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Time To Rename Carol Thomas Stadium

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I was in this business for over 30 years and whoever thinks the former superintendent is clean from everything going on needs to open their eyes. Things to this degree do not come out overnight. This is a result of years and years, probably at least a decade, of dishonesty by the administration in BISD. Has it gotten worse since the new superintendent took over? I have no idea but my gut says he was just the scapegoat from the former. Was the former superintendent directly involved? I have no idea but there is no way he did not know of several of the dishonest things going on. If you are in charge and sweep things like this under the rug and keep it "in house" you are just as guilty in my book. 



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It seems to me that more people who don't live in beaumont, pay no taxes in beaumont, and children don't go to BISD schools seem t care more about BISD's school district than those who do. Interesting. 

I'm a product of BISD.... I did move out of Beaumont because of the crime.... Beaumont used to be a great place to raise a family.... Not any more, even the people in charge are crooked.... Such a shame....

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He's a crook? On what grounds? Is he a crook because he caused an uproar to 'some' individuals for ordering the knockdown of a horrible rat, roach, and mold infested eyesoar of a building, South Park Middle School? A school who many fought to keep in it's decrepit state even though not ONE of their kids attended?

Riddle me this.... How can the Superintendant of one of the worst school districts in the state be the highest paid? Something was up... It will all come out in the wash.... Barely academically acceptable...... Barely.... And your the highest paid super in the state over Dallas ISD, Houston ISD and Austin ISD????? He had something on somebody or was in someones pocket....Of course, thats my opinion and my opinion only.......

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Riddle me this.... How can the Superintendant of one of the worst school districts in the state be the highest paid? Something was up... It will all come out in the wash.... Barely academically acceptable...... Barely.... And your the highest paid super in the state over Dallas ISD, Houston ISD and Austin ISD????? He had something on somebody or was in someones pocket....Of course, thats my opinion and my opinion only.......

So you scored 1600 on the SAT and have a degree from an Ivy League school?  I ask these questions assuming you believe that all kids take test the same.  How can you blame test scores on a Supt.?  As for the raises, the most contested vote was 5-2 for the last one.  New buiuldings, and a new stadium and swimming center.  Now answer this?  Where was all this money back in the 70's-90's when building were falling down and classes were being held in portables???  Money was being tricked off then but Mr. Charlie was in charge and there was no internet to further fuel speculation.  City of Beaumont stopped allowing homestead exemptions after 1980 due to tricking off money.  So only Blacks misuse funds according to your logic........

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Riddle me this.... How can the Superintendant of one of the worst school districts in the state be the highest paid? Something was up... It will all come out in the wash.... Barely academically acceptable...... Barely.... And your the highest paid super in the state over Dallas ISD, Houston ISD and Austin ISD????? He had something on somebody or was in someones pocket....Of course, thats my opinion and my opinion only.......

I'll go a step farther. Don't know if this has been asked, but what role does the mayor play in this debacle??  How does this much so called corruption goes on in your district for yrs & nobody questions her motives or interests of Beaumont's kids?? She is the leader of the city correct?? Just asking :rolleyes: 

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I'll go a step farther. Don't know if this has been asked, but what role does the mayor play in this debacle??  How does this much so called corruption goes on in your district for yrs & nobody questions her motives or interests of Beaumont's kids?? She is the leader of the city correct?? Just asking :rolleyes: 

good question

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Cam another step when the black mayor of Beaumont was said to have taken $20,000 they gave him 3 years in prison, white Bo Kelly takes $30,000 from West Brook he is still walking around and  his face has only been in the paper or tv once, Now if you moved out of Beaumont because Blacks or STEALING the money then you're late because the city of Beaumont loss  20 million in 1985 and the debt of the 20 million the school district had before Thomas !  SO bedlemon you played great at Central  we enjoyed you .

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So you scored 1600 on the SAT and have a degree from an Ivy League school? I ask these questions assuming you believe that all kids take test the same. How can you blame test scores on a Supt.? As for the raises, the most contested vote was 5-2 for the last one. New buiuldings, and a new stadium and swimming center. Now answer this? Where was all this money back in the 70's-90's when building were falling down and classes were being held in portables??? Money was being tricked off then but Mr. Charlie was in charge and there was no internet to further fuel speculation. City of Beaumont stopped allowing homestead exemptions after 1980 due to tricking off money. So only Blacks misuse funds according to your logic........

Who is this Mr Charlie? Is he Mr. Tyron's cousin? Oh, I get it, you're throwing out that race card again.

