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Umpires today in Little League communities are mainly parents, retired construction workers, etc...I have seen 1st hand this year how poor umpiring can hurt young children in later years..Ex) 1 Strike Zone problems, I saw an umpire call balls in the dirt strikes to a certain 10 yr old hitter, the very next game the kid was swinging at those same pitches because in his mind, because of the previous umpire, they were strikes. I could go on and on about this but I wanted everyone elses opinion on whether umpires should have it a little tougher in order to join a chapter..especially for little league!! ???

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Most leagues are just happy to have someone out there that they can call an UMP.  It isn't a career, and is a mostly thankless job.  You are right umps do need more training, but most of these people are already full-time workers.  I think the leagues should take the loud-mouth hotheads who cause so much turmoil and make them ump a few games to get a good dose of reality.

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It would be in the best interest of all Little League organizations to put their umpires AND coaches through training before every season.  Not only that but hold the "fans", mommy and daddy, to a higher standard.  I have been witness to many "fans" getting out of hand toward both thier sons and daughters coaches as well as the officials.

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Most leagues are just happy to have someone out there that they can call an UMP.  It isn't a career, and is a mostly thankless job.   You are right umps do need more training, but most of these people are already full-time workers.  I think the leagues should take the loud-mouth hotheads who cause so much turmoil and make them ump a few games to get a good dose of reality.

I agree totally.  The umpires get absolutley no respect.  They are human and mistakes are going be made, big deal. Get used to it that is life, little Johnny will survive.  In Hamshire we were lucky if ANY umpires showed up at the games.  Alot of times it ended up being someone's daddy.  I think we should all thank these guys for giving up their spare time to help out out kids.  The leagues need to step in and remove these out of control parents.
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I know from 1st hand experience that umpires do go through traing because there are 4 umpires in my family, and yes it is also a very thankless job but there are those who you give thanks everyonce in awhile.

Most of the time it takes practice going out and standing behind the plate calling those balls and strikes. Just like it takes practice to get up there and hit the ball at any age it is not an easy thing to do. However you are right some umpires just suck at it and will never get better so if the league no longer wants a particular umpire because of that reason then they should scratch that umpire. But just remember there are some that are good but still has a bad game here and there.  Like mentioned before some of these men go to work at 5 in the morning then rush to a 5:15 ballgame with nothing to eat, listen to a bunch of parents whom either don't want to take the time to help out in any situation weather it be umpiring, coaching, or helping in the concession stand but love to give there opions on everything and they them self couldn't call a strike if you put it straight over the bag for them. Then the 7:15 ballgame begins and they have to listen to more jurks all over agian.

Some of these men do umpire for the love of the game and others do it because their families would not eat if they didn't make the money they are paid to umpire these games.  Some of these men work full time jobs but still can't make ends meat if it weren't for umpiring, they get no time off, work 7 days a week from 5am til 10pm and haven't had a vacation ever.

Cut them some slack and give them a pat on the back because I have a strong feeling that the ones complaining have never had to work that hard just to keep food in their kids mouth and clothing on their backs. And believe me those men also enjoy watching your kids grow up playing baseball and would never do anything to hurt them and your children will grow up loving and respecting those men and will always remember them long after you are gone.

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I agree with DKER. Some good ones and some bad ones. But there are more people contributing to the problem rather than a solution. More people need to get involved and get certified. If you can't, teach your child how to handle it. Teach them to respect authority. When they offer a clinic for umpires, go to it. Even if you are not an umpire. I went to a clinic offered by Harold Hearn just to check it out and it made me a better coach and a better spectator. I agree that some umps should not be out on a field making decisions, but it's like culling fish from the live well, we got to catch bigger fish to release the smaller ones. Get involved.

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High school umps and little leauge umps are 2 completely different things.For years the umps in Tyler county are kids off the local high school teams.There is an occasional grown up that works a game if it's a contest between 2 of the better teams.For the most part the kids do a good job of calling.It always amazed me that the parents that complained the loudest never coached,umped or worked in the concession stands.

