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Posts posted by 78Stang

  1. Wow on 12news they actually asked Woody if his job was in danger. It was funny to hear him. He acted like the question was a total shock and had never even thought of it before. But at Lamar I guess you get a lifetime contract regardless if you ever win a game or have a winning season. 

  2. 1 hour ago, D3zii said:

    Anika probably best DB coach in the country. .But also if Strongs defense Bedford was his DB coach and right hand man 

    You hit the nail on the head. Strong's biggest mistake was getting rid of some good coaches and bringing in his guys. His guys have stunk the joint up. After fans get tired of it Charlie cans them to save his own neck. Except for his buddy Bedford. Does anybody have any idea why he is on the staff still and what does he do except pick up a check.

  3. You named One. And FYI that program has been winning for ages but now they can barely compete. What has happened to the athletic programs and why? I am sure lots of it has to do with Title 9 and money spent on women's sports like softball and soccer that few people care about. Give me a break, the money makers are men's sports. Win at football, basketball and baseball then the money is there for the other sports. But none of it will happen if the AD will not hire coaches who know how to win.

  4. 3 hours ago, spoonbill said:

    Poor effort again in the trenches. Ugly. Either they get some juco kids on the line next year or it'll be a repeat of this season or worse.

    FYI- It was been repeat after repeat, year after year with this coach and AD. Every sport is a total train wreck and the fans just sit back and say nothing. Try to name a Lamar sport with a winning record.

  5. 5 hours ago, UTfanatic said:

    I didn't happen now, my Charlie Stay Criteria has been previously posted.

    I said three weeks ago that he had to win out including a bowl. 

    I love Charlie. 

    The kids love Charlie 

    I love core values.

    Charlie is a great recruiter(Aggy can't put out recruits him and he is losing)

    Charlie is not a good evaluator of coaches!

    And either or kids are stupid or our coaches can't teach. 

    It is time the end the worst three years in Texas Football!!!!!

    horns up and Hookem


    Charlie had his chance and plenty of time. Yes he is a good recruiter but those kids have done nothing. It's a shame when the 2-3 star guy's have more heart and play harder than the 4-5 star guy's. But the 4-5 star recruits stay on the field and do nothing but show their butts on camera.

  6. OK now will ya'll admit Charlie has to GO. There is no reason that our defense is so pathetic, the defense Strong is running himself. Boyd is such a joke in coverage. I guess Jefferson's feelings got hurt and decided to pout this game instead of playing. No desire or fire at all.

    The offense, Wow. The hillbillies have 8 in the box 5 yards off the ball and the only play calls are Foreman up the middle, two Wide Receiver screens, time out on 4th down and punt. The middle of the field was wide open as it is every game but every pass has to go to the sideline. Throw the ball in the middle where linebackers once where. Buchelle throws the ball 1000 yards a game sideline to sideline for 100 yards net if the receiver actually catches the ball. So tired of watching this crap every game.

  7. Hate to hear this. Breaks my heart. Hate injuries. BUT- Can anyone who watched the game say that Knight would have made a difference. Miiss. St. handed aggie a ass kicking in every phase of the game except special teams. Kirk is the real deal and tried to keep them in the game but aggie always will screw it up.

  8. 11 hours ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

    Stubborn and loyal. Charlie sounds like my wife.

    All due respect to your wife but I hope she knows how to read a clock and admits that the supper she cooked one time and spent time preparing was not any good because she screwed it up not because the grocery store bag boy dropped her fruit but because she just has no clue.

    If your wife is like Charlie then I bet you get blamed for everything. lol

  9. Yes there is a lot of talent but they can not produce on the field. To name a few- CB- Boyd gets burned constantly and never tackles, LB- Jefferson always out of position and takes tons of plays off, WR- Burt drops a wide open big play pass every game. They have so much talent but lack confidence and effort. A real coach would not put up with lack of effort or super-star attitude.

  10. Good win even with the terrible coaching calls. There is no excuse for constant bad play calling and terrible clock management every game when the game is on the line. You have a running back with over 340 yards, 3:30 left in the game and you pass the ball 3 plays in a row eating up a total of :32 seconds. How stupid can you be? Charlie will not be back, if he is get ready for another season like this.

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