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The media only reported a mess that was created by the (BISD) Superintenent and school board.(very poor background checking)  If they had not reported it then the mess would still be there only no one would know about it and the citizens of BISD would have a Head Coach that could possibly be preying on your children. Now I would think that the ones of you that seem more concerned about the slanted media being at fault here should thank them for doing the job that your Superintendent and school board did not do.

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The media only reported a mess that was created by the (BISD) Superintenent and school board.(very poor background checking)  If they had not reported it then the mess would still be there only no one would know about it and the citizens of BISD would have a Head Coach that could possibly be preying on your children. Now I would think that the ones of you that seem more concerned about the slanted media being at fault here should thank them for doing the job that your Superintendent and school board did not do.

I'm referring to several news items reported by the media, not just one item. Whatever happened to the report a BISD administrator didn't have their credentials ?

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I agree the media should be fair, but who says it has to balanced.  For instance, BISD administrator is stealing taxpayer money.  Is the media required to also report, "but she really needed that money."  Sometimes, it is what it is.  Also, the local publication that has been in the forefront of reporting the atrocities at BISD is owned by one of the largest Democratic contributors in this State (and country).  Maybe some just want this district to be the best it can be and not hide their heads in the sand?

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I agree the media should be fair, but who says it has to balanced.  For instance, BISD administrator is stealing taxpayer money.  Is the media required to also report, "but she really needed that money."  Sometimes, it is what it is.  Also, the local publication that has been in the forefront of reporting the atrocities at BISD is owned by one of the largest Democratic contributors in this State (and country).  Maybe some just want this district to be the best it can be and not hide their heads in the sand?


And some just want to keep things the way they are :wacko:

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Interesting documents about Magee's tenure and resignation.



Man this dude is hilarious, slick as hell! He never mentions his short comings and it is always someone else's fault! He never trusted any of his staff to do their job as he tried to handle everything himself. He can sell snow to an ice machine, he's that good at acting like he knows things. He was an is pitiful, and handled his staff and players poorly with dumb gimmick plays to try to win games! "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Good riddens! :P

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Man this dude is hilarious, slick as hell! He never mentions his short comings and it is always someone else's fault! He never trusted any of his staff to do their job as he tried to handle everything himself. He can sell snow to an ice machine, he's that good at acting like he knows things. He was an is pitiful, and handled his staff and players poorly with dumb gimmick plays to try to win games! "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Good riddens! :P

how is that new coach working out for y'all?

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Man this dude is hilarious, slick as hell! He never mentions his short comings and it is always someone else's fault! He never trusted any of his staff to do their job as he tried to handle everything himself. He can sell snow to an ice machine, he's that good at acting like he knows things. He was an is pitiful, and handled his staff and players poorly with dumb gimmick plays to try to win games! "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Good riddens! :P

I tried to tell yall bout him, no one listened except a few.

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I tried to tell yall bout him, no one listened except a few.

Buddy, I met him his first week on the job. I told my Son he wouldn't get the ball & that's exactly what happened. Many that bought his Bull were saying give him a chance. I questioned his motives & plan from day 1. My 9-10 yr old basketball team worked out harder & execute more than his Teams. This guy & his whole program was a Sham
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Buddy, I met him his first week on the job. I told my Son he wouldn't get the ball & that's exactly what happened. Many that bought his Bull were saying give him a chance. I questioned his motives & plan from day 1. My 9-10 yr old basketball team worked out harder & execute more than his Teams. This guy & his whole program was a Sham

Bigcam, yes you did call it, and I admit that I was one to say let's give him a chance. He had a chance to sink or swim and got-damit he drowned the whole damn program! I am told he has a history of running off coaches and tearing down a program and that sob did a number on Ozen & now he's shooting for BISD demise. He made a lot of promises and after getting to know him, you realized that he was blowing smoke with all his name dropping on who he knows and what he was going to do! He was and is the poorest excuse for a male, not even a man, and how he left town not telling his OC & DC who brought their families here, that he was leaving, dude has no respect or remorse for anyone. He even took a kids name off of the All-District list (#41) who was deserved of, because he missed the last district game. His son made All-District and in many people's opinion, should not have. This dude goes around leaching and sucking the blood out of everybody and every situation he can. Like they say and you said it 1st Bigcam, "Don't Believe the Hype!" :ph34r:

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Bigcam, yes you did call it, and I admit that I was one to say let's give him a chance. He had a chance to sink or swim and got-damit he drowned the whole damn program! I am told he has a history of running off coaches and tearing down a program and that sob did a number on Ozen & now he's shooting for BISD demise. He made a lot of promises and after getting to know him, you realized that he was blowing smoke with all his name dropping on who he knows and what he was going to do! He was and is the poorest excuse for a male, not even a man, and how he left town not telling his OC & DC who brought their families here, that he was leaving, dude has no respect or remorse for anyone. He even took a kids name off of the All-District list (#41) who was deserved of, because he missed the last district game. His son made All-District and in many people's opinion, should not have. This dude goes around leaching and sucking the blood out of everybody and every situation he can. Like they say and you said it 1st Bigcam, "Don't Believe the Hype!" :ph34r:

Coach, you have mentioned things I was unaware of. This guy is a piece of work. Name dropping is a red flag to me because if you are who you claim to be, I wouldn't hear it from you; others would tell me. The community has to step in to mentor & keep a watchful eye on our kids until these Clowns get their act together. SMH
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every coach named in that letter had the respect of the kids families and most of the community two of the coaches were ozen grads and would do anything and everything to get the school back to  where it was during their playing days. Just my thoughts that coaches like that just dont up and walk away from kids or a program that they have so  much interest in. The question here is what did PS3 do to run these guys away. I have no dogs in the hunt as far as ozen goes but I hate it for the kids the parents and the community that one guy as destroyed an up and coming program. Jeff nelson  may not have won every game but watching his games you could tell the kids were prepared and would run through brick walls for their coaches. Many kids on his teams played above their level or expecttions. If BISD doesnt do something fast Wringley Brothers will have a perminate home at Beaumont OZEN.

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