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Posts posted by smp83

  1. Google "Texas Education Code Chapter 37".  That chapter deals with discipline and safe schools.  Also look at your district's policy handbook.  Policies followed by (legal) are mirrors of the Tx. Ed. Code.  Policies followed by (local) are local policies.

    wanted to bump this post.

    I don't think the majority of people reailze what is mandated by the state and federal govt.

    Schools are held accountable for so many things most people don't know about. Discipline, whether on or off campus, is one of them.

    A student has a 'right' to attend a safe school. Districts are judged/rated by the actions of the students that attend their schools.

    Even if a student does something off campus, a district can be held 'accountable' in the sense that the student attends that school. If he isn't 'safe' to be around off campus, is he 'safe' to be around on campus?

    Schools have to report these things to the state...and they are rated if they are a safe school or not.

    Think about this, if a student is arrested off campus...say for something to do with weapons...and he comes to school while awaiting trial...would you consider him a risk to other students?

    What if the arrest was a sexual crime? Would you want the student attending class and setting next to your daughter?

    The schools have to do what they have to do to try to keep the other students safe. Something done off campus can affect things on campus.

    By law, students are required to attend school. If a student is arrested for a crime, but is not in jail...is awaiting trial, served his time, etc...then the school has to serve the student. But it's not always in the best interest of other students to have them in the general population. Hence the laws that certain things done by students, on OR off campus, mandate that they be placed in alternative education, suspened, and sometimes expelled.

    And, if a school DIDN'T take action with some of these kids, and something terrible happened at school...what would we be saying then? That the school knew about the problem student and should've done something?

    Obviously I'm not talking about non threatening discipline problems. But, there are students out there who are a threat to other students.

    Also, another thing to consider. If these problem students drop out of school, then the district is held accountable for that also. Dropout rate affects TAKS ratings...I don't know that most people realize that TAKS ratings are more than just how well the students perform on the test. So, schools will also do what they can to keep these kids from being considered dropouts...alternative education, GED programs, juvenile dention, etc.

    I don't agree with it all. It's not a school's fault if a student is arrested or does something stupid off campus. It's not necessarily their fault if a student drops out of school. But they are held accountable for it.

  2. png fans say if png plays like their capable of all 4 quarters then they are unstoppable. And that may well be...I haven't seen png play this year.

    But, the same might be said of Vidor. When they played Lumberton they looked like a different team in the 2nd half (especially the 4th quarter). If they play all 4 quarters the way they are capable of they might just pull this one off.

  3. It's really nothing.  It didn't bother me at all.  I thought it was creative that you call them L-Train and you bring the train horn to the games.  I was just saying that right after the announcer said something about brining horns to a UIL event, immediately afterwards, the Horn was blown.  It was like, 'the heck with that dude, I'm blowing this darn horn!'.  

    I don't know the rule but I think it says noisemakers aren't allowed in the stands. Lumberton's announcer always announces that if you use them you have to go to the endzone.

  4. Central should be able to score alot on Lumberton. I wouldnt read to much into the Vidor @ Lumberton game because Vidor played a terrible game . Lumberton could be in trouble this year.

    Ya'll always say VIDOR played a terrible game ........ L-TRAIN made Vidor play a terrible game ........ DUH!

    And somehow Vidor still WON THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good luck to both teams

    And Lumberton played a bad game too so that doesn't mean we're in trouble any more than it means Vidor is in trouble.

    That being said, obviously we can't play like that again and hope to beat Central...unless Central has a bad game too, lol.

    I know the coaches will have them as ready as they can be. It'll be up to the boys to do the job.

  5. The parking at Vidor is worse.  Give me a break. As far as the game goes we lost the game because of our mistakes.  All the penalties, that one big fumble, and of course the missed field goals. We gave you that game.  I would not be surprised if yall lose another game or two in district.  Your defense needs a lot of work and you can't win district just being a one dimensional team.  Other teams will take advantage of this.

    don't even start, you had the best refs money could buy

    Then we need to spend our money better seeing how we had more penalties called on us than ya'll did.

    And can we set the record straight on exactly WHY the flag was picked up against Lumberton?

    Wasn't it because, before 10 yards you can't chop but after 10 you can...and it was after 10 yards...so the flag should NOT have been thrown in the first place?

    like a few of us have been saying! it's over now it doesn't matter. we can't what if! iwhat if yall had won would you even mention ref calls then prob not.the refs do the best they can at calling a game! but like said doesnt really matter now anyways. so let's move on and get ready for next weeks game! ok

    I know it doesn't matter. Tell that to your fellow vidor fans who keep talking about home cooking by the refs, lol. And ya'll won!

