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It's that time boys and girls... 100 day countdown to the start of the Texas High School Football Season

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We are 100 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....




Celebrated each year on May 19, it is May Ray Day.  Today is a day to be outside, enjoying the sunshine and soaking up some rays.

There are many ways to enjoy the outdoors and the warmer days as summer approaches.  A picnic in the park, a walk along the river, volleyball in the sand, swimming at the beach, gardening, or just lounging on the deck are just a few ideas on how you may choose to spend National May Ray Day.

If perhaps the weather does not cooperate and it is cloudy or rainy where you live, the alternative would be to look at photographs of sunshine and imagine yourself feeling the warmth of the suns rays.

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We are 99 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....




May 20 annually celebrates a sweet and tasty holiday, it is National Pick Strawberries Day.   National Pick Strawberries Day is also known as National Strawberry Picking Day.

There is something special about the taste of a strawberry
picked straight off of the vine.

Strawberry picking time is normally between late April and through out the summer, depending on what part of the United States you live in.  When harvesting strawberries, you want to look for the bright-red, firm and plump ones.

  • Strawberries are members of the rose family
  • Strawberries are the only fruit with their seeds on the outside
  • Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C
  • Strawberries are low-fat, low in calories and a good source of fiber, folic acid and potassium
  • Strawberries help can help fight bad cholesterol and may reduce inflammation
  • The first strawberries were grown in France in the late 18th century.  Prior to the 18th century, wild strawberries were collected and commonly used as a fruit source.

Enjoy some freshly picked strawberries today!

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We are 98 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





National Waiters and Waitresses Day, aka National Waitstaff Day, is celebrated each year on May 21.  This day was created as a day to show appreciation to and thank all waitstaff for the work that they do in making our dining experiences enjoyable ones.  It is also a day for restaurant owners and managers to recognize and express their appreciation to the dedicated waiters/waitresses.

Waiters and waitresses are a big determining factor on the difference between your dining experience being a good experience or a bad one.   The food may be delicious but the attentiveness and attitude of the waiter/waitress can make or change the whole experience.

There are those waiter/waitresses that go out of their way to make it extra nice and make sure you have the best time possible.  They fill your drinks before you ask, bring extra bread, rolls or chips, give honest opinions on food choices when asked, ask if everything is okay, ask if they can get you anything else and etc.   There are good servers that turn diners into regulars.

We recognize our waiters/waitresses, each time we enjoy a restaurant meal, by leaving them a tip.  Today, if you had a good waiter/waitress, tell them you appreciate the good service they provided and leave a more generous tip.

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We are 97 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





National Maritime Day is celebrated annually in the United States on May 22.  It was created to recognize the maritime industry and also to  recognize America’s Merchant Marine for all the great contributions and sacrifices they have made, and are still making, for our country.   Special acknowledgment is given to ships and seafarers that have held an important place in our country’s history.

On this day, there are celebrations and ceremonies around the country giving special recognition to the people our maritime nation depends on.  There is a national ceremony in Washington D.C. at the Department of Transportation headquarters.






May 22 is the date that the American steamship Savannah set sail from Savannah, Georgia.  This was the first transoceanic voyage fueled by steam. National Maritime Day was created by the United States Congress on May 20, 1933.

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We are 96 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....




May 23, 2014 is this year’s date for the observance of  National Heat Awareness Day, which is celebrated each year on the last Friday in May.  Resulting in numerous fatalities each year, heat is one of the leading weather related killers in the United States.

  • 1980 – Heat wave claimed 1,250 lives
  • 1995 – Heat wave claimed more than 700 lives in Chicago (the deadliest weather event in Chicago history)
  • 2003 – August, Record heat wave in Europe claimed an estimated 50,000 lives

Most American summers see heat waves in one or more parts of the United States.  Some parts combine high temperatures and high humidity however some of the worst heat waves have been dry.

The following advisories may be issued from the National Weather Service:

  • Excessive Heat Outlooks
  • Excessive Heat Watches
  • Excessive Heat Warning/Advisories

There are precautions that can be taken when weather heat advisories are issued:  stay hydrated (drink lots of water), avoid alcohol, caffeine drinks and extra sugar,  avoid over exertion and find a cool place to stay in.

For more weather safety information and first aid and safety tips, see:





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We are 95 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





Annually celebrated on May 24, it is National Scavenger Hunt Day.  Today is set aside as a day to enjoy the “good ol’ fashioned” fun of a scavenger hunt.

When was the last time you were on a scavenger hunt?  More than likely, it has been a long time.

American gossip columnist, author, songwriter and professional hostess Elsa Maxwell (May 24, 1883 â€“ November 1, 1963) is credited with the introduction of the scavenger hunt for use as a party game in the modern era.

