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Posts posted by 78Stang

  1. I will respect your request not to identify the young man and or men. Yes they might have already been disciplined and had things taken away but, put yourself in the shoes of the young man who was the target of this stupidity. He did not deserve this nor does any other person. So please don't ask for sympathy and forget this ever happened. Parents wake up and quit raising your children to hate.

  2. 3 hours ago, dj said:

    Lol, someone is thinking with there heart instead of there head. And no disrespect to BC but they will try to put up a fight. But I truly don't know if BC can cross the 50 yrd line against them unless it's in mop up duty time.in case u haven't seen how gud this defense is I would advise you to go look at film on them. They 0 chance of winning been one dimensional against this team!!   

    One way that BC may cross the 50 yard line is an on side kick or fake punt.  Don't be surprised. We have seen it many times before when teams are over matched. They will try anything out of desperation.

  3. UIL is a big joke. I love WOS vs PNG. Two class programs with huge fan pride. It just seems to me that both teams put it all out on the field and the better team usually wins. I remember some VERY close games that were decided in the last few minutes and could go either way. After the game there was no pouting or bad sportsmanship. I never remember one of these game losses being blamed on referees. It has been- we got beat by a better team tonight.

  4. Impossible. Because there is no possible way that one district has five teams in the top 20 in the entire state of Texas. There is a very good chance that several will not even win half of their games. If they are all top 20 teams then they are all predicted to win most if not all their games. Do the math, just ain't gonna happen.

  5. RykerX144. You seem to be the only one on here with any common sense. I have been saying the same thing for days. In my opinion it all boils down to the Bears sneaked a loop hole in and got a huge advantage and is not about to give it up no matter how insane it is. Because of that, the players and fans are paying the price. How can an administration allow a coach to completely disrupt 2 schools graduations, fans and family plans just because of politics. Let the kids play!

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