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The Biggest Hit You Ever Saw?

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It's hard to pick one but I tell you some of the biggest hits come from blocks on special teams. I can tell you from experience, those blind sided shots, running full speed really ring your bell. ::4 You know the ones I'm talking about where the first thing to hit the ground is the back of the helmet.

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Well so far that's four different hits remembered from four different people all dished out by Robert Melich from BC. It says here that boy could lay the lumber!

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In a preseason game between the Houston Oilers and Washington Redskins, Eugene Seale (played HS ball at Jasper) plastered a guy who was returning a punt. It was probably the hardest hit I ever saw. He connected helmet to helmet, and shoulder to sternum in one solid blow. The player was out for several minutes.

Eugene Seale had many memorable hits in his college and (short) NFL career.

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I'm showing my age here..........1972, Port Arthur SFA vs. BC at Memorial stadium. SFA kicks to BC, Bo Worrell takes the ball to the right and SFA linebacker Broussard went through his earhole. I thought he was dead. Later found out that BC trainer, Mo Litton thought he was dead too! Bo was out for a few minutes and when he come to, asks Mo, "did I hurt him, coach?"

Sounds like Shorty Broussard Swamppie.......

1983 SFA vs. Woodville. My buddie and weak side DE Marvin Ned catches Burt Murchinson under the chin after Burt missed a flare pass and Mr. Murchinson got up draggin his head on the ground.... We won 14-0

2001 Ozen vs. Nederland when Tony Ward laid out what's his face at WR caught him looking up for a pass and I saw Tony peel off his drop and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shyt here it comes.... I taped that hit from TV and played it over and over again...

Ozen's first victory 26-13 I believe the score was

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In a preseason game between the Houston Oilers and Washington Redskins' date=' Eugene Seale (played HS ball at Jasper) plastered a guy who was returning a punt. It was probably the hardest hit I ever saw. He connected helmet to helmet, and shoulder to sternum in one solid blow. The player was out for several minutes.

Eugene Seale had many memorable hits in his college and (short) NFL career.[/quote']

Yes, Eugene was a monster. Playing in the NFL at 5-9 or so at 250 pounds, he could hurt folks.

A short NFL career, yes, but I think he played five seasons. That always seemed pretty good to me for someone that the old SWC did not even recruit.

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For Jasper's Big Red Bryant, how about the hit he put on that Cameron Yoe QB? It ended Billy Pittman's high school QB career. They moved him to receiver after that open field hit by Bryant. Pittman seemed literally frozen in his tracks, and Big Red didn't stop until Pittman was flattened.

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Was the receiver Askew??? I think I remember that hit... amazingly he walked off the field somehow.

Yeah but he wasn't no mo good after that lick. He stumbled to the sideline and was replaced on the punt team. That was the play of the game.....

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Guest Bridge City Card
in 1987 quentin tezeno threw a block on a rockwall defender in the state championship game. the guy was going to tackle tremaine lewis but tezeno came in from the blind-side and leveled the defender. speaking of that game' date=' can anyone remember what famous high school coach was an assistant on the rockwall coaching staff in 1987? answer is Southlake Carroll's Todd Dodge. 8)[/quote'] Heard about that one.
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Thanks WOS95 for the story........that kid from Vidor was me! Gayron Allen hit me so hard I did not know where I was.......Then coach comes over and asked me what happened....I said "YOU DIDNT SEE, I GOT THE

S*** KNOCKED OUT OF ME"...He also hit me in the back earlier in the game and I thought my spine shattered....hardest hitter I have ever played against

two more comes to mind though.......In the playoffs when PNG and Lamarque played the year PNG went to the state finals..........Chris Gohlke hit a Lamarque receiver coming across the middle(so hard it hurt me).....the ball was not even there and gohlke drills this poor kid and he had to be carted off...he was called for pass int ......the best was after though.....gohlke comes to the sidelines and it looks like burnett is cursing him out.... but then you see burnett pat him on the butt as if to say good job.....it was priceless!

Last, Brian Smith, a RB for Vidor was hit on a sweep play and he was cut for a flip....I believe it was in 1997 at LCM...... they showed that play atleast 20 times on the tailgate party.

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against vidor in 1999' date=' a kid from vidor was hit by gayron allen so hard that as he came off the field he could not run straight.[/quote']

I remember that one. Also did anyone see the hit in the FSU vs. Miami game in 2003. It was raining hard and Miami WR Roscoe Parrish ran an out pattern and never saw the FSU CB Stanford Samuels coming. As soon as Parrish caught the ball he got hit and water flew everywhere. The ball flew out on a perfectly legal, but viscous hit. Both players where out for a few minutes. Great hit.

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Guest Nederland Bulldogs
Mart's Quan Cosby Hit Ben Wilkerson on a botched snap so hard all you saw was his feet. Quan weighed 180. Ben weighed 280.
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Saw one on tape. Can't remeber exact year around 90. WOS in playoff game. Other team was in green and gold. Dump pass to TE down the seem. TE tips it up to himself. Worst thing he could have done. 5 DB's and LB's hit him at the exact and i mean exact same time from different angles. Helmet and ball went straight up. think it may have knocked more than one person out.

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