“A scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items, which the participants — individuals or teams â€” seek to gather all items on the list — usually without purchasing them — or perform tasks or take photographs of the items, as specified. The goal is usually to be the first to complete the list, although in a variation on the game players can also be challenged to complete the tasks on the list in the most creative manner.”(Wikipedia)

Scavenger hunts have become popular at weekend get together’s, parties, family gatherings and holidays, however, today would be a great day to have a scavenger hunt at the office or put one together for the neighborhood kids andlet the fun begin.

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We are 94 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....




In the United States, National Missing Children’s Day has been commemorated, each year on May 25, since 1983, when it was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan.

There was a series of high-profile missing children cases that made national headlines in the several years following the establishment of National Missing Children’s day.

Six year old Etan Patz disappeared from his New York City home on his way from the bus to school on May 25, 1979.  This day, May 25, the date of Etan’s disappearance, was designated as National Missing Children’s Day.  During the time of his disappearance, cases of missing children rarely gained national media attention, however, Etan’s case quickly received much coverage.  Etan’s father, who was a professional photographer, distributed black-and-white photographs of his son in an effort to try to find him.  This resulted in a massive search and media attention that focused the public’s attention on the problem of child abductions and the lack of plans to address them. 

For more information and awareness on National Missing Children’s Day visit the following links:



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  We are 93/92 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....

 Missed yesterday  -_- 


It is hard to imagine where we would be without the invention of cellophane tape.  How would we wrap our Christmas, birthday, wedding, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduation and other gifts?  Because of this invention we now can annually celebrate National Cellophane Tape Day each year on May 27.

This common household/office item, which is also known as invisible tape or Scotch Tape, was invented by Richard Gurley Drew (June 22, 1899 – December 14, 1980 ).  Drew joined the 3M Company in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1920, first inventing the masking tape in 1926, followed by the invention of the cellophane tape in 1930.   

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We are 91 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





Celebrated annually on May 28, it is National Brisket Day.  As one of the nine beef prime cuts, brisket is the cut of meat that comes from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal.

Brisket is best when it is cooked correctly to tenderize the meat.  There are many different ways that the perfect cooking process can be done such as slow braising or roasting.  Another way that is popular, in the United States, is to rub the brisket with a spice rub or marinating the meat, then cooking it very slowly over indirect heat from charcoal or wood.  Many times oak, pecan, hickory or mesquite is added to the other hardwoods to enhance the flavor.   Brisket will be fork tender when it is fully cooked and is then served with or without a sauce.

Following is a “tried and true” brisket recipe for you:



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We are 90 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





Yes, even the paperclip has it’s own day of honor.  National Paperclip Day is celebrated each year on May 29.  Today is about that well-known piece of curved wire that keeps our papers together and helps keep us organized.

However there are much earlier claims to invention of the paperclip, according to the Early Office Museum, the first patent for a “bent wire paper clip” was presented to Samuel B. Fay in the United States in 1867.   The original intention of Fay’s clip was to attach tickets to fabric, however the patent recognized that it could also be used to attach papers together.

Along with Fay’s patent, there were as many as 50 others that received patents for similar designs prior to 1899.   One other notable name receiving a patent for his paperclip design in the United States was Erlman J. Wright in 1877.    At that time, his clip was advertised for use in fastening  newspapers.

The Gem paper clip, which was most likely in production in Britain in the early1870′s by “The Gem Manufacturing Company” , was never patented.  It is the most common type of wire paper clip and is still in use today.  It was introduced to the United States around 1892 and in 1904, Cushman & Denison registered a trademark for the “Gem” name in connection with paper clips.  Paperclips are still sometimes called “Gem clips”.

Today, paperclips come in various sizes, shapes and colors and can make your paperwork look more fun and lively.

Paperclips are not just for holding papers together, there are many other things that you can do with them!

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We are 89 days away from the start of the Texas High School Football Season. And today is.....





National Mint Julep Day is celebrated annually on May 30.  Each year, on this day, people around the country join together for a glass of  mint julep!  This refreshing southern classic is a traditional drink of the Kentucky Derby.

Traditionally a mint julep is made with mint leaf, bourbon, sugar and water.  In the Southern states, where mint julep is more associated with the cuisine, spearmint is the mint of choice.  Preparation of the drink may vary from one bartender to another.

  • It is believed that the mint julep originated in the southern United States sometime during the 18th century.
  • The term “julep” is generally defined as a sweet drink, particularly one used as a vehicle for medicine.
  • During the 19th century Americans also enjoyed gin-based julep.
  • Each year almost 120,000  mint julep is served at Churchill Downs over the two-day period of the Kentucky Oaks and the Kentucky Derby.
  • May, 2008 – Churchill Downs unveiled the world’s largest mint julep glass. ( 6-foot  tall)

Enjoy a mint julep on this nice spring day!

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