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Everything posted by fanofthegame7

  1. Definetly agree with this. But, this is not a school problem. Then why is the media calling them football players and a cheerleader? They are being classified in the media as being representatives from "school" organizations, huh? I would say you need to ask the media that question. My first thought would be that it sensationalizes the story. Gives it more "pizazz". Headlines wouldn't be that grabbing if it said "18 and 17 year old busted for sexual assault" Kerry, Gabe, anyone else in the media like to answer the question this person has asked. you nailed it.....its all about getting you to watch......
  2. If you think Silsbee is the only one with under-age drinking....you live in a sheltered world....
  3. LOL.... I am calm. It takes more than your opinion to get me excited. .... and in this case, you are wrong again. A person can buy a ticket and be arrested for trespassing the moment they walk through the gate or even standing in line to get the ticket. A football ticket doesn't override state law. they have to do something wrong to be arrested.....in this case the kids were insubordinate....and i dont think they were arrested....the administrator handled the situation wrong....bottom line...call the kids in at school and work it out there....if they had complants then they knew before hand....if they they got the complaint that nite then they were wrong to handle it in the stands when this had been going on for a while....I have been to a Tiger game this year and watched these kids come in and go to thier section and yell...I thought it was nice to see some spirit...some of the kids did not have hoodies on though...
  4. what do you think it is soulja i am clueless completely shocked at my panthers this year i dont know what in the h#ll is going on around the pear orchard.........i need your honest opinion here soulja what is wrong?? Johnson's defensive schemes are horrible. The offense never makes halftime adjustments and becomes to predictable in the 2nd half of games. The Panther O-line is big, but not very physical at all. The coaches and players still haven't learned to manage a game. eventhough it was funny I deleted the dog part. i thought he coached the o-line......
  5. Have to say probably the best observation I have seen posted here yet. thanks..
  6. Two programs with similar kids and good coaching staffs....I was not there but it sounds like the game was exactly what is should have been....a good one that came down to playing hard, keeping your cool,and being lucky on injuries.If you talk pre-game smack you have to be willing to eat some crow . The Vidor fans are laying it on thick but if the tables were turned it probally would be the same way.Just my opinion.
  7. I agree with that last statement. Only thing, Jasper will probably win their game, I don't see my Tigers winning their's. I won't be shocked if the Bulldogs go down to Diboll, the Lumberjacks are good. I think you are wrong, the Diboll game will be Jaspers breakout game.....Jaspers offense is set up to take advantage of what the defense gives them.....I think you will see a more balanced attack next week....
  8. They look like a team that has had their schedule disrupted by two hurricanes. Yep, I agree that has to be a factor. Looked like a team that needs a whole new offensive scheme to me. We are too predictable on offense. From what I saw we should be throwing the ball way more than we do if we stay in this offense. I wouldn't mind seeing some power I or veer from these boys. how do you go from you need to throw to you need to run the power I......if you have followed thier games ....the offense has not been the problem....
  9. thats why i said most of the time........the original statement sounded like anybody in a two point stance had bad tech....thats why i was asking....considering the success WB has had since they have gone to this i didnt agree with that....i have also noticed other teams using the two point stance more....so all PAM needs to do is put thier hands up in thier stance and they will get thier blocks.......ummm
  10. Why do you think west brooks o-line is in a two point stance most of the time....if it does not allow "good technique"?
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