I was here in Seattle to see the 116-win season in 2001. It seemed like the M's won every night.

4. I lived in Denver and witnessed the birth of the Colorado Rockies in 1993. The years of the Blake Street Bombers (Bichette, Galarraga, Walker, Castilla...) were fun to watch. Coors Field and Safeco are beautiful ballparks.

5. The 1986 Astros were my favorite team ever. Mike Scott and Nolan Ryan both pitched on that team...

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1.  Threw 3 no hitters in varsity ball. 2 in one yr....and had a 7 RBI game against Warren my Jr yr...3-run dinger, 3-run triple, and 1 RBI double...yep 3-4 missed out on the cycle, and I was a doubles machine! >:(

2. Touched Pesky's Pole at Fenway(greatest stadium ever)...Didn't have a sharpie or I would have signed it like everyone else!

3.  Never got an actual ball at a pro game until my daughter made her first ever trip to a game at 2 yrs old....That's my luck....still have it on the mantle...Thanks Ryan Howard!

4.  Made Sportcenter in 98 when Bagwell hit game tying HR to left field against the Cards in the Dome...was on the first row and the ball landed about 2 feet from a buddies outstreched glove ball went into the fake flowers...Also saw McGwire hit #32 of his record breaking season in that game!  Still have it on tape somewhere around here.

5.Called my shot in Summer league in HS...was ticked that the coached scratched me from pitching the game and when we were in the dugout in the top of the 2nd (hitting clean-up) I told my teammates that I was hitting the first pitch out.  Played the game in the Buna Sr league field...My dad found the ball across Hwy 62...Yep went through the trees in RC and across the hwy...longed HR I ever hit....teammates said the ball was still climing when it left the park and that I should get PO'd more often...They liked to warn the other team as I went to bat in other games..."Big hitter"!!!!  Scoot back...scoot back!

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5 Things I saw in the Astrodome :

1) Will Clark's first Major League At Bat - a HR off Nolan Ryan.

2) Mike Schmidt hit a ball that bounced off a speaker hanging in CF - only got a single.

3) Dwight Gooden's first Major League start at 19 years old.

4) Andre Dawson hit a HR into the sky boxes.

5) Ken Forsh pitching a no-hitter (My friend, DB, and I ran onto the field after the game - We took the rosin bag, which he still has)

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5 Things I saw in the Astrodome :

1) Will Clark's first Major League At Bat - a HR off Nolan Ryan.

2) Mike Schmidt hit a ball that bounced off a speaker hanging in CF - only got a single.

3) Dwight Gooden's first Major League start at 19 years old.

4) Andre Dawson hit a HR into the sky boxes.

5) Ken Forsh pitching a no-hitter (My friend, DB, and I ran onto the field after the game - We took the rosin bag, which he still has)

1.  My first time to see a game there:  I had tickets from a PF Flyers promo (remember those shoes?).  After the game, they had a guy with a jet pack flying all around the top fo the Dome.

2.  Saw Ryan's 5th no-hitter.  Sat on the top row of the old yellow seats.  Because we did not want to jinx it, my buddy and I didn't get up from the 5th inning on (even the bathroom).  Try that after a few Dome Foamers...

3.  Saw all 3 balls that were hit into the upper deck (yellow)...Doug Rader, Jimmy Wynn and a LH hitter whose name escapes me.

4.  The greatest game I ever saw?  Game 6 vs. Mets in '86 playoffs.  I still remember how loud the place was when Hatcher homered to tie it up...and how quiet it was when we lost.

5.  I was also there in Game 5 (when it was a 5 game series) when the Astros lost to the Phillies.  Ryan had the lead late but Gregg Gross (former Astro) bunted to get a rally started...I think the 'Stros should have paid me to stay home.

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1. suspended last day of my senior year, got caught drinking beer at dome on a student gov trip.

2. wore blue jeans in little league

3. struck out with bases loaded in 12 yr old allstar game to end the game

4. coached or just made lineup, some would say, of a 16 yr old world series championship team

5. broke down on way to ruston, la.,  old man on porch helped me out. he was Lou Brock's uncle. we talked for 2 hours about

baseball and Lou, hated to leave.   

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