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pine curtain

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Everything posted by pine curtain

  1. Didn't BC lose their first 3 or 4 district games last year?
  2. Take the rose colored glasses off and get down out of your booster seat. You and your son are one of THEM and you are just defending your people on the way they act. BC players, fans and coach are well known across the state on how they act. Never said the "landry twins" could not coach the game of baseball. P.S. The umps did get them against Robinson because of the way BC was acting. Maybe this is why BC has never made it all the way. KARMA...............
  3. didn't OF 10 run rule BC last time they played them?
  4. That is their mentality and how they are coached in BC. It is always someone else fault.
  5. I heard this one is not going to happen tonight.
  6. with all the rain last night do you think this one will be played?
  7. what local tournaments are this weekend?
  8. I heard the baseball team had enough for a JV team this year. did the fields get lights?
  9. Be careful you are talking about his kinfolk. He taught him to be that way..... Can't you tell?
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