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class-99 Indians

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Posts posted by class-99 Indians

  1. 17 hours ago, navydawg31 said:

    Absolutely. Like I said on the other post all that discipline and atmosphere is complete made up bs. I remember a certain central game that year vs PNG when the crowd was 3 png people vs 1 central guy and central wasn't fazed one bit from the "atmosphere" and was "disciplined" to destroy PNG 33-7 and I was there when they were "discipline" to beat Barbers Hill by 3. I thought that could have been the year for central but Lamarque got the better of them that day. Like I said on Buddys  post atmosphere and discipline don't mean nothing. Does "atmoshphere" make a game fun yeah I get that. But at then end of the day it doesnt get you any extra points or anything just hey look they have a good showing. Just ask PNG in that state championship game in 99 at the astrodome how that atmosphere worked out for them

    that game still hurts it never leaves you,but anyways when was the last time big dogs been to a title,yall might own us this decade,thats because coaching but we own yall over all and yall will never catch up,come back to me when yall break the over all wins on us,it wont be long and we will go another 20 years or so run and add to that big lead,lol.

  2. 21 minutes ago, TradenupBH said:

    The atmosphere that PNG talks about is no longer. It's a fashion show, who wears the most bling, who knows the most people, who has a new purse, hair and nails did. Half the people there leave after the halftime because their kid is in band or Indianettes. Fights in the stands because some drunk guy is being loud about a kid sucking and kids dad hears it. Women fighting because they caught their husband checking out some silicone walking up the stands. Now that is ATMOSPHERE! Lol

    Of course, this was the 15 years that I witnessed.

    ha ha thats a good one,funny good stuff right there,come back after the mcm game and tell me if you see the stands empty,you are right about alot of that,thats why im laughing right now lol.

  3. wait is this game being played at lumberton,if so the new turf should give them the win,thats why the train is so fired up this year,and vidor gets a score board bigger than the cowboys so its gonna make that board go crazy who ever is playing in vidor.lol,just had to do it!

  4. On 8/3/2016 at 2:40 PM, BADSANTA said:
    4 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:
    10 minutes ago, L-Train11 said:

    And I'm pretty sure Adonis and Calvin both will be looking to put a hurting on whoever comes at them as well. And good luck stopping Barnes in open space..

    The problem with the hitting is it will be hard to hit what you don't see.  One of Silsbee's RB's is a ghost runner...  The other one is a brick wall...  2nd coming of thunder and lightening.  You'll see.  If that O-Line did what they did vs. Ozen , Silsbee will put up huge numbers , in the atmosphere and all...

    Silsbee wins 46-30

    barnes wont be a problem,we will just put the monster 6 ft 5 225 pounder on him keynel mczeal,i can promise you he can handle him,lol,if hes not catching the ball then im sure you will see him all on def wrecking people


  5. On 8/3/2016 at 2:40 PM, BADSANTA said:
    4 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    The problem with the hitting is it will be hard to hit what you don't see.  One of Silsbee's RB's is a ghost runner...  The other one is a brick wall...  2nd coming of thunder and lightening.  You'll see.  If that O-Line did what they did vs. Ozen , Silsbee will put up huge numbers , in the atmosphere and all...

    Silsbee wins 46-30

    that rb,and brick wall you are talking about is about to meet the landsharks,cole,and logan will be laying the steel pipe,so dem boys better have there helmet straps real tight,this is no prac-tice any more i can promise you they will be looking to putting a hurting on who never comes near them,lol,we shall see,but png is not ozen,if your going off that prac-tice you will lose,i still look for a great game no matter what with that being said.

  6. not every one was calln for his job,and dont get me wrong bf is a good coach but still hasnt figured it out yet,remember he was an off cord not a coach,imo he just needs to dig deeper to find the whole because he has been here a while and its not working,im not a bf hater hes a great guy,but its time to get it together,when you have better talent all over the field and you cant adjust like in the past mcm games thats all coaching brother....

  7. your 100% right Bg,we have had some great teams in the past,and coaching is killing us,if bf dont change up something when we play Ned,its 7 in a row,some people might not agree with me for saying this but if matt b was still the coach things would have turned out alot better than they are,its going to be another long year unless something big changes,

  8. rb # 19 is jaylen williams hes lightning fast,hes faster than hughes which runs a 4.4,we have speed all over the place they need to figure out how to get them all in the mix,somebody please tell bf,you have got to put all this speed in right postion or its a waste,i dont think all the right players are in the right postions,larry newmen is the best at finding where the best players should be at,maybe bf should call him,lol

  9. Bg I know better than that,you can't be serious,best team in 5a,lol,I know wos isn't 5a but the dogs can't and won't contain there speed,I'm going out on limb for saying this but big Ned will be lucky to score on that chain gang def,it won't be prac-Tice they will be hitting harder than the drum majors,Ned better hope for no injuries,it will be a good one.

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