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Little League and High School are different in many ways. True Little League is all volunteer no matter what the level. We do put all of our new umpires through a first year training class that runs for most of the high school season. In high school we also must pass a fifty question test each year along with extra training that we get at our state convention each year. Right now in the Beaumont Chapter we have 90 umpires to cover 43 schools. With how people work and the number that can only call a limited amount of games it is amazing how we cover all of the games. We do lose officials every year because they say they do not want to put up with all the yelling at them at games. No matter what the sport it takes a person with a certain personality and focus to officiate any sport. I have been a player, a coach, and a fan of baseball for many years, 42 years of at least one of the mentioned. Now as a high school umpire the past 14 years, I see the game from even a different perspective as I did as a player, coach, or player. The only constant in all of these is... IT IS JUST A GAME. The losers don't go before a firing squad.

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being an umpire myself, i had 18 years of training from my dad....hes been umpiring for about 30 years....and yes, little league is almost solely voluntary....but alot of those little league umpires actually umpire high school as well....my dad being one of them. although very little training was givin to me for little league(to be honest i got 2 different other than my dad...1-i sat down with the head umpire of the league i was calling and he explaind to me everything i needed to know in about 15 minutes...and the other time i was given a handout), hight school umpires must do SO MUCH MORE....they have their meetings, they have to take a pretty tough test(trust me ive seen it....its definately not easy), and they have to pay their dues! umpin is a tough job but sombodys gotta do it! lol...

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This is the type of subject that shows exactly what is wrong with the world today!


I would love it if umpires got on here and bashed kids for missing easy pop flys, not laying bunts down, missing signals,  etc.  That is what loses games.... not umps.

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there are two things i cant stand when i call little league games...

1:coaches sittin on the side trying to call balls and strikes..if its outside and the catcher doesnt move his glove its still a ball he could frame it all day, and the coaches think its right down the middle...(umpire officials are now telling people to warn coaches before the game starts and they can be tossed if they argue the strike zone)

2: some little league mommy thinking her kid is the greatest and cant have any wrong done to him.  telling me or anyone else that has been around the game all their life how to make a call.

my favorite little league rule out of the rule book

"all calls including balls strikes out safe fair or fould are final and cannot be argued by a coach player or fan "  ;D

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I've umpired a few games, my favorite was a Llittle League a few years back. It was the Tigers vs Yankees on a hot summer day.

It was my turn to do the bases, game tied late in the game. Tigers hit a lazy fly down the 1st base line, I get in position to see if it will land fair or foul. The ball hits in fair territory so I give the signal fair and point towards fair territory, batter ends up at second.

Tigers end up scoring and winning the game. As usual, us umpires head to concession stand to get our pay, cheesburger and fries. But before I get to put in my order, momma taps me on shoulder, and as I remember pretty darn hard and commences to cuss me like I've never been cussed before.

Reason.....She said I was telling the runner to go 2nd base by signaling him when the ball landed fair.

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I've umpired a few games, my favorite was a Llittle League a few years back. It was the Tigers vs Yankees on a hot summer day.

It was my turn to do the bases, game tied late in the game. Tigers hit a lazy fly down the 1st base line, I get in position to see if it will land fair or foul. The ball hits in fair territory so I give the signal fair and point towards fair territory, batter ends up at second.

Tigers end up scoring and winning the game. As usual, us umpires head to concession stand to get our pay, cheesburger and fries. But before I get to put in my order, momma taps me on shoulder, and as I remember pretty darn hard and commences to cuss me like I've never been cussed before.

Reason.....She said I was telling the runner to go 2nd base by signaling him when the ball landed fair.

HAHA...this is y parents should stay outta it....ive had situations where parents from the losing side talk crap about me behind my back....but loud enough to hear.....and a minute later a different parent of the same team comes up shakes my hand and tells me i called a good game.....i cant stand the ones that talk behind my back, they should say it to my face! and just a reminder to the parents.......ITS NOT THE WORLD SERIES, ITS LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL!

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I am not saying that umpires are all bad/good/ or in between..I was just asking what people thought about umpire training...I know they dont get much respect from parents, coaches, etc...but I do think parents and coaches would respect umpires much more if they knew hours were spent being taught the game. I know umpires are human and that they make mistakes like everyone else but they get $$ for doing what they do so why not do it right...and even if it is a second job for most umpires or people who ae retired, if they dont have the time or patience for taking a few training classes, noone is forcing them to umpire period....We have had some very good umpires in my baseball experiences, no doubt but to say they are all great and that young children arent being punished for umpire ignorance is a stretch...

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They are training it is called on the job training and like I said earlier some just don't get it but the kids are not suffering because of it.

