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team first

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Posts posted by team first

  1. Stevie has great numbers, Stevie can play, Stevie is a big time gamer, Stevie got a bad rep....fighting , guns, equals a little lack of respect from the fans,,show some class, play hard , be humble, equals ALL- STAR with those numbers..kinda reminds me of the dennis rodman situation...situation not the numbers...never got the respect he might have gotten because he could not act right,,that's just the way it works,,ask another kid from P.A...same thing different level..PEACE !

  2. The other 6 schools should be better next year...it is just tough to beat the kids in Beaumont right now, not only do they have good players, but they have to qualify at those two magnet schools.  And with this being the case, not only are they good basketball players, but they are very smart kids... Heck at Central you have to be geared toward the medical field because it is a medical magnet!!!!  Now when do they have time to study and shoot a little hoops. Realisticly, it is an athletic disadvantage to those Central kids... all that studying takes away ,  and Ozen out there getting in a little extra time!!!! Enough to piss somebody off dang it....

  3. Another rules clarification please....for the gurus to answer!!  If a player shoots the ball, and the ball touches nothing and the shooter goes and gets it before anyone touches it, and then makes the shot, do we have 2 points or not????  Guru's only please!!!

    No....that was truly a dumb question....NO.  You guys just dont stop, do you?...You people are so friendly in person, too...yet you constantly attempt to antagonize me over the internet...wonder why? Cowards...you people are cowards...historically...backstabbing cowards

    so dickie ur  answer is no? once again u show stupid u are when it comes to basketball. Always riding boutte tail, and never really knowing what the heck ur talking about

  4. Coaching is OVER-RATED.....Think about it...When is the last time one of your fav. coaches hit a free-throw , to tie things up. got a rebound and actually boxed somebody out, had a sweet no-look for an easy deuce, or actually stepped in and took a charge...Players baby and you have to hav em...If you don't you probablly, well______. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken ________.  I'm headed to the AAU circuit to find a few players who can actually play both ends of the floor, who show up every day ready to play, who put in extra time by themselves, who can actually lead a team to a few W's , who realize that it's only AAU and there are no promises, and that the best thing right now is that they still have elgibility at the high school level and get to play for the school they have been geared to [play for ,for the last ten years....    And if the coach yells at them, by gosh it makes them play harder and does not make them pout and want mama...Because if you have to do alot of COACHING.....you might not have any players..BUT on the other hand if you do a little recruiting...well then it's not over-rated!!!

  5. Hey you two hum-babers, get out there and say hey...batter, batter,batter, swing batter...I like that one, you guys have alot of time to think up some new ones too, it won't be until about the 5th inning until somone hits one, wait, it was foul, until you actually have to move....The key, SUNFLOWER SEEDS, AND LOTS OF THEM!!!!!!!

  6. Bluedove, are you suggesting that because Jacovin did not play half of the season, it was the fault of the coach that he did not make the Mac D. All- American team???  If so, we need to make a thread about the responsibility of the individual toward his high schol team, and not put oneself in front of that, period.....This AAU is mostly about I before team, and I'm talking about players and coaches end up thinking that way. They have to be able to seperate the two, and if they don't, well you've seen the results !!!!

  7. Maybe they did need some extra $$ to get to Austin...but usually there is a budget for each sport, including basketball...If the playoffs or state tourney is ultimately achieved, then the A.D. will then go to the supplemental budget to cover expenses..Sounds like here the A.D. did not do his job and therefore there was no supp. budget for the basketball program to use during the playoff run..poor planning, and possibly a little selfishness by someone, who in turn, used the $$$ themselves for another part of the athletic program...

  8. Will agree on that short...David Green could coach...In P.A. the well is not as deep as it once was....the citizens don't see it , but it is what it is and sometimes it happens...kids do not get in the gym like they once did, and it shows...how about 2000 when t>J. beat Lincoln in the reg. finals...those kids are gone...and look what just happened to the talent that was just over there.  Skill level plus a great attitude and work ehic go a long way!!!!

  9. Wait fellas, you forgot a few things..Westbrook did have very good players when Ozen was not open, but....there is a big difference between playoff compettion in 4a vs that of 5a BASKETBALL....remember Ozen is not playing against the elite year in and out, maybe some years, but not every year..Those guys you named were good but as they say, "size matters" and obviously...It's tough to win the "big one" without that big first rounder.... And by the way, I would hate to see Lopez at Ozen too, since he is on track to go to the BROOK, heck challenge yourself and try to win one for the scholl you're supposed to be at...It's not to hard to get those Dist titles if all the elite players are at one place....

  10. here we go...One might say that H.J. is not an academy, but just a solid program built from little dribblers on up....When they get to H.S. they have tons of on court experience and as we know very good coaching at that level..not a magnet, all of the kids live within H.J. boundaries...did I hear academic magnet...medical magnet....really, there will not be a comment from me on that, I hope you were only kidding.  The difference is simple, H.J. and the rest of their district play by the same rules, if they win nobody goes on board and says they are different, same with East Chambers, TRADITION.....Ozen wins first year in and year out, solid players with quality coaching...TRADITION WITH A TWIST....There is no getting around it...sorry!!!!

  11. My oh my....Do not know Dickie V.....Do know coach B at Ozen..excellent coach!  Someone said we should be happy that the kids at Ozen are having success, but we do not talk about the other sports!  This is a basketball board first, and second I could care less about discussing the other sports. the bottom line is simple, if you go to Austin and hear the announcer talking about past teams success and you hear Ozen and Dallas Lincoln mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is MAGNET. Teams who have an advantage....There is no denying that ..It's okay to admit it, it's not the kids or coaches fault, it's the fault of the UIL to allow it to happen and I will tell you why! UIL has a mission statement about fairness , sportsmanship etc... If I was a coach , I would have a hard time explaining to the players why the kid acroos the tracks can't come in and play for us!!!! What about all the other kids in that 4a district, are they not working hard? Are they  not going through off-season. Rules are rules, but there is obviously a flaw in the system...because other sports do not dominate, still does not make it right. As a matter of fact, I do follow Ozen in the playoffs year after year, still got that little question in the back of my mind...What if the MAGNET  did not exist????

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