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Everything posted by EagleAG03

  1. So.If you are having trouble stopping it the only thing you can do is to match score for score and hope you are ahead at the end with as little time left as possible for this type of offense? WOS has an explosive offense correct? Then score early and often and force them to do things they are not used to do. If your used to running the slot t and that's all you do then when it's time for you to pass it's hard because teams know it and they can jump all over the slot t running game and sit back and wait on the pass. Score early and any team who depends on the run will get out of their comfort zone and struggle.
  2. Livingston runs the slot t and took it to Dayton Saturday night. It allows you to run right at somebody and control the football. Teams that run the slot t effectively are usually looking to control the clock and play smashmouth football. If your defense can't stop that then they can be in trouble.
  3. I would venture out and hesitantly say with 100% assurance that they do not run the slot t. ;D
  4. Vidor runs the slot t. You can stop the slot t by having some beef up front that can take on a double team on the iso. When they try to sweep to the edges you have GOT to have your outside backer or safety (whomever it is on your defense) to come crashing hard and take out the pulling guards on the offenses side of the ball. This will slow down the sweeps but if they have more spead than you they will still get on the edge and cause damage. Simply put, your linebackers need to do what they are taught and read the guards. The guards will take you to the football. If they pull its a trap or sweep or bootleg. If they base block or come straight at you its a dive or iso.
  5. From what I understand they run some of the same type stuff Livingston did. But, I highly doubt (being they are from the Austin area) they are going to have the explosive type athletes Livingston had. They will have backs that can run but Livingstons 12-15 yard gainers will be more like 3-4 yard gainers for Elgin. Dayton will win this one much easier than they did Saturday night against Livingston. Livingston is that good, Elgin is not.
  6. Have you seen Livingston play? Or are you just basing everything you know off of seeing Dayton and the score between the two from last year? I'm just curious.
  7. Livingston has 4 players that have a 6.5 ypc average. It's hard for one of those guys to get the same amount of yardage as some other backs on other teams because they all carry the rock and not one back gets its allthe time. All those backs have over 500 yards rushing with that ypc.
  8. I would say Central's front seven were much faster. When they put 9 in the box to stop the run they probably had 9 guys in the box that ran a 4.8 or better. That is fast and they still put 30 on Central. You neutralize speed by running right at someone. Ask CE King what happens when you run right at the Bronco defense...Three plays and a punt Who is to say the Livingston offense isn't better than King's?
  9. I would say Central's front seven were much faster. When they put 9 in the box to stop the run they probably had 9 guys in the box that ran a 4.8 or better. That is fast and they still put 30 on Central. You neutralize speed by running right at someone.
  10. Livingston is the home team in Conroe against Dayton.
  11. Do you know how bad it sucks to win your district as co-champs and still have to play Dayton in the first round? I guess the only solice is that Livingston expected to play deep into the playoffs and thought they would be playing Dayton later on anyway, now they just get to do it earlier. Based on last years run and the expectations you have to go through Dayton for this Region anyway. Good Luck to both teams. And, while I applaud Neumann for suspending those two players it could have helped if Cardenas was on the field against Lumberton greatly.
  12. Only talking about their offense because that's how Livingston will win if they do. Their offense is championship caliber not their defense. It will be a shootout with two completely different types of offenses. Livingston's defense is not that good and definitely not good enough to STOP Dayton. Livingston has to maintain the clock and score at the end of drives. If they do that you guys will be upset that they are even in the game with Dayton. Running teams ALWAYS have a chance in games because they shorten the clock and don't have to worry about their QB or receivers being "off" one night. They also don't have to worry about a lot of defensive schemes because you can't do alot of run blitzing they haven't already seen.
  13. Sorry, I mean't offenses you faced in district. Friendswood threw the ball for 400 yards. Livingston plans on running the ball. Two different offenses. NO, Livingston's offense is not better but you did lose that game.
  14. Ok ok ok the little Livingston guy will run away and hide for fear of upsetting anyone. He will say this though as he leaves. You play the game for a reason and Saturday Livingston will show up and put the best offense Dayton has seen all year on the field against their defense. They will score and will be ready to play. I never said they would beat Dayton but I did say that they are going to score points and that Dayton isn't as untouchable as some of you seem to think. By the way, the first drive of the game and first two drives of the second half Livingston went right down the field on Dayton last year and all three drives ended with picks in the endzone not Dayton stopping their running game. Those drives covered about 60 yards a drive with the picks comine when they were around the 15-20. Dayton couldn't stop them running it but when they passed into the endzone Dayton came up with picks. That won't happen as Livingston won't throw the ball in those situations this year. I will be bak Sunday either way. Have fun this week making your plans for next weeks road trips Dayton because apparently their is no chance in H E double L Livingston will beat you.
  15. Look, here is the deal. We all know what Dayton did last year, we all know what they did to Livingston specifically. But, do we know how good or bad that district they are coming from is? Yes, we all see the points they are putting up on people but is that defense as good as last years? No, I don't think so. I don't think there is an offense in that district (19-4A) as good as the offense that Livingston will bring to the table Saturday night. We all know their offense will score but I never said otherwise either. IF, you were at that game last year you would have noticed that even last year as good as Dayton's defense was, when Livingston lined up and ran RIGHT AT THEM they were averaging 5-6 yards a pop. The problem is they abandoned their gameplan and started trying to get cute, hence Dayton pulled away. That is the same thing that Waller did to them the very next round and Waller stayed with their gameplan when they were even down by 14 in the second half. They stayed with the run and were their at the end to have a chance to win that game. In saying all that, their defense was dang good last year and this year I just don't think they are as good as they were last year and Livingston's offense is much better than last year. District 20-4A has said all year long that Livingston didn't belong well other than the worst game played by them all year long against Lumberton they have gone on the road and beaten everyone of those teams that didn't give Livingston a chance. Just don't tell me Livingston doesn't have a legitimate chance based on last years score and what Dayton has done to their district this year because 19-4A is not very good and made them look very good.
  16. Livingston also scored in about 4 plays on most drives against Nederland. Their defense had to stay on the field a ton of plays. Dayton, because they have a better defense will make Livingston have 12-14 play drives which will take more time off the clock and keep their defense (Dayton's offense) off of the field.
  17. Except, Livingston is not running all that spread offense they did last year. They are staying with the running game now and handing off to one of 4 running backs who have 500 yards rushing and have the ability to take it to the house. They have essentially taken the ball out of his hands in throwing most of the time. It's just not the same spread game last year in which they let things snowball out of control.
  18. I don't know what the final score will be but I say Livingston puts 30 on Dayton. Now, Dayton may score 50 but I don't think enough of you on here are giving Livingston enough credit offensively. Just my humble opinion. And, if Livingston can put 30 on Dayton that changes the chances quite a bit for Livingston. If they are putting 30 on Dayton with their offense then they are chewing up clock and Dayton can't score if they don't have the ball.
  19. It's a play off of the MOJO - Permian hayday. There are ties to some of the coaches back to the old Permian MOJO days.
  20. Raider, yall need to worry about tha Dawgs!! Should be a good game, good luck in that game.
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