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Everything posted by biaplayer

  1. Well I really don't think walker will get the start for next year, but with that being said AJ throwing a pick six on the third play from scrimmage isn't really what I had in mind for our starters, and hopefully isn't a prelude to come for next year. Be interesting to see how fairclothe saw the scrimmage at the QB position. Anyway looks like it will be interesting no doubt. Still think we need a lot of practice! Come on august!
  2. Tell the coach to.  Call fairclothe at png he might be game, maybe maybe not may want that week off!
  3. Was. No score in the second half, 1st team was driving late , chipman makes a catch fumbles the ball inside the redzone. Runningbacks look ok nothing to get my hopes up on, but it was just a practice, just good enough to get the juices flowing. The fan support was less than I expected, guess they already left town for the holiday weekend, who knows?
  4. Well here at the rez, first half opinion, If it were me AJ would be on the bench and the sophomore walker would be the starter, he throws a better ball and seems to move the offense better, AJ throws a wobbling wounded duck, going deep in warmups the receivers had to wait on the ball, I contribute it to waiting too long and throwing the ball way to high, he looks at one receiver and one receiver only! If he doesn't learn how to look away and progress his targets we are in a world of poo poo. But in his defense the wind is kicking alittle. Defense looks ok they do fly to the ball. More opinions to come after the outcome
  5. Yes sir can't wait till tommorrow, ready for some football!
  6. True even if he has to wait till his junior year that is still alright, have a feeling we will see him on the field not as an back up but with some trick play double option kinda scenario at the goal line or something like that. Soulja knows all about what I'm talking about. I am pretty good at guessing the calls
  7. That is good only thing worries me is how long will coach fairclothe stay. I love the system he brought. It is nice to see passing along with running the ball. Now if the defense and special teams would all gel at the same time it would be perfect. Just 2 more days, really anxious to see walker play, last sophomore to start at QB was dustin longand we all know how he did!
  8. He's. Only a freshman dawg gone it that is good to hear!
  9. Should be a good game what kind of offense do y'all run, wanna welcome you to the res,get ready to hear a lot of cherokee!
  10. Who cares about last year, ned won , vidor made a great memorable season goin deep ozen sent brenham home, we got beat by one hell of a kicker, and throwing a pick in the endzone when we had plenty of time left on the clock. Let's focus on this year and start throwing darts at the black death defense lol. This should be a great year with some great games, can't wait till Friday! Wait a minute think I already said that lol. So is the walker kid a junior or senior? Hearing good things about him
  11. Four days and counting, can't wait for Friday to get here
  12. Seems like the only ones making excuses is vidor,  injuries hurt you in the run department, if I ain't mistaken you lost to both of us png and ned. I enjoyed watching y'all play what games I got to see, the defense over there in vidor was tough, they. Made good tackles in the open field and flew to the ball. I haven't seen anyone on here from png say that they were gonna win the title. Everyone knows ned has the target on their back. This paticular png team when they were young wasn't what we fans call spectacular, but I think they have matured and will benefit from bf s offensive scheme, the only thing that keeps me guessing is the defense. I am ready for Friday so I can see for myself! Would love to see some bodies flying to the ball rapping up and letting the wood fly! Soo ready for some football, soulja you gonna come??? Brenhamfan said he may come since the hill sent their coach into early retirement in baseball! Be interesting to get yalls input so I won't be biased in my opinions!
  13. Man don't be teasing me how did we look, I wanna hear your opinions so ill know what to look for next week?
  14. Wow one more week till the spring game can't wait! Anxious to see what we got coming for next year. Know my baby girl will be happy to put her cheerleader suit on again. Come on may 25th!
  15. Prayers for his family, I remember that kid from the game against us , he had great size and opened up some huge holes for the twins. Very sad loss for the community of Crosby.
  16. Lmao they kill me, I like the enthusiasim though
  17. The black death defense Really??????? Lol
  18. I don't think size has much to do with it. Look at jaquez rogers , he's in the pros now and wasn't that big a fellow. If they have the talent they will be noticed, big small dumb smart it doesn't matter, someone will notice
  19. Well I hat to see a fan leave and go down to the antmound, but atleast when dayton smudges the mound with the thundering hooves, it migh remind you of the better times at png with all that purple west of here. Hopefully you won't get on that boat with the smoking baby and brenhamfan, they are getting accustomed to the one and done syndrome that we so graciously had to endure last year. Good thing though, had we got past dayton I don't believe we would have faired much better against manvel, that team was loaded lol.
  20. Alright mr . Garrity pm me and we shall discuss the win loss scenario of the bet. So all my ndns have to do is make the playoffs, I will take that bet win or lose it will make for some fun! Brenham fan call me and we will talk lol I will make a decision after I watch the purple and white game next week and come to my own conclusions, but plan on me taking your bet and you wearing purlpe and white for the following year!
  21. Would you care to make a wager on we don't make the playoffs mr garrity? Look at bmt souljas signature. Ill have you calling me a guru to lol. I know the pam players didn't have anything to do with it! It was just a poke. And I know that they were gonna schedule playing each other again with the first game to be in png. I was all for it. Nothing like a five minute drive to pa for a Friday night game. But with wb sayiing they wouldn't come to pa no more might have influenced faircloths decision. I don't schedule the games butt I promise you this much, if I did you can bet your a$$ that we would play y'all along with west brook, and wos. Win or loose it would do nothing but improve our players having to try to stop the talent and caliber of players on the titains and bruins and stangs. It is an old rivalry and I would love to see them become reality. But if you want to play us go talk to faircloth maybe he will change his mind.lolBut on the other hand if we scrimmage the titains I am all for that also, they are always good and entertaining. Last year we give up a 51 yard run to singleton. We lost the scrimmage, but it wasn't as if we didn't do nothing positive, with the athletes in yalls backfield I thought it was a plus.
  22. Featherless headdress! Congrats on the new oppurtinity though money is a good thing,  being a barbershill fan isn't such a good thing. Lol had a bh follower working for me had to run him off the first chance I got!
  23. Yep that's right we were scared to play memorial no doubt, prob due to the reputation pam has about fighting and assulting other schools fans! But me myself would have welcomed the challenge. We have scrimmaged with y'all have won some have lost some. No big deal. It would surely be one hell of a challenge though no doubt. We have a open date week four I say bring it on!
  24. Just saw the schedule, glad to see silsbee and wos, but who is humble-summer creek.? Never heard of them? Sorry to see Crosby and texas city go. Enjoyed watching the games over the last couple of years, won't miss the twins though they were a handfull!. Barbershill, well I guess they were just scared lol. Can someone tell. Me about this humble team???? I know nothing about them??????
  25. Lol they tore us a new one last year, they are explosive no doubt!
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