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Posts posted by smp83

  1. HA HA HA ;D.....what's that? I dont hear anything....sure is quiet on here tonight with no smack talking from the L-Train supporters. Finally, somebody shut em up!!! Go NDN's! and THANK YOU for for the peace and quiet we will get this coming week!

    Surely you weren't trying to get anything started?? I hope most Lumberton fans suprised you in that we can talk smack but also be gracious when we lose and give credit where credit is due.

  2. Wrong again played WR in HS what did you play band? and evidently you didnt watch too much cowboy and NDN movies as a child, and your fans talked just as much trash if not more, so dont go away mad just go away :-* :'(

    and i dont post for PNG i post for myself, but when you come out with foolish comments ill come out with both guns blazing

    Well at last someone admits that not only Lumberton talks smack :o  ;)

    Yes, Lumberton fans talked a lot and now we are here to say "Good game PNG". Ya'll played a great game tonight!!  Appreciate all the good posts about our team.

  3. A freind of mine who lives in L-town and played for yall, and son plays on the PNGYFL team with mine stated that yall could very well go to 5A soon cuz yall are growing so fast, is it true?

    I don't think that will happen...it depends on if we have enough land left for the number of people needed to go 5A. Don't know if we have that much. Even if we do, I think its several years down the road.

  4. Yes the past does count thats why those memories are in the weight room its called INSPIRATION, and thats why PRIDE, HONOR, TRADITION is on our press box, the boys only have to look up a little to see what theyre fighting for!

    I never said the past doesn't count. You have a great tradition to be very proud of. I've always rooted for your team in the playoffs. I know people from Lumberton that travelled to watch you in the playoffs. All I'm saying is that our boys are fighting this year for something to be proud of also.  As I said in another post, our wins this year may mean nothing to anyone else. But to us, considering our past, they mean a lot. Say what you will about the teams we have played. And yes, we may not win another game, but at this point in time we have hope and we back our team. You have been to the playoffs many times...this may be our first...you're excited about possibly going again and we're excited about possibly going our first time. Sure some of the fans are taking things too far. Every team has those few that do. We feel our boys are capable of winning. I'm looking forward to a very hard fought game Friday night. Win or lose it's all about those boys on the field. We're proud of them no matter what happens.

  5. I agree they get on here and gripe about the threads but if they look Maybe one or two are started by L-Town. Last week I made the comment that if you counted there was as many Mid County Threads as Lumberton vs Central, they just hate it right now that we have the right to be proud of our team. I don't care if there are 30 Dayton , Ned Or Png Threads go ahead if I dont want to read about the 2nd 3rd and 4th place teams in this District I wont click on those Threads.

    I noticed the number of threads for MCM also, but didn't complain about them. There is also smack talk going on on all non-Lumberton threads.  But they act like since we have never been to the playoffs then we have no right to post the same things they post for their teams. They say to take each game one at a time...true...take each year one at a time also.  Nobody knows yet who will end up winning district or going to the playoffs. We will root for our boys the same way the others do.

  6. ...and it seems that there's a pattern whenever a Dayton fan doesn't think Lumberton is the best team in the nation that they say it's because their bitter about a loss. Who really effing cares about our loss? Yes, it's thier right. I just think it clogs up the forum with 20 threads about the same dang thing. I'm not the only one that's complained about it before. Also, oh well if I feel like downing Lumberton whenever I dang well feel like. I personally do not think Lumberton is the super amazing, OH MY FREAKIN LORD, WE'RE GONNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD team that you're making it out to be. So yah, I'm done.

    And how many people are tired of hearing the same people complaining about Lumberton thread after thread.  It goes both ways.  A lot of the threads are started by non-Lumberton people just to get this sort of stuff started.

  7. I understand what you are saying about this being a big game for us.

    To other teams that have had winning records and have been there before, our wins over Dayton and Central may not mean much...but to  us they were very big games. What I'm talking about is the mindset of the players.  For years we have been on the losing end and it's hard for the players to have the mentality that they can win.  Beating Dayton and Central (whether or not they are as good as in past years) has been a big boost for our boys.  Now, they know they can win. I believe that attitude is everything. They go in to the games believing they can win and it shows in how they play.  And I attribute a lot of that to the excellent coaching staff we have.

    So, I do think they will be prepared to handle the pressure. We know what this game means and that it will not be easy.  It will be a hard fought game.  I can't wait!!  

    P.S.  I hope you do get a chance to root for us in the playoffs as we have always rooted for you in the past ;)  

  8. A play is a play and a score is a score...  would you take back that klast minute touchdown in the Dayton game when they scored early and cotroled most of the game defensively... Lumberton kids are good and play with heart can you show some of that same Moxy?

    Have you seen the stats for the Dayton/Lumberton game?  Dayton didn't control that game like you say. Neither team scored until the end of the 4th quarter.

  9. Lumberton looked awesome. The score SHOULD have been 49-7.  Lumberton shot themselves in the foot a few times with fumbles and blown pass coverage but otherwise played a heck of a game on defense.  #5 is one tough runner.  I was very impressed with him.  I was impressed with their team speed.  There were able to contain Central very well.  A VERY impressive, poised team.  Very well coached.  I will be rooting for them the rest of the way!

    Thank you!!

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