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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. Well Franchione has about 75 offers out and building steam!!  Looks like he will have one of the largest recruiting classes in the history of the NCAA!!!
  2. We are rapidly moving toward Obama's main goal as president!!!  Make sure that the USA is no more relevant, prosperous, or powerful than a 3rd world country when he leaves office.  He is succeeding in that goal fantastically!!!
  3. Manning and Brady are pretty damn good players who make big plays, move the ball down the field and get it to the open guys who can make plays.  Romo??? He is overrated and gets the coverage only because Jethro Jones makes sure the cowgirls are constantly talked about!!!
  4. Michael Sam did not shy away from the media attention he was given for being gay and it overshadowed everything else.  He relished the spot light of being the first "openly gay" player drafted.  It is really ashame that someones sexual oreintation, when someone is gay, is the center piece of their very existence.  It is very sad times we live in!!!
  5. Here is the solution.  You don't weaken our military by troop cutbacks or weapons cutbacks (yes that also includes Nukes) such that the perceived strength of our military is greatly diminished in the world and it emboldens straw bosses like Putin to laugh at us and advance their nation building agenda.  SMH.  I know that the righteous left will blame everything and everybody but their own failed policies.
  6. Neither you, nor anyone else on the planet would fire that guy for his hatefule beliefs!!!  You know that, and I know that!!  He is in a protected class, and protected classes have superior rights to hate and be intolerant!!  That is exactly how the gay mafia is operating!!!
  7. Like Hillary said, What does it matter!!!!  NewTobie equals old Tobie!!!
  8. I heard about it this weekend.  A couple from my Sunday School class had gone and had really good things to say about it!!
  9. You must not have eaten in Houston lately!!!
  10. I am glad that you celebrate the deaths of 4 Americans!!!
  11. There is precedent!!  But your right that this Prez will not be brought down, very few news organizations are even covering these stories.  They are in "protection" mode!!  They do not want to see a President "hell bent" on "radicallizing" the USA going down!!!
  12. It would be a blip on the CBS/ABC/NBC/CNN/MSNBC news cycle because all they would be trying to do is cover the Benghazi and IRS scandals if they could tie it to a Republican and bring down a Presidency!!!
  13. This was more apolegitic than critical of the Prez and was really a backhanded swipe at his critics.  The problem that Obama has is his beliefs and his policies.  But poeple like Dowd are in agreement with him on those beliefs and policies. So they cover for him consistently and unwaveringly, and when he doesn't sound Presidential to them and he is not as aggressive as they would like him to be on their "pet policy" initiative to radically change America, they show their disappointment with him without really ever being hard or challenging him!!
  14. One thing is so blatantly clear that even WE1, when he looks in the mirror all by himself he cannot deny, that if the current adminsitration was Republican then the Donald Sterling story would hardly be mentioned and we would be seeing nothing more over the 24 hr news cycle, for months on end, than Benghazi and the IRS story!!!
  15. Does it seem like this to anybody else, that we have a real problem with Government at all levels these days! 
  16. I hope for your sake that you get better health care than our vets do!!  I wouldn't want to wish anything bad on you like that!!!
  17. He is still trying to figure out what "none" means!!!
  18. Oh but it is and that ain't changing anytime soon!!!
  19. It's a one sided issue and you know it, but it doesn't benefit you to admit it or change your views!!!
  20. It was clearly pointed out in an earlier post of a very racist remark made against caucasians. You summarily dismissed that quote as a non issue!!!
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