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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Seems like everyone is ok with this. As for me I just don’t know. I can see both sides of the issue.
  2. Well this is all news to me. I usually skip the scrimmages but I will have to go to the Mustangs first one to get a look at this new prospect. Hope he’s not a suspect!
  3. Great player, great coach. Would have loved to seen him wearing the blue and silver in his playing days.
  4. I’m hoping the parents will
  5. Once things for sure he’s brought a level of enthusiasm and expectations to LCM that hasn’t been there in years. Time will tell.
  6. WO-S quarterback position is just the opposite for the first time in probably close to 10 years. I don’t think even the coaches have a 100% clear idea who it will be.
  7. Of the year, baseball is winding down and we all know football is next up, but yet it’s still 3 months away!
  8. I made those trips too and your right the first trip was way more enjoyable than the second!
  9. I have a co-worker who’s son attends LCM and is going into the 10th grade next fall. He plays baseball and played football in jr high but not his freshman year. He said Peevey had a meeting with all parents of anyone in athletics and told them he had an open door policy but if the topic of why thier kid wasn’t playing enough or playing a different position then the conversation would be over. He Said the coach stated very throughly he would not tolerate that at all. We shall see. I hope the best for them, but it’s gonna take a culture change from the parents to make it happen.
  10. Well then it will definitely be worth watching and see who steps up!
  11. So as far as we know the QB job is up for grabs?
  12. Well speaking of LCM I’ve heard Peavey is making some sweeping changes over there.
  13. Memory is failing me and I can’t remember who was Pop Terrell's backup last season. Will he be the go to guy this season or is there an up and coming QB who may take over the offense? Anyone have any info?
  14. Interesting...I had heard about the possible Bond but haven’t heard about the 2 jr highs merging.
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