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Posts posted by smp83

  1. Hey 4thand1, seems our fans aren't the only ones that don't stand up and cheer for the boys unless prompted!  Our side seems to stand up and "cheer" (actually try to get the cheerleaders attention) when the cheerleaders throw mini-footballs and t-shirts into the crowd.  Oh, there's some that do cheer, along with the 'crazy momma' cheer section. 

    Your side was kind of quiet until the announcer got the crowd involved, which I have to say was irritatingly rude (IMO).  I know we were in your house, but I have never heard an announcer at BH ever prompt the crowd "let's hear it for those Eagles", "that's another Eagle 1st down" etc. 

    No I'm not saying anything about it because we lost.  We lost because we were out played and made way too many mistakes.  It was a win for the L-train and I'll give you that.  I'm just saying that I think it's disrepectful, regardless of who you're playing or what the score it.  If your the announcer, just announce the dang game and leave the cheering for the cheerleaders and crowd, regardless of how much cheering they're doing or not doing!

    That being said.......... Eagles, shake it off, figure out what you need to do, make the necessary adjustments and let's get back on track!!!  The season is still early and I know you can turn things around!!!  Let's go Eagles!!!

    We love our announcer. He isn't impartial. So, why try and act like you are. That's what makes Lumberton home games unique. That's the way it is in Lumberton. It wont change for your or anyone else who thinks that its rude. We expect the same treatment when we play at other teams stadiums. He does give the details and results of each play and recognizes the players from both sides involved. Outside of that, whatever else he says and does is what makes him a great announcer.

    Actually, I don't like our announcer doing that. And I have talked to others who don't either. To me, it's embarassing to be 'told' to cheer.

    The same thing happened last year. Seems like every time we are 'told' to cheer, the other team ends up making  good play. Go figure.

    But anyway...good game for our guys. And good luck to BH this year!!

  2. I'm not going to say Lumberton will be #1, but hopefully can make a run for the top 4. I know we lost key players, but  we do have a lot coming back also. As far as the ones moving up from JV, we do have some talent. It will be interesting to see who plays where and how they gel. Last year's JV had a "decent" season. They tied Dayton...lost to Central and PNG. In the Central game, we turned the ball over in that one game more than the whole season. Some were Central's defense causing turnovers but most were because we flat out couldn't hold on to the ball. Not saying we would've won without the turnovers, just saying how bad we played. Now, I know that was JV and Varsity is a different level. Just making an observation  ;D.

    Nederland should do well. They had a young team that now have a year's experience behind them. And a great returning QB, among others.

    Never underestimate Central and PNG. Still can't believe Central had the year they did last year.

    LCM & Vidor also had young teams. At least, I think LCM did?? I think we'll have to wait and see about these two. Maybe they'll pull off some upsets.

    Ozen...I'm not sure. I believe they have the talent...

    Livingston...don't know enough about them other than they went to the playoffs last year. Does anyone know how many they lost and how many are returning?

    So, in no particular order I say:





    but Livingston could take one of the spots

  3. If playing football or any sport were only about players playing to get scholarships...has it come to that?

    It's not only about the few on each team that get scholarships. It's about every player who plays because they love the game and want to play. If a scholarship happens...great! If not, at least you can say you had fun and did what you enjoyed in high school. It will give you and your buddies something to talk about for years :D.

    Lumberton only had a couple get scholarships...yet went further in the playoffs this year than teams with more students getting scholarships.

    Why is that?? IMO, if a team has that many players getting scholarships, they should have dominated on the field. But they didn't. Again, why?

    You can say that our playoff run didn't accomplish much because it didn't produce more scholarships...but I don't agree. Sure, more scholarships would've been nice. But, I think, what that TEAM accomplished means more than some getting scholarships. And besides, some of the ones that contributed the most were only Jrs and Soph...

  4. Dickie V, in reading some of your posts about "certain people" you come across as being  as racist as the ones you are talking about. Lumping "all of us" together and assuming we all feel the same way about J. Brown because we are "different" than him. I am from one of "those cities" that you talk about. You don't know anything about me so please don't presume to tell others what I think or feel. Is there racism here? Yes. Is it right? No. Is the whole city racist? No. Is there racism in every city in the US? Yes. Is there reverse racism? Yes...but that is never discussed by you. Like someone said earlier, if you are going to tell the truth, tell the whole truth. Racism comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.

    As far as the subject of J. Brown...I commend the coach for standing up and letting this young man know that this type of behavior is wrong. I would feel the same way no matter what his skin color. If his punishment has been served, he should be allowed to play. As someone has already said, I think the problem came when it "seemed" as if the punishment was done away with to allow him to play in the playoffs. It gave the "win at all cost" scenario that I think some people don't agree with. "Win at all cost" is a matter of opinion, some agree, some don't. It turned out to be a mute point because I read that he didn't play in the game anyway.

    I, for one, hope he learned a lesson from this. I tell my kids all time: "Attitude is everything". I don't know J. Brown, other than what has been posted in this forum. I believe what most people have a problem with is that it seems he had been given many chances and hadn't learned his lesson before this incident happened. But because he is gifted as a talented player, he seems to get more chances than a player with less ablities would. And that happens everywhere, even here in my little "racist town". It happens in all walks of life. That, I think, is what people are "fed up" with. For those of us who try to teach our kids to have the right attitude, it's like a slap in the face when a talented child

    is given chance after chance, no matter his attitude. And please don't use the excuse that "they are just kids". My 17 yr old knows right from wrong, knows good vs bad attitude. He also knows when others with bad attitudes are given those chances because they are good players at whatever sport. It makes my job as a parent that much more difficult.

    Again, I hope he learned a lesson. It would be sad for a talented person, such as he is, to throw it all away because of a bad attitude. Attitude is a choice. And there are many boys out there, of all colors, that would give anything for the chance J. Brown has been given...

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