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UT alum

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Posts posted by UT alum

  1. 10 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Okay Weisenheimer Jr, show some evidence that backs up the 80% expert opinions that Man is the leading cause of warming that may or may not exist. While you're attempting this futile endeavor, attempt the other futile endeavor of showing evidence that this possible warming is actually harmful to Earth's health. And as a bonus, provide evidence that shows a necessary exclusion of solar and lunar factors as major contributors to Earth's fluctuating weather patterns. Once you fail miserably on these tasks, you will undoubtedly (opinion) have to question why the elitist are pushing this Man-Made Global Warming theory. I have some theories on that and is the discussion I hope we can get to...but this will take a little research on your part to get there. Let me know when that eureka moment is achieved so I can start another topic on this subject.   

    Apparently you are the expert. School me with your knowledge. I’m guessing we’ll start with how all underlying data is fouled by the machinations of the deep state. 


  2. 25 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    You know why we quote Fox and Breitbart?  It’s because the liberal left media will not report anything unless it’s favorable to their agenda.  It’s Fake News by omission.  A few days ago, you denied knowing that Antifa had taken over the streets of Portland.  The reason you didn’t know, none of the MSM would report it.  Not CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC.  Now, if some Right Wing goons did that, anywhere, it would be on everyone of the above mentioned channels.  Until the brainwashed left learns that they’re being lead, like sheep to the slaughter, this country is in peril.

    You guys need to lighten up. I heard about Portland, but didn’t pay it that much attention. The only right wing goons I pay attention to are the white supremacists. People on both sides have been raising hell as long as we’ve been a country. Ever see Gangs of New York? Division is what’s putting our country in peril.

  3. 42 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    This is a country smaller than out largest cities.  The US is too large to effectively manage healthcare...fact.

    If you bothered to read the article, some of the main points are that they allow competition from lots of companies, there are many different plans (not all Cadillac plans), and they don’t allow freeloading on a large scale.

    Main thing is this is basically a city... poor comparison to what can be done here in the US. Let the states handle healthcare as they see fit.

    Also, your Democrats will never allow this plan,  they are on a fast track to single payer,  surely you see this.

    The last thing they want is competition...they hate competition...their goal is to make everyone equally miserable. 

    What you missed is everyone has to have coverage. When the cost is spread across the entire population, healthy and unhealthy, it becomes more affordable for all. It’s a public/private partnership allowing competition within set parameters. That’s about the only way it could work here. I don’t think we’re going to see the nationalization of health insurers.

    Why do you think if I’m a Democrat I have to be thinking one way and one way only?

  4. 46 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Ok, he said it. What are we going to do about it? If you ran for president, would skeletons come out of your closet? Could you do a better job than Trump?

    The female dog who called Trump a mother........, is a congresswoman. Instead of that bothering you, you pull up what Trump has said. Please stop sitting on that pedestal of yours, looking down on us deplorables if that is all the justification you need for her potty mouth.

    I’m not qualified to be President, so no, I could not do better. That precludes me from having my own opinions?

    Where in here can you find I condoned that language? You’re kind of perched up there on something looking down and judging me by some standard you hold for anyone taking a liberal position.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. Your only way out of an embarrassing discussion. I should have known the first failed attempt to elicit some iota of evidence that you blindly imagine would be the end of any hope of a discussion. Run if you must, but we all know you obviously believe and blindly accept a theory you can't even begin to justify, but yet hilariously accuse us of being blind followers. Priceless. 

    Okay Weisenheimer, I did a little research on my own. I admit to accepting the 97% without checking myself. But, I’ll still go with 80%. Note that research came from University of Houston Energy Fellows and Forbes did the article, not even hardly liberal sources.

    This is the hidden content, please

  6. 22 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    The 95% percent is also a lie. You are doing just what dictators want, blindly follow and question nothing. If 95% (the statistic was actually claimed as 97% at one point) agree Man is the main reason for global warming (based admittedly on altered data), then empirical evidence should be a simple Google (or Bing) search away. So where is the evidence? 