If you look at it on the other hand coaches should go through training before they or allowed to coach because in the last 19 years I have seen some really stupid coaches that IMO could not coach their way out of a wet paper sack.

Also parents should go through training before the are allowed to watch a game because many of them don't know the rules but think they do and make big fools out of themselves when they open their mouth to complain about the umpires.

It's little league, it is a time to have fun and learn the game of baseball and for the umpires it is also a time for them to learn how to ump so they can move on to do high school games and college after that, and guess what even the pro's.

Just like the players are striving for something better so or the umpires.

I suggest that those who have never done it before, go do it and let your first game be in Vidor and you will understand what umpires go through.

No I am not bashing Vidor, I was born and raised in Vidor, graduated from there and spent many many days and years at the little leagues in Vidor so I do know what I am talking about when it comes to the fans. So suit up and go call a game or 2 and you will have your answer on what a umpire has to go through in their quest for learning how to umpire a game.

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If we went and judge all the moms, dads, coaches and who ever on there jobs or at raising there kids (that could get UGLY), how would they like it if we picked them apart on every little thing they do wrong.

It is tough to make the right every time something happens.

I know we are supposed to be perfect on every call but the UMPIRES are only human, we will make mistakes.

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This is the type of subject that shows exactly what is wrong with the world today!


I would love it if umpires got on here and bashed kids for missing easy pop flys, not laying bunts down, missing signals,  etc.  That is what loses games.... not umps.

I agree with you 100%. 

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ok ok ok I am sorry that people are taking this the wrong way..maybe I worded it wrong from the beginning and to those I apologize! I just wanted to know if and only if you thought umpires should or should not have more training before they are allowed to ump games...I know parents, fans, coaches, are have faults I agree 100% but coaches graduate from college, parents can't change the game, what do umpires do to get ready? Just jump in and learn as you go?

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yeah, i understand. in my opinion, i could care less if you're a terrible umpire. just be consistent for both sides while being terrible at the same time. if you miss a call, and know it, then pick one up for other team when they get in the box. its just a simple code of ethics that should be followed.

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ok ok ok I am sorry that people are taking this the wrong way..maybe I worded it wrong from the beginning and to those I apologize! I just wanted to know if and only if you thought umpires should or should not have more training before they are allowed to ump games...I know parents, fans, coaches, are have faults I agree 100% but coaches graduate from college, parents can't change the game, what do umpires do to get ready? Just jump in and learn as you go?

Little league coaches are mostly just dads out to have fun with their kids, teach the game the best they know how. If they went to college to be a coach they would not be coaching little league they would be doing high school and college.

Agian Umpires do go through training and if they need more there is more training available but to be able to call balls and strikes you have to practice while doing a game because evry pitcher is different so every ball or strike to will be different, and just like a picther can't through a stike every time like he wants to a umpire can't get them right every time either.

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I have read all posts. Just to let you know, at TASO Beaumont we have a very extensive training program. To start we meet EVERY Wednesday night, starting the first Wednesday in January. We review all the rules. This goes on thru the end of regular season, which is late April or early May. We have Saturday training sessions and sometimes on Sundays, if needed. First year umpires meet at 5:00 or 5:30 before the regular meetings. They are required to make the Saturday or Sunday sessions.We have to take a state test which is not easy. We pay $90.00 yearly dues to do something we love to do. The equipment we wear costs around $800.00 to $1000.00 and you are all the time trying to update you equipment.There is a lot of time and money put out to do something we love to do. Now compensation. $ 40.00 per high school game. No matter how long. If it goes extra innings there is no overtime. If the game lasts 3 1/2 hours still $40.00.

We get $25.00-$30.00 to do little league games. Some little league games are volunteers. And last but not least is compensation from fans who have not a clue about baseball rules but thinks he/she knows it all.As I said before we love what we are doing and we love baseball. So this is just a little about umpiring. Why don't you come and join us ? We can always use more umpires. After all, its for love of the game and the kids.

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well this guy is sure not going to join an umpire chapter..I know the HE** you guys take from fans, coaches, etc...:-) and if what you say is true then I rest easy knowing our umpires are up to date...but some of the ones I have witnessed in varsity HS games had no business even being the park much less umping it...overall a great job by the blues...just wish small schools could get 4-5A umpires..i know i know just a dreAm

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