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Everything posted by silentassasin

  1. Then that person is stupid and does not really understand what these guys do. The weight cutting is not the healthiest thing for them to do mind you but it is still allowed and so therefore you have guys like BJ walking around at somewhere nearly 175 or more and will cut down to 155. Lesnar has to cut to get to the 265 weight limit for heavyweights. I think that he cuts from around 285 now, his first fight he was definitely way more than 285 on fight day. I personally have cut over 11 pounds in one day just to see if I could do it for a weight loss contest I had going with my brother. I did it and it sucked big time, I was grouchy, tired and so out of it mentally. I honestly think the weight cutting, along with the amount of fights he had in a short time is what caused the American Frank Lester to lose his fight last night to make the finale of TUF. Most smart fighters if they know far enough ahead of time will walk around about 10-20 pounds over and then slowly start cutting about 5-6 weeks out so that by the last week they have only a small amount to actually lose. Start eating lighter meals at 5-6 weeks out and then increase the cardio and lose some of the "baby" fat and then cut the water off that last week and it allows you that whole day before to carb load and rehydrate yourself.
  2. That is the one. I don't dislike him but he definitely did not painted in a great light when he was on TUF, kind of stupid actually is how I would describe how he looked. I know that he has gone through a lot and I admire him for that, he is obviously a hard worker but I don't see him as being a true mma guy, more of a wrestler/brawler who won't last. But I have been wrong in the past.
  3. I am interested to see the Vera fight, a big fan of Brandon's but his last couple of fights have not been great. I also love Nate the Great. Maia should be a good fight for him.
  4. Most of the guys who fight at 185 or higher are cutting weight to get there. I know that guys like Forrest walk around at nearly 220 before they start cutting. BJ weighs way more than 155 before he starts cutting. Couture probably does not cut since his age is on up there in years but Liddell for sure did. It is part of the game.
  5. As is Tito and some others that have moved on. Like I say all the time, Dana White is a shark.
  6. Dana doesn't hold a grudge or anything now does he? That is funny because Sylvia is one of the characters in the UFC video game for the heavyweight division.
  7. Yep it is a good one this summer. Can't wait for the Mir/Lesnar fight.
  8. I am starting to become more of a fan of Dream now that I have HDNET channel. I also get a chance to see other fights that normally we would not see.
  9. I love the UFC and Dana has done what he had to do to get them to the top of the food chain, but you don't do that without making some enemies. I am a big believer in what comes around goes around and Dana has had some rumors flying around that he does not treat all the UFC fighters the same, but irregardless I believe what Cro Cop did was immature and unprofessional, based on what the reports are saying. Now obviously I was not there when they spoke on the phone so I don't know if a multi fight deal was implied by CroCop or not. But if I were in his shoes based solely on what we are seeing I would not have done the same thing. I would have stayed in UFC.
  10. Kids mature at different rates so it is very hard to tell for sure that a great freshman team will not get caught up to by competition that they dominate as 9th graders. But mentally it does give you an edge to know that you have beaten a team of kids as Fresh and JV going into a varsity season, just don't let it go to your heads.
  11. The rules only prohibit the players from tackling each other, does not say anything about the coaches doing it!
  12. Glad you took care of that one, I was about to ask which fight did he see.
  13. This just might be the best since the first!! I am kind of wanting this current season to hurry up and get over with.
  14. Completely agree with that last statement. I commented to my wife that Tiger was probably sitting in his hotel with his hot wife saying that if he shot a 65-66 he could make a run at the win and then he goes out and does it. Seriously, if he chipped in that one from the fringe he would have shot a 64. Then he shows his class by stopping and acknowledging Jack at the end as he was coming off. Tiger knows exactly what to say and what to do and guys like LeBron should watch him as an example of an athlete, and using LeBron's words competitor, and how you should act as a professional.
  15. His loss then might convince him to rethink his plans of having his pro boxing debut in July or August like he announced a couple of weeks ago on Inside MMA on HDNET. He said it would depend on how he felt after this next fight, which now he probably does not feel good at all.
  16. Yeah but I think that we might be seeing Nova vs. Brown first. IF he beats Aldo then for sure he is a legit bad *** because that would be wins against three top featherweights in a row, four if you count FAber twice. Brown looks like he cuts from around 170 to make that 145 mark, dude is pretty big for a little guy, probably about the same weight as what Pulver cuts from. I have cut weight before and it is hard as heck, I mean I have taken off over 11 pounds in a day, of course it was all water but man I can not imagine doing it on a regular basis anymore.
  17. I always liked Faber for the way he fights, but now I respect him a lot because to stand there after breaking a hand and still fight to the level he did was great. Plus that broken right hand was the reason why he missed on the choke at the end. I like Brown too, real emotional guy but seems like a good guy.
  18. Jens just lost to a pretty young and up and comer. Making his WEC record 1-4, I like him but maybe he is a little too confident. The last good fight I saw him in was the first Faber fight that went 5 rounds. I know he can still do it but he has lost two in a row now that I thought he was more than capable of winning. He got way too agressive and got caught in a guillotine. I was happy to see the last guy beat him because he was from my home town of Lubbock but still feel bad for Jens.
  19. My group of guys I play with from my church has started recently playing in Crosby at Newport. The course is in better shape with a little exception on the bunkers being in repair but after 2:00 M-Th the green fees are 18.95 with a cart for 18 holes. And this is the place that I shot under 90 for the first time in a while, shot an 88 about two weeks ago.
  20. Yeah I forgot that Furyk made his putts in the last hole. ONce it was official after the second shot did not go in I left to get something to drink. I was flipping between the Astros and Tiger all afternoon, and amazingly enough my wife watched with me the whole time. She hates sports but loves Tiger, sat through his US Open win last year too, any time he is on she will stop what she is doing and watch. That is how I know he is the real deal because if she knows who someone is that is not in a Jane Austen novel it is a big deal!!
  21. Dude starts off today being 4 strokes off and wins by two in the end. The man is not human, the last two holes are truly amazing and if he had chipped in the one on 16 from the fringe it would have been even worse. Furyk had to hit one in from 170 out for an eagle to tie, and Byrd had a shot but could not putt in the end. I honestly think that we are witnessing quite possibly the best golfer in history, he is already in my opinion the best golfer of the modern era and closing in on The Bear and Arnie as being the most beloved.
  22. While I know that it will never happen partly because of how boxing went south after allowing all the different organizations to have belts but mostly because White will never go for it, I would love it if the organizations would finally allow the champions of each one fight each other if nothing else to prove who the best fighters are and give the fans a great matchup. I would love to see Fedor fight whoever is the winner of Lesnar/Mir. But with all this parity going on at least we as fans are interested. It is kind of like the fans clamoring for a playoff instead of the BCS in college football. We all know it is the best thing but it will never happen, and the same here. It would be the best and most logical thing to do but it won't ever happen.
  23. How were the other fights? I forgot it was on and went to bed early last night knowing I was going to watch Brown/Faber get it on tonight.
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