    I have every reason to distrust NOAA. They, themselves have given ample reason. Do a little research and you can become a skeptic too (the backbone of science). I was hoping we could get to the discussion of the rationale, motivations of Man-made global warming Nazis. But getting past the admission of no evidence must be just a little too hard.

    You killed any discussion at Nazis.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    NOAA has be caught multiple times altering data. Even the most blind should not trust them at all.

    According to NOAA, in a 1972 Time magazine published article, they claimed the Earth's temperature had fallen 2.7 degrees in the past 3 decades. Then mysteriously, using altered data, they now claim the Earth's temperature has risen (calculations based on the same data from the same time period). And you trust them why?

    If you want a Man-made global warming discussion, answer two questions, or even one of them. The theory is that the Earth is warming, this warming's major contributor is Man, and this warming is detrimental to Earth's health. Show evidence of Man's contribution to the theorized warming, and/or show evidence that this theorized warming is detrimental to Earth's health . (This will be a very short discussion.) I'm particularly interested how other possible contributors are discounted, especially solar and lunar influences.

    We can discuss the assumptions of the rationale behind the Man-made Global warming theory, but let's just identify the problem first.

    Blindly follow at the peril of your own freedom...and wallet.

    I’m not a scientist, but I side with the 95% of professionally trained who believe it.

    You’re doing just what Russia wants - distrusting our government and other institutions. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Saying it....no, it doesn't bother me. Hearing a woman say mother......, that bothers me. Call it a double standard, which is what it is, but my mind won't change.

    I dont think Trump said that, but I sure am glad there haven't been live mics around me all my life......or any of us, for that matter.

    We ain’t running for President.

    How can you believe he didn’t say it when it’s on tape and he didn’t deny it?

  9. 12 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    You know what I asked.  But let me rephrase for you.  How many people actually heard Trump make the statement that bothers you?  How many people heard Kamala Harris make her statement?

    What was Kamala Harris’ statement again?

    Millions heard what he said when all was done.

  10. On 3/22/2018 at 10:01 AM, Hagar said:

    I can't verify this story, but if it's true, Science doesn't get any worse than this.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Can you people quote anything other than Fox News or Breitbart?

    I know it’s deep state, but I trust NOAA for scientific evidence. You think man has no impact on atmosphere hence climate?

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    Deny at our descendants’ peril.

  11. On 1/12/2019 at 2:51 PM, Reagan said:

    If she was a good American, she would quit and live out the remainder of her life in peace.  But -- she is not a good American.  Meaning, doing what's right for America.  She's like the 2 other women:  Put on the court to do the left's agenda even when it's at odds with the constitution. 

    And they all got 60 votes to be there. Give me a break.

  12. 5 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Please provide an example of  someone that you perceive to be a provider of civil discourse and authentic news without a political predilection.

    Professional journalists. Not opinionists, on either end of the spectrum.

    The only one I watch is Chuck Todd. He interviews people from all sides. I take his panelists with a grain of salt.

    Eugene Robinson is a man whose opinions I respect. Sometimes even George Will.

  13. 5 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    It's sad that libs can't realize that someone can talk about current events very accurately AND still be entertaining. 

    I guess I wouldn't care to listen to someone that constantly blew holes in my ideology either.

    You mean talk about current events in a manner that supports your view of reality. The guy is a pox on civil discourse. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Obviously, you didn't listen to him well enough...all conservatives were hoping he failed...he was trying to push some of the most radical policy through that we had ever seen.

    I was hoping his coal industry wrecking policies failed, I was hoping obamacare failed (fail to pass, we know it's a failure)...the list is long.  I wanted Obama and his policies to fail.

    It's the same old liberal argument against Rush, can't beat him (lib radio always tanks) so they make up lies about him.

    My political beliefs are not based on “what he said”, i.e. ditto.

  15. 19 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    He is entertaining but he also speaks the truth.

    If you disagree, post some of the lies he has said on his show.

    Shouldn't be hard...he's been on the radio decades.

    I listened to that clown for years. Quit him when he said he hoped Obama failed. I’ve never thought that about any president, even Trump.


    13 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Los Angeles Times,Washington Post, etc etc etc   all have same agenda.

    Yeah, journalistic integrity.

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