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team first

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Posts posted by team first

  1. What a joke....It's a wish..not bashing, but only a thought. No cursing was done and speaking out of feeling about the officiating..officials and uil authorities should find something else to do, I've noticed lately that some officials have a little chip on their shoulder....Let me say this, we have to have officials ,but the officiating in our area needs some serious improvement.  We have a handful of quality officials, but our bmt. chapter has real issues.

  2. Memphis will be all over him>>>>Hee Hee..No seriously, this is kind of the way it happens..Dad does not have athletic background, all he sees is an unreal talent and has not been able to direct him and the situation is out of control.

    The kid may end up as being the saddest story to ever come through our area.

    the kid has a good side to him, but I believe this is another story of a kid getting too much attention early in his career, and nobody around for guidance and humility...seems like the behavior never ends!

  3. As for Sim's hitting. A couple weeks ago he got with Coach Fackuler who is a hitting instructor for alot of the high school hitters. He worked out Chad and what a difference its made. He has really been swatting that ball.

    Wow guy must be a miracle worker. It only took him two weeks to get sims to hit 3 homeruns in one game.

    Dude please make that your one and only post.

  4. Dickie V if i didnt know any better, i would think you where a genius.  :D But seriously i could not agree more with you on this topic. If they where really there for the kids, then it would be the same as football. I understand why the kids go at the young age, you cant turn down the money. We just have to hope that they have had good role models (like perkins had) so they can stay the course and not just blow their money, and then have no education to fall back on.

  5. Boy, how are you going to compare going to the NBA to going to war in Iraq???? I really wonder about you sometimes, dude... ::)...What about more of these kids earning their college degrees so that in the event they can't play one day, they can have an opportunity to earn a living? NBA money will eventually run out too, ya know...How about educating these kids to the point where when they make all of this money, they are mature enough to really know how to make it last? Iraq.... ::)

    could not agree more

  6. billy may offer him the asst. job again when Rock leaves, but they will never just offer him the head job straight from ozen.

    I know he will never be there until Rock is ready to leave. And Rock will not be leaving any time soon, unless he chooses to go to greener pastures. And that comes from an reliable source also.

    Not saying that Boutte does not deserve it

  7. Short, I'll take the 'BIGS'.  You can have the little guys running around.  You teach your guards to shoot the 3, and I'll teach my bigs the right and left jumphook.  I bet my team wins.  On any level.

    Take that Soulja!!!


    Short i dont think i have ever responded to you buddy.

    Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good!

    I don't need any guards with killer speed and quickness.  I need SMART mediocre guards.  Nice crisp passing to break the press.  After that, give it to my fundementally sound Bigs.  Long day for your little guys, Short.

    Dead topic....  You and teamfirst can run a topic into the ground...  I tell you what!! The team with the little guards backcourt won the NCAA national championship...

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