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UT alum

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Posts posted by UT alum

  1. On 1/29/2019 at 5:04 AM, Hagar said:

    Oh diddly poo.  Fake headline Law Man.  Trump didn’t do it, the Treasury Dept did it, and the Senate approved it.  And if nothing else, it accomplished one good thing  - it pi$$ed off the Democrats, so I’m all for it :) 

    Treasury is part of executive branch, Trump is chief executive. Yeah, it passed Congress, by a vote of 42 for 57 against. None of that is fake. Are we going to have to be singing the State Anthem of the Russian Federation at ballgames before you get it?

  2. On 1/26/2019 at 1:15 PM, Hagar said:

    Then there’s the blank check Mueller has to investigate anyone or anything.  Is that legal?  If so, the next time the Police want a search warrant, they should say they’re searching for anything.  I’m not sure Mueller’s convictions would hold up in SCOTUS.  I hope not, but as I said, Lady Justice no longer wears a blindfold.

    I think Ken Starr perfected that strategy years ago.

  3. CIA - Iran is in compliance with nuclear deal signed during Obama administration.

    FBI - Russia still using social media platforms as a vehicle for weaponizing disinformation and spreading foreign influence in the United States.

    NSA - ISIS still commands thousands of soldiers in Syria and Iraq

    NSA - currently assesses that North Korea will continue to retain its WMD capabilities and it is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear capabilities

    I listened to the head of each agency listed above make those statements.

    Two hours of testimony and no mention of rationale for a wall, and 0 questions about need for wall in 2 hours of testimony.

    Any thoughts?

  4. 12 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    If you believe that the profit/loss proposition lies solely with the table games and machines, it is not worth discussing with you any further.   So he won because of Hillarys incompetence?  And how did he get his party nomination against a number of "brilliant" opponents?  If you don't understand the Solyndra situation, that's fine.  But it is another lesson in how government is an EXTREMLELY poor business person.

    Easy, Stevenash. I was kinda making a joke there on the casinos. Are liberals not permitted to joke, or do you just think it’s impossible that we could have a sense of humor?

    And, it didn’t go unnoticed that there was no comeback for the comment about all the subs he’s stiffed. Stand up guy, that Donald Trump.

  5. 23 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    There are plenty of casinos, outside of Vegas that have gone bankrupt.  Wait, maybe we need a government program to oversee the casinos and make sure they are profitably operated.  You know, sort of like the U.S. Postal Service or Solyndra.   As  for hiring illegals, wouldn't that be PRECISELY what Chuck, Nancy, and, apparently you would consider "compassionate"?  Furthermore, I would consider an individual who beat every poll and vast majority of media in an election as a fairly sharp person.


    24 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    There are plenty of casinos, outside of Vegas that have gone bankrupt.  Wait, maybe we need a government program to oversee the casinos and make sure they are profitably operated.  You know, sort of like the U.S. Postal Service or Solyndra.   As  for hiring illegals, wouldn't that be PRECISELY what Chuck, Nancy, and, apparently you would consider "compassionate"?  Furthermore, I would consider an individual who beat every poll and vast majority of media in an election as a fairly sharp person.

    The most brilliant business mind possibly ever (many people have said)  wouldn’t go broke in a business rigged to win. Can’t say as I I’ve figured out your fixation on Solyndra. Me, Chuck, and Nancy don’t call them murderers and rapists. What kind of business man hires murderers and rapists? He won because of Hillary’s incompetence as a campaigner, not his brilliance.

  6. 5 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Smart enough to get me a tax cut, smart enough to roll back ridiculous regulations put in place by Obama, smart enough to appoint 2, possibly 3 SC justices, smart enough to eventually get the wall built, smart enough to redo NAFTA for the better, smart enough to get better trade deals with China....smart enough to beat Hillary.

    Dang, I bet you might could get a place in his cabinet, or at least Huckabee Sanders’ job.

  7. 14 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    She didn't deserve to win no matter what campaign she ran...her past is her past.

    That's what gets me about this country, a candidate can win with a "hip" campaign because we have so many low information voters that can be swayed with smooth  liars talkers like Obama.

    Or bankrupt casino owners who stiff subs and hires illegals. I mean, really, how brilliant is a guy who can’t make a legal gambling business go?

  8. 30 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Do you mean you don't want Mrs. Clinton to jump in and claim what is "rightfully hers"?

    Nope. She ran a crap campaign and didn’t deserve to win. If Al Gore would have won his home state, Florida wouldn’t have mattered, so all that crying was bs as well. I ain’t no crybaby.

  9. On 1/26/2019 at 1:15 PM, Hagar said:

    Then there’s the blank check Mueller has to investigate anyone or anything.  Is that legal?  If so, the next time the Police want a search warrant, they should say they’re searching for anything.  I’m not sure Mueller’s convictions would hold up in SCOTUS.  I hope not, but as I said, Lady Justice no longer wears a blindfold.

    If she’s no longer blindfolded, which eye is she peeking with, left or right?

  10. 31 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    Any concerns since it’s a Democratic city?  No.  Any investigation by the City?  No.  One thing you need to understand young feller, in Democratic controlled areas, there are no laws if the actions aids, or is approved by The Party.  A prime example of this occurred in Portland, Oregon where ANTIFA took over several city streets, and attacked drivers at will, with no interference by the Police.  

    Unless you’re Methuselah, I ain’t no young feller. Looks like both sides had a fight in Portland, and no one from either side was arrested. To suggest that Democrat controlled areas are lawless is not only absurd, but also an insult to the law enforcement community.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Well -- she cheated ol' Bernie out of the nomination last time.  And THAT'S a fact.  So, one never knows when it comes to cheating!

    Again, that’s politics, and as far as I know she used party rules to outmaneuver him. Wasn’t pretty, but that’s not illegal.

  12. 11 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    There are no convictions or indictments on Mrs. Clinton.  Do you believe she is innocent?

    Deflect from the real issue - voter fraud. Hillary Clinton’s old news, man, she got beat. She holds no power in federal government. Let it go.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    In the 2012 presidential election, there were 59 voting divisions (a Philly term) in Philadelphia that had zero votes for Romney.  Of the 59 divisions, the lowest turnout was 139 voters, and the highest 612 (avg city wide is 616 per Div).  So, to be generous, I’ll say an avg of a little over 300 voters in thos 59.  That’s somewhere between 18 to 19 thousand voters.  And yes, these 59 were predominantly black.  My point is, if every single voter that went in wanted to vote for Obama, some would inadvertently vote for Romney.  Maybe because they’re drunk, on drugs, (and I’m sure that happens all over the country to all races), or just messes up.  Someone was either doing it for them, or helping them as they voted, and I’m pretty sure that comes under the heading of voter fraud.  Proof?  People are fallible, and that’s an irrefutable fact.  We’re not all rocket scientist.

    Any convictions? Any indictments? Any empirical evidence at all?

  14. 5 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    BAAM!!  UT -- you stepped into that one face first!!

    Poor Brett. You guys got a pair of big boy pants amongst you? Politics is tough business. Election fraud is a totally different issue.

    Again, you compare apples to oranges and claim victory.

    There is no statistical corroboration linking in person voter fraud to election results. Fraud is almost exclusively perpetrated in the absentee voting process. Any of you remember Clarence McNeely?

  15. 8 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    Anyone that refuses to believe there’s voter fraud is goofy as a road lizard.  A simple look at the voting results in some areas of Philadelphia is proof enough for me.

    So, if results don’t suit you, must be fraud? The names Paxton and Abbot came up with are “suspected”, and will have 30 days to prove their citizenship. You know, that old American hallmark of guilty until proved innocent. 

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