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Separation Scientist

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Posts posted by Separation Scientist

  1. Judge aiming to take Trump 'out of the presidential race,' likely to issue jail time: Democrat Mark Penn

    Democratic pollster and former Clinton adviser Mark Penn said Friday during an appearance on Fox News Channel that he believes Judge Juan Merchan will sentence former President Donald Trump to serve some jail time because he's "trying to take him out of the presidential race."

    "So far, this judge has wanted to take, obviously, wants to take Donald Trump out of the presidency," Penn said during an appearance on "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Friday. "So, for all this talk that, of course, he's a first time offender and not eligible ... he's convicted of things that could send you to jail for 137 years. I think this judge is going to sentence him to some jail because he's trying to take him out of the presidential race."

    Should Merchan sentence Trump to serve some time in jail, Penn said he believes the move will lead to "another record fundraising day" for the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

    "Giving [Trump] a fine or community service isn't gonna do that. If he does that, I suppose Donald Trump will have another record fundraising day," he said.

    Trump's sentencing hearing on the charges is scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    Penn said he expects Trump to receive an "incredible reception at that convention, unlike anything he's ever gotten before."

  2. 3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    The post was actually from Gary Bauer, not Dobson.

    And it wasn't really about Donald Trump, it was about the actions of the left, which will go on after Trump is gone, count on it.

    You're getting knotted up over something that isn't even the real problem.

    Exactly. He is so overcome with TDS he can't even read right. 

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is a tragic day for America. The guilty verdict issued hours ago against former President Donald Trump is a clear abuse of our justice system. This politically motivated and stacked trial is what we have come to expect in communist China or North Korea—not in the United States of America.
    The totalitarian impulse of the neo-Marxist Left is to suppress and silence political opposition using any means necessary. 
    But here’s what we must understand: What just happened is not only about Donald Trump, and it will not stop with him.
    The Left is not only waging legal warfare against Donald Trump. They are attempting to prevent half the country from having any say in the governance of our nation, and they have weaponized the legal system to ensure their success at any cost. 
    They are already using our legal system to go after pro-life activists and patriotic Christians who defend religious liberty. The Deep State is spying on conservative parents and churches, treating them like enemies of the state. They have even gone so far as to compare caring parents to terrorists. 
    The Left has repeatedly contested that conservatives are a threat to our democracy. Yet, they are the ones who are aggressively attacking our Constitutional Republic with blatant disregard for our fundamental rights. We cannot remain silent against such explicit tyranny.
    Today's verdict is a clarion call for every God-fearing, America-loving Christian and our fellow citizens who believe in faith, family, and freedom to run, walk, or crawl, if necessary, to the polls this November.

    Gary Bauer, Senior Vice President of Public Policy 
    James Dobson Family Institute

  4. 5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    A banana republic is one where a party decides to ignore the will of the voters and come up with ways to inflict their views on an unwilling majority. It won’t work for long. 

    We should have focused on  finding a Ronald Reagan who was capable of yanking down 500+ electoral college votes. Instead we re-ran a guy that most people hate… and his friends are worried that he’ll turn on them, too. 

    An Banana Republic is corrupt countries like Venesuala or Russia where the Government is weaponized to imprison or otherwise destroy political rivals. Now add the USA to that list. Even the libs on ABC, NBC and CBS are admitting this is unprecedented. MSNBC, CNN, and The White House are throwing wild celbrations as are the goons in the streets of NYC.     

  5. On 5/22/2024 at 3:22 AM, BS Wildcats said:

    The judge, a biden donor, is doing what he can to ensure that Trump is found guilty.


    It gets worse everyday. This Kangaroo court judge just told the jury (I am paraphrasing of course) "You don't have to all agree that Trump committed a specific crime, you all just have to agree that he did something at sometime, even if the somethings are all different".  

    Seriously? I have NO legal experience but that seems to be an outrageous contortion of what a jury is supposed to do. The most basic rights a defendant has is to only be tried for specific offense(s), and a verdict reached specifically. It is not supposed to function as a Golden Corral buffet. Can you imagine a jury saying "we find the defendant guilty of doing "different somethings at sometime"? Have we sunk to that? 

    This corrupt judge does have huge fans on MSNBC. Their analyst had a goofy ear to ear grim and told the viewing audience he had a "man crush" on the Kangaroo judge. Corruption to the core.   

  6. 16 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I've been following politics long enough to remember when Rs couldn't get elected in Texas... I'm confident that we're headed back that direction.  I mean, it's obvious that with population shifts we'll be turning blue eventually.  

    Then you should have known lots of people said the exact same thing when the alcoholic Democrat Ann Richards was elected way way back in the day. Texas has become redder and redder ever since. People, especially blacks, are waking up and realizing the Marxist Democrats are destroying them. Feel free to hold your breath waiting on your dream to happen though. That would be fun to watch, LOL.  

  7. I agree Trump won't win NY. If Osama Bin Laden was running for US Prez against Trump, NY would still vote blue because there is too much vermin in NY for it to go red. In any case, there are LOTS of good New Yorkers fed up beyond belief with the Biden disaster that will support Trump more than NY ever expected. And many productive, law abiding citizens are still fleeing the NY hellhole in droves. 

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