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Everything posted by EagleAG03

  1. Alot of people complaining about the stadium and facilities there in Livingston but believe me guys the coaches and school administration know about how crappy and problematic that place is. First, the field looked like crap because they had just played that week all the rain came through and when they played Caney Creek they tore up the field. Second, that field is old and the reasons for them not having a new one stem from a couple of different things. --Livingston ISD has tried multiple times in the past (4 or 5 times) to get the community to pass a bond to build a new school, the high school they are in now was built in the late 60's early 70's. Every time they have TRIED to get that bond passed, included in that proposal has been new facilities for football. So, just this past year they FINALLY got the community people to pass the bond without the field and they are in the process of starting to build that high school. (baby steps) Part of the reason it has taken so long is because alot of that town is supported by old money from the lake and those people don't have kids in school so why worry about building a new one to them. --Livingston is land locked right now inside the city. The plan a few years back was to build a new school, where the new middle school currently sits, and move the high school there with a new stadium. Again, for numerous reasons that school wasn't built up to par for the high school to move into and the land around that is owned by the hospital so there is no land to build a new stadium anyway. --Livingston football over the past 20 years or so has been pretty bad for the most part, with a season here or there thrown in that was pretty good. If you aren't used to winning most people are going to shoot down anyone coming to them asking for money to build a new stadium for a program that doesn't win. Since Rowe has gotten there they are starting to win, going to the playoffs 3 of the 4 years before this year and if they make it this year that would be 4 of 5. The more he wins the more people will be willing to spend that kind of money for new facilities. There are other reasons that I could throw out there but those are probably the best three. So, while some of you may hate the fact that you have to travel to such a crappy place to play one Friday night out of the year, just remember that there are always things happening behind the scenes you may not know of. It's a dump, don't get me wrong, but they are trying to change it I promise. The area where the new high school is being built is being planned right in that they bought up PLENTY of land around it and they will build in stages. First, the high school then the Stadium. So, if you get to come back in 4 or 5 years MAYBE you will get to play in a better stadium if they can keep winning and the community will support them by giving them the money and resources to build that new stadium.
  2. I remember coming on here week in and week out last year and no matter who Livingston was playing or how the game turned out there were few people giving Livingston any credit at all. It was always the other teams fault for losing. Fast forward a year later and they have proved themselves a little bit and now people are putting them into the conversation. I guess it was just the uncertainty last year. The funny thing is I don't even think this Livingston team is as good this year as it was last year from what I've seen. Good luck to all in 20-4A. Should be a fun year!
  3. Just wanted to give a shout out and some props to Dustin Harris from Livingston for being named the Defensive MVP of the game. 98 Yard Kickoff Return for a TD 95 Yard Fumble Return for a TD One Interception One completed pass (I think for a TD) on a trick lateral pass Another Punt Return for a TD that was called back on a clipping. Dude went off. You 20-4A guys should be happy he's gone!!! Especially those Jaguars from Beaumont Central, those were two of the sickest plays I have seen by one kid against y'all. Single handedly won that game for Livingston. Congrats Dustin!!!
  4. Sigler left two years ago. This was Hurley's first year and he replaced Sigler. Apparently there are two guys up for the job being this late in the summer. One is a guy that was an assistant under the Fraumberger guy 4 or 5 years ago. The other guy was the assistant for two years under Sigler and Hurley's assistant this year. Been there 3 years I think. Don't know much about either of them and don't think either of them have been a head coach before. There might be someone else too but not sure.
  5. From what I have heard he is leaving to become the AD Head Bball coach at Central in Lufkin. Congrats to him! Who is next?
  6. Go watch the state tournament in Austin and you will still see alot of those things you are talking about still in play at certain schools. Ponder to me is a great example of what your talking about. They rarely press, play great help defense, are not the most athletic team, handle the ball extremely well, shoot the ball well from everywhere on the court. It's fun to watch them take on teams like New Waverly and see all the 6'2 kids on one side of the court and all the 5'10 kids on the other. New Waverly hands down was the most athletic team, not even close, but Ponder won because they were fundamental and played their game. I think you see that style of play from the 1A's & 2A's (who don't play football) and 5A's because they have program's and can teach their kids year round. Alot of the 3A's and 4A's (with exceptions obviously) are playing with alot of multi-sport kids and those coaches just don't have the time from the first practice of the season until it's over to teach those fundamentals. They have to win with what they have and with what they can do. If they spend all their time on teaching that stuff then the next thing they know they are already into district and may not be ready.
  7. In Division II District 11 Crosby (68 Miles) Dayton (55 Miles) Houston Forest Brook/Smiley (68 Miles) Livingston Barbers Hill (69 Miles) Waller (105 Miles) What's crazy is that it would be closer to all of those schools than what we currently have now. All those trips would be right at an hour and we travel closer to an hour and a half for everything now.
  8. First off, hats off to Central coming back in that game. Livingston had something like a 16 point lead late in that game and instead of finishing it off Central came back and fought hard to have a chance at the end of the game. Both teams had to fight some tough calls and no calls tonight (according to my nephew both teams were upset and I know the fans for both schools commented about it up in the stands) but both teams played very well at times and not so well at times. Very impressed with Phillip Jefferson with the energy he brought. (I assume that was number #31?). Anyway, good game and look forward to the game in Livingston. Soulja, I was impressed with the way the Central kids acted as well, very classy.
