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Posts posted by pdawg119

  1. 4 hours ago, CCRed said:

    What "jump" did BH make ?  Didn't they finish fourth in district ?  I don't see that as a jump and I sure don't see them winning district this year. 

    BH went 8-2 during the regular season last year, finishing 3rd in district. Their only losses came to Crosby and NC, both of which were on the road. If anything, it's a pretty good jump from 4-6 the previous year.

  2. 4 minutes ago, pdawg119 said:

    The reason why those things were ruled unconstitutional was because they were done by public (that means run by the government) schools, which is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. If you wanted your kids to be required to pray in school and take Bible classes, you could just fork over some money and take them to a private school like Kelly, Legacy, or OCC, but that's none of my business.

    Forgot one thing. Christianity can be taught in public schools, BUT it must be taught alongside other religions. This is usually done in high schools during Freshman Geography or Sophomore World History classes, and is taught alongside Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and sometimes, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Daoism.

  3. 8 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    You say some really crazy and at times downright idiotic things but I let me go by as to not take up too much time. Sometimes however........

    Tyranny? Persecution? Strife?

    First a little history. School prayer was allowed in this country under the US Constitution until 1962 in Engel v. Vitale when the Supreme Court ruled that saying a nondenominational prayer before school violated the First Amendment under freedom of religion or what is called the establishment clause. Up until 1962 and almost 200 years of history in this country, how much tyranny happened? How much strife? 

    I am not knocking the ruling but the belief that we suffered strife and tyranny because a person said a prayer. And what was the prayer that was ruled on? Here is the tyrannical prayer..... "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and beg Thy blessings upon us, our teachers, and our country.". 

    It didn't acknowledge which god. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Greek mythology? Please bless our country. Yep, until 1962 that was legal. For almost 200 years we suffered due to that.

    Up until the year 2000 it was legal for student led prayer at functions like high school football games when a case from right down the road in Santa Fe, TX had their student policy banned by the high court. So more than 200 years this time, we suffered strife, tyranny and persecution because prayers were said over the loud speaker. Mind you, it is still legal to pray but it can't be done over the school (government owned) public address system. Prayer has not and cannot constitutionally be banned. The only prohibition is over whose system (taxpayer's money) it is said with as a matter of the First Amendment. I am not even sure how we survived as a country due to football game prayers. Horrible........

    Back to your nonsensical rants. I will not likely respond to them as being too obvious to require a response. Even for you the claims of tyranny and strife seems over the top.....


    The reason why those things were ruled unconstitutional was because they were done by public (that means run by the government) schools, which is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. If you wanted your kids to be required to pray in school and take Bible classes, you could just fork over some money and take them to a private school like Kelly, Legacy, or OCC, but that's none of my business.

  4. 8 hours ago, pakronos said:

    i'm not trying to stir the pot, but i don't think ANY 21-5A is going past rd 1...maybe dayton and Crosby and that's a BIG maybe. PAM and PNG will be the top dogs with PAM improving at the QB position and Hines still running the ball. PN-G brings back the top QB in the district with almost the same team. Central with a new coach and the athletes they have, they SHOULD  get past the first round. Now, Nederland should be back, but not sure how good they will be. that might be the only way a 21-5a advances...yes i know, the game is played on the field. based on last years teams...i see the golden triangle rolling on to rd two.



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