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Russia issues 24 hour deadline or face storm


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It doesn't really matter if the USA should or shouldn't get involved. John Kerry said that all options are still on the table. 


Does anyone in the world believe that is true? That has to be one of the most hollow threats ever made. 


Oh yeah, the Navy SEALS kills OBL, so Putin is shaking in his boots................... 

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The only thing that America could do is levy sanctions against them. Any military action is out of the question. Hope that the Ukrainian people fight back for themselves. They couldn't care less what we think. It's really none of our business. And by the media covering it, and American politicians getting involved, only makes us look like fools. We judge others countries actions harshly. Our actions are no more justified then what is already happening. Why should we get involved and pass judgment when we can't even take care of the issues of our own country. And they are going to do what they want to do, because they have a PAIR of shoes.
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Putin is going to do what Putin wants to do. If George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Robert e. Lee was president it wouldn't matter. Accept the truth!! There is nothing we can, or should do. If he was invading Canada, that might be a different story. But he won't. He knows what he's doing. We are just making fools if ourselves by acting like we can do anything
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