  9. Here I am. I've been trying to hold off on a prediction but I will go ahead and say Livingston by 4. I just think Livingston is a little better than some people want to give them credit for. However as evidenced by the PNG game they can really struggle sometimes. Here's to a good gme though because your supposed to hold serve at home and I am sure Central will do everything they can to make sure that happens.
  10. Yeah well that was the worst game Livingston played all year and was @ PNG and I've already talked about the refs in that game. So, in saying that Ozen will have zero trouble beating PNG easily. It will be over by halftime. Livingston pissed that game away.
  11. You and us both. Close enough that we let teams hang around and win them in the end some times. It's so frustrating.
  12. The only response I have to that is that Livingston has beaten probably 3 teams this year as good or better than Ozen. You have a very good team but don't sell Livingston short because you feel like Ozen can't or shouldn't be beat. Now, all I heard from you and other Ozen posters about the game against us was how Ozen got robbed by the refs and the home-cooking huh? Well according to the stats from the paper let's look at the foul situation with these GREAT beaumont refs you guys have. Fouls committed: Livingston = 30 PNG = 8 Dang, PNG must be a perfect team. Livingston never even got into the Bonus from what I hear and I can see that based on the foul calls. Points off of Free Throws: PNG = 23 Livingston = 3 23 of their 65 points (a little over a third of their points) from the free throw line. Livingston did many things to lose that game, don't get me wrong I understand that from what I have been told. But, if you thought the fouls were one-sided in Livingston when you played there how do you explain such a disparity in that game between PNG and Livingston. You can say well Livingston deserves that many fouls because that's how they play, but your telling me that PNG is good enough and plays such great defense that they only commit 8 fouls in an entire game? If that is the case then yes, Livingston will lose EVERY game they play when they come down to Beaumont this year. Livingston lost the game fair and square but I hated your argument about the refs and I just wanted to explain to you what true getting shafted by the refs means. Livingston will still be a force in this district and I am sorry that it hurts your feelings that the mighty Ozen fell to lowly Livingston. They are a good team and will prove that.
  13. Predictions? I will admittedly say I know very little about PNG basketball. I wouldn't know what to expect.
  14. Depending on how they respond to Saveat and the coaching change in their next game after this defeat they still have a dang good chance to winthis district. Folks, understand something if you haven't seen either Ozen or Livingston play, both of those teams are really really good right now and just because Ozen lost doesn't mean they have fallen off or something. They may not lose another game this year but Livingston may not either. Ozen has as much of a chance to win out as anyone else if they don't turn on Saveat.
  15. I doubt it because if they do I bet Livingston does the same when they go to Beaumont. In the many many years I have watched and heard about refs from the Beaumont area it is the same thing and the general consensus is that the Beaumont chapter is HORRIBLE in all sports. So, if they do I bet Livingston does the same thing but it could all happen. Really in truly that was the worst game last night by that chapter in Livingston they have been pretty good all year long, it's just Ozen doesn't think they should have lost last night and they have to blame it on something.
  16. You know my deal is that everytime a team feels it should have won against another without a doubt, when said team loses it ALMOST always seems to come down to how bad the refs are. The officiating was bad on both ends of the floor. Those guys were inconsistent in that for awhile everything was physical, when the Harris kid went up for the dunk and they undercut him (should have been an Intentional) and then a few minutes later everything was a tick tack foul. Instead of blaming the refs maybe the questions should be asked why kids for Ozen were crying for fouls and got out of their game. Why the Head Coach for Ozen quit coaching when Livingston came back from 11 down to start the 4th. He froze in the last 3 minutes of the game, as is expected for a brand new coach in that situation. Ask why EVERYTIME that big kid (Jefferson?) went up through a Livingston player it wasn't a foul. Jumping over a kid is one thing but when you jump through the kids back it's a foul. Ask questions like why did Ozen give up an 11 point lead in the 4th quarter when they are surely the more superior team. Livingston outscored Ozen 25-8 in the 4th quarter and they did it by playing at another level. Ozen cried about fouls while Livingston started attacking the basket with more fervor and were not willing to let a foul stop them from getting there. They were actually called for more fouls in the game than Ozen. In the first half alone Ozen was in double bonus before Livingston even started shooting. The refs may have been bad but they were bad on both ends of the floor.
  17. not at all they jack up three's all game long and when they press they foul you all the way up the court and never get a foul called on them.....believe me when they come play in beaumont its gonna be a whole different ball game you'll see the difference So what your saying is, that when Livingston comes and plays in Beaumont that the refs will call a different game and Livingston will not be able to play their style of basketball. So, just a question but does that not imply you think Ozen will get the home cooking at their place? How does that not seem like the same thing that happened last night in your own words here in Livingston?
  18. Man that pride stings when things don't go your way doesn't it? In football what was said about Livingston? Each and every week was supposed to be a loss and each and every week it was another win until a Co-Championship. Now, we are in a new sport and it's happening all over again. Understand something boys, Livingston is here and we aren't going away anytime soon. I guess this lowly school up here in Polk County isn't supposed to be here but we are anyway. We may get blown out when we play there at Ozen but in basketball you win at home and go .500 on the road and your in. Last night, Livingston held serve at their place and that's all that matters.
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