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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I'm gonna call setxgal...she has all the math expertise to straighten this out quickly..LOL
  2. Yankee/Sox games are always a blast. When I lived in NY as a kid, I was about 15 minutes from THE STADIUM. We always got tickets for the Obstructed view only area with the huge green pillars in front of us. I think they were $1.50 a seat back then. Usually in the 2nd-3rd inning, we'd sneak down to the Box seats and try to find unoccupied ones- ;D . We got chased a few times but for the most part, we were able to stay there for the rest of the game. We'd get tickets for just about every Boston series. (some pretty decent fights in the stands too!!) The atmosphere in the stadium was incredible...You could feel the excitement 2 hours before the first pitch. I remember back in Little League days, we were able to walk the field before game time, out towards the monuments in center field..I was about 9-10 years old and was able to stand in center field looking up like , thinking Joe D. and Mickey Mantle stood right in this spot. Getting goosebumps thinking about that. Have some great memories of those days. Sorry guys..getting a little sentimental here..
  3. I agree Skipper..gonna take a game or 2 to get all the kinks out...specially with the new, younger kids playing their first few varsity games. Hopefully it will be a good game..close score with no injuries. ::cranks up WLTDO hoping Skipper can hear it from my puter::
  4. LMBO...you won;t need hearing aids when they crank that song up Skipper...and the rolled up windows won't help either..I'll get the scoarboard/PA crew to max the volume out so they can hear it in WOS land...LOL
  5. Well Yank, I just gave you a love tap. And this is the hardest thing I've ever said, "I like your style and your input." Welcome to Texas, Yank. What brought you down here to the land of rednecks? mighty neighborly of ya Tiger.thanks been down here since '85..came for a 2 year stint with a shipping company, met my then to be wife and decided I could live with fire ants, skeeters the size of birds, 90% humidity and the fact that I could fish in December without cutting a hole in foot thick ice. (I even say "fixin to", ya'll" and "ma'am and sir")
  6. C'mon now Skipper...you know you want em for pets...and yeah...they can sing real LOUD!!! Now turn up your volume, pop a cold one, and listen to that beautiful Who let the Dogs Out!! LOL
  7. IMO, someone, somewhere would be able to find any particular name insulting if they tried hard enough. It's all in their perception and narrow mindedness (and probably lack of anything better to worry about) . Just like that thing with Costilow real estate. No hint of racism was evident but that one lady decided it offended her..so she made an issue out of it. I guess the animal kingdom must really be up in arms about the names given to some sport teams...Broncos and Bengals and Cougars and Jaguars. Birds must have a gripe also..Cardinals and Seahawks and Orioles and Bluejays. Don't forget groups of people...Pirates, Vikings, Cowboys and Giants and even us Yankees ;D. And what about the....you get the idea. Now if a derogatory name was used, that's a whole other story. I being of Italian ancestory, wouldn't be real happy with a team called for instance the Houston Guineas or New York Degos. Get over it!! Stop the frivolous whining. There are many more important things in this world to worry about than a team name. WOW...that got me 3 smites...
  8. I agree...should be a GREAT matchup to start the year off --- just for you Skipper...no need to thank me (turn it up!!!) [Hidden Content]
  9. That's what the wife tells me...when I do something dumb around the house..LOL Check your PM btw.. ;D
  10. Of course...isn't that what being a REAL fan is all about?? Not a "fair-weather" fan...but a TRUE fan.
  11. I think they're smart for only pushing for a new press box and turf at the existing stadium. With all the rising prices of materials I doubt the people of Nederland would have passed a bond with a entire new stadium on it. With the all the crying we hear about the upgrades to Indian Stadium right now I'm surprised ours passed. That's just my opinion and good luck, I hope it passes. With a new Reservation right across the tracks, I wouldn't be at all surprised that... somehow...someway... a new Pound will be built in the very near future. :
  12. One of my workers just got to Cancun last night for a well deserved vacation...She's going to be
  13. The word is envious. Jealousy is what you feel when you see your wife kissing another man. Envy is what you feel when the two of them ride off in his Lamborghini. I like what PNG is doing to their field. Hopefully other stadiums will be upgraded, but if the sole purpose is to try and hold it over someone's head, then you have failed miserably. I'm not jealous nor envious of what PNG is doing. Quite the opposite actually... I just think it's great that that a local school is going to have a top of the line stadium for ALL (athletes and fans, visitors and home folk) to enjoy. I'm sure there's a handful of PNG people who will "hold it over someone's head", but that's like any 5 year old spoiled brat who just got a new toy. I would think most self-respecting Indian fans will be grateful and proud (no, there is nothing wrong with being proud) of their new facilities. Just my 3 cents.
  14. [Hidden Content] Just make sure THEY ^^^ aren't biting, Proud!!!
  15. I don't see how a school mascot that is done tastefully (as is the case with PNG)can be construed as racist. IMHO, There is nothing derogatory at all about the way PNG sybolizes the Native American. I believe it is done with the utmost dignity, respect and tradition. Is there something derogotory about PNG using Cherokee as their school song?? What about their Indian Spirit??? The dance that Spirit does from what I;ve read and heard is done according to Native American custom and tradition as well as dress style. As a Bulldofg fan, I've seen many MCM games and not once have I seen anything done in any way to disrespect the Native American people. Also as Akifan earlier posted, the school was presented with the official seal of the Cherokee nation in 1980. That in itself convinces me that PNG honors the Native American culture. PS...what I've seen of the new Reservation..it looks AWESOME.. Good luck with it Cross-the track neighbors.
  16. And that's what it's all about!!! Excellent post!! Best of luck in the kids reaching their goal.
  17. It;s inferred in the "comment" section of the original post. I just assumed it was a guy driving who was wasted. But it may have been a woman...anyway, it's still funny as heck
  18. LMBO Was he sober or had he been . I'd feel better if he was plastered. At least he had an excuse.
  19. Great to see a local kid getting national attention. Continued success
  20. WOW what a coincidence. PATitan has the same job as you and he types just like you. How busy can you be if you have time to spend on here?? You just contradicted yourself.... LOL this is great!!!!!!!! let's see...i'm in a small room with monitor screens in front of me with cardiac rhythms on them. every hour i record my findings,but maintain an eye on them. i don't know where titan works or who he is. sorry. must of been a popular guy for you to keep babbling about him. ::chokes on Pepsi:: yeahhhhh very popular
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