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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Summed up perfectly Purple...regardless of the final outcome....THE BEST HS FOOTBALL GAME and RIVALRY to be found.
  2. Oooops....I must be in the wrong place. I came to read this thread thinking what did I miss, because IMHO 41-21 is not a crushing or a butt-kicking. It was a victory by a team who may have been better prepared, better coached at this particular point in time or maybe just more innovative in its overall game plan on this Saturday night. I now realize that I must have mistakenly entered the Romper Room thread where an "adult" gets his kicks out of rubbing it in someone's face and "poops" over another team's pride. I should have majored in child psychology...then I would be able to understand the rationale of this post. I wonder what his post would have stated had the Indians won this game?? Maybe something like "I'm moving back to Port Neches because the Bulldogs are sorry sorry excuses for a football team " ?? Geeeeeesh.
  3. Hey guys...and GAL.... Many thanks for your prayers and kind words. The vet...uuuhhh doc...said I had a relatively mild stroke, and should return to "normal" (whatever that means) within the week. Still have a little paralysis on left side but other than that I'm good to go. He put me on blood thinners and said I need to have ooops...n/m...that's personal. I didn't get to go to MCM due to this but saw the replay last night. Very impressed with the "NEW" Nederland "spread-run" offense. ANyway thanks again for the thoughts.
  4. Why do these type of threads always go back to what happened in years past. We won Saturday...plain and simple...just like PNG won last year..plain and simple... Who cares what has happened 5-10-15-20 years ago...That is history. Why coninue to use past championships, playoff appearances, attendance records etc. as comebacks to who won the current game. And I'm referring to BOTH sides with this comment. All I know is, regardless of of which team made it to how many playoffspots or which team has bettter fan support, or who has higher attendance... .....is that MCM is the best dang HS football game there is.
  5. From what I've read tiger, our flag is ALWAYS lowered from the full staff position, in a slow, steady ceremonious manner. When it is raised from half to full for retirement, it is raised briskly.
  6. My 10th grader informs me that the Nederland Student Council will be handing out red ribbons to ALL fans attending the game tomorrow night. WAY TO GO STUCO !!
  7. "Due to severe winter weather conditions, including gale force northerly winds, sub-freezing temperatures and up to 28 inches of snow, all local football games were cancelled this weekend, an event unprecedented in Southeast Texas history". All local newspapers closed their offices until further notice. The written sports news is now being covered by flocks (or whatever you call large groups) of inebriated penguins. OPEN >>> [Hidden Content]
  8. The week b4 MCM is almost as entertaining as the big game itself
  9. Ray Nagin for Texas Emergency Management Coordinator!!! With his vast expertise and experience in dealing with such matters, maybe he can clean up this friggin mess!! ;D
  10. Just got the word...NO CLASSES @ Nederland schools today and tomorrow. Good luck and prayers to everyone.
  11. Looks like this thing has shifted again....to the west!! Gonna make for an interesting Labor Day weekend.. [Hidden Content]
  12. my smiley thing is busted so ::THUMBS UP:: COOP... This site is really enjoyable....thanks!!
  13. DAYS HOURS until kick-off...regardless of field conditions. Boy, am I ready to see some , eat some enjoy the 's and !!!!!
  14. It's all that good dorm food!!! ;) I'm gonna tell Phyllis what you said !!! Be prepared for the doghouse James!!! LMAO And I don't mean the Stadium!!!
  15. Holy Cow Coop!!!! How do you decipher all that ??
  16. Yeah...well after all...it IS a SCHOOL district..so I would imagine educational concerns SHOULD come first :
  17. He's a helluva athlete, but I'm just as impressed with his academic success. It's great to see him doing so well from both aspects. He has a tremedous future ahead of him. Nice job James and Phyllis.
  18. Since when is it legal to sell bait at a football game??? SUSHI?? I'm outta here!!!!
  19. Dawgs 34-31....win with less than a minute on clock
  20. What a wonderful keepsake for these young men. That's something they will never forget and be able to tell their kids about.
  21. NHS was scheduled to scrimmage Silsbee at the Pound this Saturday (freshmen starting at 5PM.) Now I heard that it's going to be against Kelly at their field. Can anyone confirm...thanks
  22. Can they do the same thing for fishing?? I'd love to catch a 5 pound flounder in about 5 minutes without really having to work for it :
  23. LMAO---you guys are sure lucky setxgal isn't on here... I'm gonna keep my trap...uuhhh...fingers quiet on this thread...i like my life!!! If my kids weren't in band, my wife would be sitting at home on Friday nights. But anyway, like that old joke goes: This guy is telling his friends how his wife came crawling to him on her hands and knees after they had a big fight. One of the friends asked him "what did she say". The guy answers " Get your butt out from under that bed you chicken". ;D
  24. Isn't that the place where the game has big yellow helium balloons tied to them saying "HEY, I'M RIGHT HERE AND I'M DRUGGED". I don't hunt, but that sure doesn't sound very sporting to me either.
  25. Kudos to Coach Stewart for making his decision. He proved that being a HS athlete does not put you above the law. That's a sad truth at the college and pro levels as well, where fame and talent has a way of making an athlete think he is not subject to the laws/penalties that the average "joe" is. Good luck to Dayton. Hopefully the rest of the team will pick up the slack and prove themselves this season.
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