And following your street logic, if whites in the 70-90's did skim money illegally (and not just poor management) are you saying because all the crooks (so far) in 2014 are black(except one) we should let them off the hook because no whites were convicted over 20 years ago?
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Cam another step when the black mayor of Beaumont was said to have taken $20,000 they gave him 3 years in prison, white Bo Kelly takes $30,000 from West Brook he is still walking around and his face has only been in the paper or tv once, Now if you moved out of Beaumont because Blacks or STEALING the money then you're late because the city of Beaumont loss 20 million in 1985 and the debt of the 20 million the school district had before Thomas ! SO bedlemon you played great at Central we enjoyed you .

Bo Kelly had FBI guest on Friday.....I'm pretty sure they didn't stop by to play Texas Hold'em.
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I can appreciate the back & forth from BISD supporters & those that don't, it really raises awareness of the unknown things that may or may not happened. The really SAD part of this whole FIASCO is................ Our kids are hurting during this entire process.
We must do better!!! :unsure:

BigCam, I didn't think I could respect your opinions anymore than I already did but I was wrong. You hit the nail with a sledge hammer. Ultimately, whatever Dr Thomas or others did or didn't do, we have to learn from our mistakes. It should be about the kids and we must hold those responsible for them accountable.
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I think we don't have as many race war talks when the season is on, so I will see you friends and brothers  less until the season. Track is ending next week  and my team wants to go to Dallas in the winter so I'll be tired up for about 14 weeks ; OH we' not going  see the Dallas cowboys

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BigCam, I didn't think I could respect your opinions anymore than I already did but I was wrong. You hit the nail with a sledge hammer. Ultimately, whatever Dr Thomas or others did or didn't do, we have to learn from our mistakes. It should be about the kids and we must hold those responsible for them accountable.

Hoops, Sir you are too kind.  I've heard a lot of evidence through media & others sources. I have heard blame being placed, whether warranted or not. I've seen footage of agents raiding BISD & private homes. What I haven't seen or heard is our so called Leaders tending to the immediate care of our Children.  If the cops raid your home, the kids will want answers. The Schools our kids attend is a second home, for some a safe haven; our leaders have had these kids Violated by their actions or lack of. I'm not saying anyone is Guilty, but I'm not stupid, nor ignorant. When will our District & City Leaders see to the immediate needs of our Children? I'm All for longterm solutions, but in the meantime these kids are hurting BISD, TEA; are you listening???   All these Darn interviews with the wrong people. Where the hell is the Mic when I need it???  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: 

Refuse to take it anymore!!!!!

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Cam another step when the black mayor of Beaumont was said to have taken $20,000 they gave him 3 years in prison, white Bo Kelly takes $30,000 from West Brook he is still walking around and  his face has only been in the paper or tv once, Now if you moved out of Beaumont because Blacks or STEALING the money then you're late because the city of Beaumont loss  20 million in 1985 and the debt of the 20 million the school district had before Thomas !  SO bedlemon you played great at Central  we enjoyed you .

I won't play the race card Understand, but you, I & many others just want clarity.

How can you steal $30,000, agree to give pay it back and do not pass GO & go directly to Jail?? If i steal a certain amount of merchandise or whatever, I go to Jail & depending on the value, the charges range in the degree of Felony. The system ain't flawed is SCREWED up.  It's not fair, but Life ain't Fair.  You can Fool everybody, but you can't Fool GOD ;) 


It ain't over Understand.  My Grandma used to say "every dog has his day, some dogs have two."   :lol: 

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Who is this Mr Charlie? Is he Mr. Tyron's cousin? Oh, I get it, you're throwing out that race card again.
And following your street logic, if whites in the 70-90's did skim money illegally (and not just poor management) are you saying because all the crooks (so far) in 2014 are black(except one) we should let them off the hook because no whites were convicted over 20 years ago?

Why would you sound so assuming that only white person is involved in this.mess....hmmm?
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White, black, yellow - I don't give a rat's behind what color a person is! And I got news for you - no race has a monopoly on thievery. There is a day coming soon when there won't be race mentioned in these discussions. And I can't wait. Go watch our kids compete with and against each other on the playing fields. I promise you - to most of them, race is a non-issue. Sometimes we can learn a lot from our children...
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Riddle me this.... How can the Superintendant of one of the worst school districts in the state be the highest paid? Something was up... It will all come out in the wash.... Barely academically acceptable...... Barely.... And your the highest paid super in the state over Dallas ISD, Houston ISD and Austin ISD????? He had something on somebody or was in someones pocket....Of course, thats my opinion and my opinion only.......

You failed to mention during his tenure, there was 2 'recognized' ratings in 2 consecutive years. I was under the impression that it's not that bad of a feat.
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