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Boyz N Da Hood

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  1. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Unwoke in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Donald J. Trump 

    The FBI has a long and unrelenting
    history of being corrupt. Just look back
    to the days of J. Edgar Hoover. In the
    modern era, nothing has changed
    except that it has gotten far worse.
    Look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and
    lover Lisa Page. Check out the brilliantly
    written but damning I.G. Reports. See
    what they were willing to do in order to
    get Crooked Hillary Clinton elected
    (they failed), and got caught! They
    spied on my campaign, pushed the
    FAKE Dossier, and illegally used the
    FISA Court...

    The Inspector General said the FBI
    acted with "gross incompetence and
    negligence." I was fully vindicated in the
    Russia, Russia, Russia SCAM, the "No
    Collusion" Mueller Investigation,
    Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment
    Hoax #2, and all else. NOW THEY RAID
    MY HOME, ban my lawyers and, without
    any witnesses allowed, break the lock
    that they asked us to install on the
    storage area that we showed them early
    on, which held papers that they could
    have had months ago for the asking,
    and without...

    ....the ridiculous political grandstanding
    of a "break in" to a very storied,
    important, and high visibility place, just
    before the Midterm Elections. The
    whole World was watching as the FBI
    rummaged through the house, including
    the former First Lady's closets (and
    clothing!), alone and unchecked. They
    even demanded that the security
    cameras be turned off (we refused), but
    there was no way of knowing if what
    they took was legitimate, or was there a
    "plant?" This was, after all, the FBI!
    Oh great! It has just been learned that
    the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-
    Lago, took boxes of privileged
    "attorney-client" material, and also
    "executive" privileged material, which
    they knowingly should not have taken.
    By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully
    request that these documents be
    immediately returned to the location
    from which they were taken. Thank you!
  2. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Trump's lawyer lied and said that all of the documents were returned.

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    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Don’t forget, Big Girl, you are talking to a bunch of hypnotized parrots who “know in their hearts” that Trump is infallible. The only good fact do them is a real one turned on its head to confirm their bias.
  4. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to bullets13 in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    Honestly couldn’t care less about this.  Beto’s a clown, and the thought of him winning terrifies me, but the trump diehards on here trying to make an issue out of this is laughable.  The hypocrisy of both sides knows no bounds.  The same dems complaining about Trump’s lack of class cheered for this from Beto, and the same republicans who excused and even rallied behind Trump’s foul mouth and lack of filter are now feigning righteous indignation because Beto said a bad word.   If it’s an issue for one, it’s an issue for another.  
  5. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    ACTUALLY, that’s hypocrisy from all of y’all. 
  6. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    But you support Trump for President in 2024 when he does it, too? Lolololol 
  7. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    No class whatsoever? What about when Trump was doing it?
  8. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    But y’all are all crying ‘cause Beto said a dirty word!!!! Actually made a thread about it and everybody chimed in.  You can’t make this up!
    THAT is deranged, lol. 
  9. Thanks
  10. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in O’Rourke at Meeting Calls Heckler a MF   
    I don’t remember y’all being so upset when trump was dropping eff bombs all over the place as President. 
    Y’all are so far up his butt that it’s not even funny anymore… it’s just sad. 
  11. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Reagan in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    The AG may have pulled the trigger on the raid, but he got the go ahead from JoeBama.  Joebama told aids that he wanted Trump prosecuted. 
    From the NY Slimes:  "Garland Faces Growing Pressure As Jan. 6 investigation widens.  "Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted...  he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.""
    Like I've said -- this was a fishing expedition and another one of the Demoncrats famous hoaxes.  The other hoax didn't work, and this one will not work either.  But -- this one all but guarantees his re-election in 2024.  After seeing this pathetic show from the commie-libs, it's pulling those on the fence over for Trump!!
  12. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    If nothing was found. Why is Trump saying that the FBI planted evidence?
  13. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    BREAKING NEWS: FOX “News” is humiliated after NBC and New York Times confirm that, MONTHS ago, Trump DID receive a subpoena for the classified documents that he stole and stashed in Mar-a-Lago, but he defied it. RT IF YOU THINK THAT FOX “NEWS” IS A JOKE!
  14. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Well, now it seems like Trump took highly classified information about our nuclear weapons systems from the white house and refused to give them back. Kinda scary when the guy just tried to subvert our free and fair election process by orchestration an attack on the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. 
    why did Trump take the nuke codes with him?
  15. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Better find another source bud LOL
  16. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Bobcat1 in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    “The mob takes the Fifth,”
    “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
    That didn't age well. 
  17. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Bobcat1 in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    I can only imagine the tone of this thread had this been Obama with classified documents at his home. 
  18. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    So…. Biden sent the fbi to get Trump….  But the same thing would have happened if Trump had been elected because they’ve all been after him from day one? 
    or maybe he’s just crooked?
  19. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Unwoke in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Donald J. Trump ©

    In early June, the DOJ and FBI asked my
    legal representatives to put an extra
    lock on the door leading to the place
    where boxes were stored in Mar-a-Lago
    - We agreed. They were shown the
    secured area, and the boxes
    themselves. Then on Monday, without
    notification or warning, an army of
    agents broke into Mar-a-Lago, went to
    the same storage area, and ripped open
    the lock that they had asked to be
    installed. A surprise attack, POLITICS,
    and all the while our Country is going to
  20. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Bobcat1 in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Lol straight up dumb ### if you believe that.... 🤣 
  21. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Lock Trump up. Lock Trump up
  22. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Big girl in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Never said that, yall are the ones wanting it knowing the last dude got out voted both times by millions of folks... take your chances a 3rd time
    I'll say it AGAIN DeSantis will beat any D they nominate, instead yall want to keep harping over a 1 term circus show... get what you deserve is how I see it
  23. Haha
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from Unwoke in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Pressuring elected officials to overturn election... that alone should be alarming. But of course it gets a pass 
  24. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood got a reaction from CardinalBacker in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Back on topic, 🤣  dude going to spend the rest of his miserable life in court fighting his shenanigans he use to get away with before he ran for office 
  25. Like
    Boyz N Da Hood reacted to CardinalBacker in President Trumps Mar-a-lago home is being raided by the FBI   
    Lock him up!  Lock him up!
    It ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun, lol.  
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