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republican lie dies

Big girl

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The job growth is very subpar and anemic.  The biggest indicator of economic health is Gross Domestic Product which contracted by 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014.  This contraction is the largest post recession contraction since World War 2.  The country also is deeper in debt than it has ever been and only during this administration has our triple A debt rating ever been downgraded.  If we want to discuss lies, one would need to include the following:


At the end of my first term, the unemployment rate will be 5.5% and the debt will have been cut in half.


I will go through the budget line by line, with a scalpel.


My stimulus program will provide thousands of "shovel ready" jobs.

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The job growth is very subpar and anemic.  The biggest indicator of economic health is Gross Domestic Product which contracted by 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014.  This contraction is the largest post recession contraction since World War 2.  The country also is deeper in debt than it has ever been and only during this administration has our triple A debt rating ever been downgraded.  If we want to discuss lies, one would need to include the following:


At the end of my first term, the unemployment rate will be 5.5% and the debt will have been cut in half.


I will go through the budget line by line, with a scalpel.


My stimulus program will provide thousands of "shovel ready" jobs.

I said I would lose 20 lbs by may of this year, but it didn't happen. What he said was what he hoped would happen.

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Big Girl,  Its one thing to make a promise to yourself.  Its quite another to make one to the American people when you know there is no chance it will happen.   For the record, when he made those statements, the word "hope" was not included.  Since you are rewriting history to suit yourself, should we also now accept that the President said " If you like your healthcare plan, I HOPE you can keep it'?  Did A&M offer a course in "self delusion" when you attended?


On April 18,2011 Standard and Poors issued a negative outlook on the USA debt.  This means that, in the near future, it is possible that the credit rating will be lowered.  S&P considered the government budget deficit of more than 11 percent of GDP AND net Government debt rising to about 80% or more of GDP by 2013 to be too high when compared to other AAA rated countries.


The country was warned in advance and S&P finally determined that its warning was not heeded when the August 15, 2011 decision was rendered.


If you want to believe that not raising the debt ceiling was the main reason for the downgrade, that's fine.  But its just more proof that, rather than negotiating and providing leadership, the President was willing to let the downgrade take place instead of meeting the opposition half way as other Presidents have done.

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Big Girl,  Its one thing to make a promise to yourself.  Its quite another to make one to the American people when you know there is no chance it will happen.   For the record, when he made those statements, the word "hope" was not included.  Since you are rewriting history to suit yourself, should we also now accept that the President said " If you like your healthcare plan, I HOPE you can keep it'?  Did A&M offer a course in "self delusion" when you attended?


On April 18,2011 Standard and Poors issued a negative outlook on the USA debt.  This means that, in the near future, it is possible that the credit rating will be lowered.  S&P considered the government budget deficit of more than 11 percent of GDP AND net Government debt rising to about 80% or more of GDP by 2013 to be too high when compared to other AAA rated countries.


The country was warned in advance and S&P finally determined that its warning was not heeded when the August 15, 2011 decision was rendered.


If you want to believe that not raising the debt ceiling was the main reason for the downgrade, that's fine.  But its just more proof that, rather than negotiating and providing leadership, the President was willing to let the downgrade take place instead of meeting the opposition half way as other Presidents have done.

The GOP were not wiling to negotiate. It is amazing how they raised the debt ceiling less than 2 weeks later. They (GOP) kept saying that the downgrade didn't mean much.

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I believe its because Congress doesn't get anything done.  You can credit that to both sides of the aisle.  If Congress cant get anything done, why would you want to have more government?


It is both sides......They are all stubborn


That is why you need a President that can talk to both sides.....


Bill Clinton and Bush are two prime examples of Presidents getting things done using BOTH partys

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By the way, Big Girl, do you still stand by your statement that the U.S. is not 17 trillion in debt?

Steve, she knows that it's actually over 100 Trillion debt in unfunded liabilities.  But she won't admit that either.  Because it blows to smithereens her whole big government is great world.   ;)

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http://www.politicususa.com/2014/05/02/big-win-obama-unemployment-rate-hits-lowest-level-september-2008.html. Obama does not have the power to approve a budget does he? Isnt that the job of Congress?


Only the president can approve a budget. The Congress cannot sign their own laws. 


Try reading up on the Constitution.... again. 

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It is both sides......They are all stubborn
That is why you need a President that can talk to both sides.....
Bill Clinton and Bush are two prime examples of Presidents getting things done using BOTH partys

Bill is my favorite President, just wish he would've nabbed that idiot Bin Laden when he had the chance.
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