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Mean Machine

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Posts posted by Mean Machine

  1. Again, girls game will degenerate into football if refs don't call hand checking, body out of bounds, etc.Lack of basketball skill favors "physical" play and lack of foul calls gives a more "physically talented" roster an advantage that I do not know is fair. If it is allowed it is not a foul and one has to deal with it. Girls game has a certain amount of physicality to it sense it is below the rim basketball, but it has to remain basketball at some point, and you can not have that if "physicality" passes as no foul called basketball. Ok, my rant, is over, and I did it with out getting yelled at in a gym, LOL.

  2. Just getting home from work Xmas party seeing this. Sounds like a typical Livingston home game to me, lol. Last year,watched my daughter have to get hammered and get two flagrant fouls called when they were up by 10 with less than a minute left, after a whole game of "let them play physical".. When the environment gets that hostile during the course of the game, I'm sorry, that's on the refs, and u will never get me to change my mind on this subject. Check it the first 3 minutes of the game, and that stuff vanishes. Player safety trumps irate fans anyday imo.

  3. On paper yes they should. This game looks to have been played AT Tarkington. A lot of times, the energy generated at a HOME gym has a positive effect on the home team, while impeding the visiting team. It also seems to affect less experienced refereeing crews are routinely biased by this influence depending on which side of the ball you're on (lol). Familiarity of opponent can be a factor as well. 

    Would really need to see the box scores to know did normal players play normal minutes, was there foul trouble, did someone have to sit out, etc.? If I remember correctly.

    I see Tarkington lost to VYPE current Top Ten team Hamshire Fannett 47-42 at H-F, VYPE current Top Ten school Bridge City 38-32 and 48-42, so what that means empirically to me is they play hard and must have competed in these games. So even though Woodville is a really good team with superior talent, every game against an unranked opponent isn't going to be a 100-29 cakewalk. To me a 13 point win on the road is a strong enough statement by itself.


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