  6. The parking at Vidor is worse.  Give me a break. As far as the game goes we lost the game because of our mistakes.  All the penalties, that one big fumble, and of course the missed field goals. We gave you that game.  I would not be surprised if yall lose another game or two in district.  Your defense needs a lot of work and you can't win district just being a one dimensional team.  Other teams will take advantage of this.

    don't even start, you had the best refs money could buy

    Then we need to spend our money better seeing how we had more penalties called on us than ya'll did.

    And can we set the record straight on exactly WHY the flag was picked up against Lumberton?

    Wasn't it because, before 10 yards you can't chop but after 10 you can...and it was after 10 yards...so the flag should NOT have been thrown in the first place?

  7. Congrads out to Vidor first.Although it was the Raiders game to win.I was there and the raiders dominated but credit to Vidor they played tough inside the red zone  and only allowed 1 td and turned the raiders away from inside the red zone 3 times w/the Raiders only making 1 of 3 short field goals although the 2nd try was a bad snap,3rd try was long enough just 20 yds left of the pole.To many penalties 100 yds first half and a Raider turnover.

    That's funny, I was at the game too and Vidor beat Lumberton all night.  Its funny how some home cooking with the refs gives us chop block penalty's and they pick the hankies up for Lumberton.   If it wasn't for that Vidor would have blown them out.  It must be the smoke and train horn that makes the game look that different from each side line.    :( :( :( :( :( :(  Great job Vidor!!!   You will never get these cry babies to admit they got spanked.   

    Didn't Lumberton have chop block called against them also?

    BTW, you're doing the same thing Lumberton is doing...IF IF IF...

    Last week against Central some Vidor fans did the same thing...'IF we wouldn't have fumbled...IF they would've given us the 2 pt conversion...etc'.

    Vidor played a good game but they didn't dominate like some of them expected to. They capitalized on our mistakes which is what a good team does. But a win is a win no matter if you dominated or not and that is what counts. Congrats to the boys from Vidor. Hope your player wasn't hurt too bad.

  8. To all in Lumberton, throw the man a bone before someone else does.  If not, you'll wish you had.  I'm sure he'd like to stay, but didn't the community just vote against new turf for the stadium??  Just how committed is the community to a winning program?  ::) :-\

    I don't recall the bond election having anything to do with turf...someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  9. I am one that is willing to pay a little more in taxes to benefit the district.

    We take pride in our schools. We do have good schools. Not perfect, but good.

    To keep them that way we have to keep and be able to hire good teachers. Including Credeur.

    I'm not saying that I want him to leave or that he shouldn't get a raise. The question is, how much of a raise can we give him? And if he gets one, what about the teachers and everyone else who works for our district? Are we, as a community willing to do this?

  10. You would ONLY have to pay the principal more. He or she has to be the highest payed person on campus. But I do agree. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in the district should get a raise!!!!

    It's funny people don't blink an eye on spending extra money on hunting, fishing, or their lake house or beach house. Whatever they see as fun. But you try to squeeze a nickle out of them for school taxes that benefit their kids and they FREAK OUT!!!!!!

    Yes, I understand that only the principal has to make more.

    But pay for teachers is an issue here. That was my point. If we pay Credeur a huge amount more...I believe it may open a can of worms...we do not need to lose some of the good teachers we have.

  11. Diamond-J you are entitled to your opinion...But I disagree. Maybe you are to close to see clearly. Do you live in Lumberton?


    I do live in Lumberton.

    The thing is...if we offer him a significant amount to stay then we would have to raise the pay for our principals and asst. principals. Not to mention our teachers and aides who are also underpaid. We are one of the lowest paid districts around. Even some of the smaller schools pay more than we do.

    It goes without saying that we would like to keep him here. He is a hometown guy but is that enough to keep him here? Does he truly want to see his hometown do well or is he out for money?

    I'm not saying that I don't think he should get a raise. Everyone who works for our district needs raises. That's the point. If we give him a significant raise to keep him, I just think it will cause hard feelings among some of the rest of the staff who do not see football as the number one reason they are there. They see educating our children as the reason they are there.

    As much as we might want to keep him, we have to look at the big picture. I just don't see him getting a huge raise. But, then again, stranger things have happened.

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