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Everything posted by strosbros

  1. I am guessing setx_athletics is making this statement based on a reputable source, like the green eyed monster... Hard to call 12-2 overrated.
  2. Brown pitched the Santa Fe game. Still have Johnson and Jones.
  3. Barry threw part of game 2, Waddel was the closer. Taylor Thompson threw game one, Maldanado closed. Three games to go and Johnson, Brown, Jones have yet to pitch.
  4. I agree. BH and LCM are in different districts, so it depends on where you live when you are answering this thread as to which team you think of when answering this question. I think BH will win in theirs. I think LCM has a good shot at a three-peat this year, but you can never count out the other consistently strong baseball programs in the district like Ned, PNG. Vidor should make some noise as well.
  5. ???"about time"??? 3 Senior starters. One signed before the season, two after the season, pretty good stats if you ask me... Congratulations Kris and Adam. Good luck at the next level.
  6. Wow, hope the umpire gets that paper! Glad Jasper was able to pull out the win anyway. Congrats!
  7. Surely not every person posting an opinion on this thread is in the situation you describe. If they are, they should check out the Inspire 12 Program for next year and consider LCM or WO-S to pay for their kid's college education. Parents could essentially spend junior's college fund on toys and still have his education paid for as long as he participates in one UIL activity and maintains a "C" average throughout high school at one of these two schools. This new program begins next year and students at LCM or WOS will receive 100% of books, tuition and fees to any Texas State University if they meet these simple minimum requirements. It is not based on financial need, all will qualify. I know it seems too good to be true. I just wish my son could have taken advantage of this unbelievable program before he graduated. Luckily, baseball funded most of his education, so I got to keep my toys ;D
  8. That is great. Thanks for posting the article, he and his family have been in our thoughts and prayers. ;D
  9. In the SETX districts isn't the Coach of the Year always from the team that won the district championship? Even if they weren't automatically deemed Coach of the Year for this accomplishment, three district championship coaches this year come to mind: Mixon from Jasper, District Champs against some very tough competition. Terrier from Buna, District Champs, making things happen for Buna for the first time in a while. Griffith from LCM, District Champs with one returning starter, pre-season rankings didn't place them to finish in the top half of their district.
  10. Jake Rowell-LCM. Broke school record for highest batting average in district play, I heard he only had one strike out in the regular season as well. Not to mention he was a great leader to this very young team.
  11. Once again, your posts lack class, character and sportsmanship. What an example you set for kids playing this great game. Congratulations on Barbers Hill's advance in the play-offs and way to go Bears on a great season.
  12. I was at the game, but would have enjoyed hearing Stelly's description on the radio of Jon Gunn's unbelievable catch at second. It was awesome to watch.
  13. I wouldn't exactly consider it a "spanking", but am a bit grossed out that you enjoyed "whaching" Little creepy. Young teams make mental errors in big game scenarios, I'm sure "your" team will never experience that. Looked like the entire Lamar Consolidated team was at the LCM/BC game last night. Best of luck to both teams in your Area Round match-up. It's all about the kids man, try to keep that in mind.
  14. That is incredible to only have 9 players and compete and make the play-offs as they have. Keep your chins up, you should be proud of what you have accomplished, best of luck in the rest of this series.
  15. Thanks. I'll give you back a karma point on that one. I do think the Bears can come back and get the win, especially in a smaller park if they can keep their heads in the game. Young group of kids, first play-off experience for most of them, I'd like to see them come back and prove how tough they can be Friday night. Best of Luck, Bears! We know you can do it. ;D
  16. I am certain "Bear Baseball" does not utilize or endorse the weighted ball method. What the players do on their own time may be different. You are correct in one thing, the weighted ball argument has been beat to death on this site and needs to be dropped. Let the parents and players do their own research and decide if it is still right for their ball player. Best of Luck to the Bears in this series!
  17. You mean BH doesn't scout unless the opposition plays on their field? Man...I guess those gas prices are getting serious!
  18. Don't worry about it lcmfan, I'm sure the LCM Coaches have scouted Bay City sufficiently. No need to ask Bay Cit...oops, I mean Barbers Hill 8) about details from when they faced them.
  19. I'm pulling for Texas City and Young's Guns in this match up. Go Stings!!! Coach Young is one of the best. Great Coach, Great Man. Class Act All the Way.
  20. No one is trying to diminish the accomplishments of this team. My first post on this thread was followed by a which to most means, 'just kidding.' I think you might be a little sensitive. If you notice, my second post on this said someone should research the baseball team's history in the play-offs so their previous accomplishments can be recognized at the very nice new baseball facility (I was not referring to football-this is a baseball forum). How you got a negative from that post is beyond me-you need to lighten up. Best of luck to the Pirates on their play-off run.
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