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Banner Posted at BH-Bellville Game


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Guest tigersvoice

'Scuse me - I did not see the whole banner.  YES! It is offensive.  And I'm disappointed too.  I'm from Eagle Lake, Texas which is not too far from Bellville.  Eagle Lake and Bellville competed when I was in school.  Bellville then "WAS GOOD PEOPLE!"  Don't know what happened.

I don't understand the banner.  What is your interpretation of what it means or implies?

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Guest kingme2007

This entire topic is very typical.  EVERYTHING that is said, written or done makes some poor soul just ache at his/her very core. :'(  No matter how insignificant it is.

We all should take ourselves a lot less seriously.

Or maybe next time you see something like this; rather than glare at it with hate filled rage:

1) push the second grade class that colered in the big bubbled offensive letters out of the way, 2) rip the horrible atrocity from its roots, 3)  tear it to shreds!!, and 4) pat yourself on the self-righteous back for saving us from wickedness!

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thats because they are sore losers i mean come on i would dare them to bring that to a ned games or png game or at that any 22 4-a schools.... they would get so let down. i mean come on they can't even spell......

Key word there being "4-A". Get off your high horse and talk smack to someone in your own classification. I mean seriously your smack talking gets ridiculous sometimes. It's about as stupid as a senior talking garbage to a first grader. Play your own game and stay outta everyone elses!!!

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There is an exception to every rule and yes there are some 2A schools that would be competitive in a higher class. But let's get real here. . .those classes are there for a reason and that reason was not for the rare exception. Plus starter vs starter, may be a great comparison for classless football, but when you play a 5A and their 4th string is as good as your first. . .they are gonna wear you down in the 4th quarter.

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As far as the banner, the principal of the school sent his apologies and stated they were unaware of it being displayed during the game.  With the host school losing so badly, I'm sure the banner wasn't considered a valued memento and end up in the trash not in the classroom as an example of rhyming literature. 

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