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Team Game

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Posts posted by Team Game

  1. I thing you are over analyzing the situation... It should be a benefit to have only 1 middle school.. Take PNG for example... Those kids play together in junior league. Then they are apart for 2 years.. Then back together as Freshman. You can see it in middle school some kids that start are not starters as freshman because they combine the starters back together. Not to be rude, I just can't imagine so much talent that kids are being left out... Sounds more like a coaching issue.. I for one would love to have our freshman team together for 2 years before high school. Just my 2 cents.

    I understand your view, but the other side is you have twice the number of kids getting playing time and getting better. Plus when they go to HS they now have to "compete" for those starting positions. It makes kids work harder. Also, if a starter gets injured, the backup has had experience at playing, not just waiting on the sideline. If you aren't getting playing time in MS then you may not go out in HS. Let's face it, lots of kids don't develop and mature until their Junior year or so and some have left the program that could now be an asset. IMO
  2. Goodness calm down. I was just asking. Lumberton fans were trying to figure out if our boys were told before the game that they would have to get off the field early or not.
    Now that I know they were told they would I can't believe our boys didn't do what was asked

    I would say the boys didn't know, but the coaches did and were just not wanting to comply.
  3. How fair is it and what is a coach teaching players when a coach allows a failing varsity player to play on JV Thursday night to get playing time, due to knowing the player has failed and won't be allowed to play on Varsity Friday night?

    Wow. If this is true, it is very disappointing. No, the child should not has been moved down to play. Life lessons are hard and learning them in high school will help you as an adult.

    Smh on this one
  4. 46-6, 46-0, 40-6 Lol.
    History aside, the fact that in HJ's breakout season last year they were beat by WOS by 40. 
    OK now I say goodbye. I will see you HJ fans on Nov. 1 if you even come on to celebrate that second place you already said will not be so bad to be in. Good luck to rest of your season.

    WOS was good last year and has a rich tradition. But this is not the same HJ team you saw early in the season last year. HJ was just getting used to the system at that point and have continued to learn it.
  5. I think Bedelmon knows there is a play clock at each end I think he was speaking figuratively about your back being against the clock... But I also must wonder how the play clocks (both of them) seemed to work fine right up til the time the clock became Tatums enemy. Then they mysteriously became inoperable... Things that make you go hmmmmm

    Yes, 2 play clocks, but when they were down, we couldn't even use the scoreboard because it was to our backs. So what did we do...just made a couple of first downs and it didn't matter.
  6. PROVE IT! Show me wrong and I will admit I am wrong. Show me ONE POST! Have we ever told any other teams fans WOS would take a dump on their field? We may have stated that we don't believe you will win or that we may be better than you that is OUR opinion. We might have stated that you would get beat, it was our opinion no matter how right or wrong we were. As far as beating us, you have YET to prove otherwise on the field.
    Talking your team up is cool (and you should) and I don't mind trash talking. I respect your team but all certain people want to do is try to provoke WOS fans just like you wanted to do Silsbee fans last year (then you proclaimed a moral victory). If you go back and look at the HJ posts, you will normally find WOS fans stating good win and congrats until a select few of your fans want to say something about WOS, then we defend our team. I think if you look at the Foster stream several WOS fans thought we might get beat and stated that. We may be homers but we are realistic for the most part. Newton was a team that did not look good early and we probably took lightly but still our fans knew we would be in for a war. I think we know we will be in a struggle with HJ, we will see come Halloween if your Cinderella leaves before midnight.
    If you beat us fine, then I will read every Edelman post and say he was right, that you played well, and you have a great team (which you do), but if your wrong, I believe that what goes around will come around from WOS fans. Forgive us if we will be proud of our boys.

    WOS fans have not been as negative about HJ as Silsbee was last year and then even at the beginning of this year. Trash talk is trash talk, period. But just like in this post you brought our Silsbee loss into this and referred to it as a "moral victory", which is a jab. Go back and read the Foster thread. I read through it and saw lots of it was a loss, but it was a good team. Or, we will learn from this and move on and someone even said it was a moral victory because they were a larger school. You can't have it both ways.

    HJ will be ready to see you on Halloween, but before that there is another Orange County team we need to get ready for. And no, we are not taking them or any other team lightly. They want us and we will give them more than they want first.
  7. Yea. Both are getting checked out this morning.
    One was injured stretching, the other was chop blocked. Trainer thought ACL and MCL at first glance.

    I have to agree. There was some smack talk before the game, but the Tatum fans have been pretty complimentary of HJ since the game. Hope the Tatum players are ok and good luck the rest of the season. Y'all have a good team...HJ is just better at this point.
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