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Posts posted by nappyroots

  1. 14 minutes ago, REBgp said:

    I do find it strange.  As whites become less racist, blacks become more racist.  This country had come a long way in in race relations.  Imo, stories like this are an indication of how the actions of Obama fueled the flames of racial hatred.  I honestly don't think he meant to, but that's the way it's worked out.  Inevitably, whites will start turning back to racism.  We're heading down a treacherous road, and the old devil is loving it.

    As many black and white couples as I see. Looks like many of the old racist dieing off.

  2. On 5/8/2017 at 0:50 PM, baddog said:

    Sick of your blanket statements. Your leaders, Perez, Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer...a bunch of rats who can't even talk without scripts. Do you truly heed their words? I won't believe anything they say because they are the enemy of America. I refuse to believe any Democrat who would sing na na hey hey kiss 'em goodbye (by Steam) in the capitol building. We're you joining in. What putzes.

    I knew my post would sail way over your head. No need to duck.

    Don't really care if your sick of my statements. I don't care for Pelosi or Schumer no more than a care for those two ladies Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    Maybe Zimmerman seen him and wanted to provoke him into a fight. Maybe during that fight he would let Martin beat him up for a little while, so he could then shoot him and claim self defense. That is it. He was letting Martin beat the crap out of him just so he could shoot him and get away with it.

    The police department told him to back off

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    Okay, this case was 100% avoidable by both individual. Was Martin profiled? Probably. Is that fair? No. That is on Zimmerman. But, that does not give anybody the right to turn to physical violence. That was on Martin. Once the fighting breaks out and emotions flare there is no sure outcome. I don't know what I would do if a person of any color was on top of me, beating me. I do know if I felt my life was in danger, I would defend myself with any means necessary, including killing my attacker. Physical violence was not necessary from either of the two in this situation and the instigator of that violence is liable for its' outcome, IMO, and also the opinion of the jury who heard the facts of the case.

    We never got to hear Martin's side of the story1

  5. 12 hours ago, texanabroad said:

    This thread is hilarious. Obama slammed Wall Street for years and you leftists loved him for it. Now, when someone points out that he is now being a hypocrite by taking their money, your response is to claim racism and attack Trump. Call it like it is. He played us all by bashing wall street and their greed and is now making big bucks off of them.  I have no ill will for him taking their money. That is capitalism at work. If they want to waste their money listening to his socialist talk, go right ahead. It should hurt his credibility with his liberal base, but it won't. And my friends, that is why our country is collapsing. Right and wrong no longer matter. Defend your party at all costs. 

    Thats what your doing listening to trumps everyday lies, filling that swamp with his type of crooked .........

  6. 4 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I think my ancestors were Republicans, that was the Dems of your party that were behind that.

    you know damn well the dems of the past are the republicans of today. they raped, hung and killed slaves all week and went to church on sunday.

  7. 15 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Sad.  I somehow missed this in the news.  Maybe because there was no rioting, looting, burning buildings, or other thuggery taking place.

    rioting, looting and burning doesn't take place very often compared to the number of killings. Even your ancestors used to riot, burn and kill when they found out that a black man wanted to learn how to read, or maybe he looked at a white women in passing.

  8. 8 hours ago, texanabroad said:

    If if's and but's were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas everyday.

    IF Zimmerman's community hadn't had a crime problem, there would be no need for a neighborhood watch. IF Zimmerman had assumed that someone out and about in their neighborhood after dark wasn't worth checking out, Martin wouldn't have attacked him. IF he hadn't profiled him as a threat to his safety, he would have let him continue whipping his a**, instead of defending himself. IF his parents had done a good job, Martin would have been at home studying to become a pilot. See, I can play the if game to.

    All kidding aside, we have to be honest here. this was a bad situation that ended tragically. We can't say if this or if that, because we don't know what was in their hearts and minds when this happened. There were things both parties could have done to prevent this. It shouldn't have ended the way it did. In the end, Trayvon isn't coming back and Zimmerman has to live with the fact that he took someone's life.  It is a very sad situation. 


    I hope he thinks about it everyday.

  9. 18 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Martin would be alive if he would not have attacked Zimmerman.  It does not matter with Zimmerman had in his mind once that he was attacked and had to defend himself. 

    Im a 50 year old man and live in a fairly nice neighborhood. i will kick a Zimmermans arse any day of the week and would pistol whip him with his own gun also. Because of Zimmerman i am mentally prepared for his type forever.

  10. 36 minutes ago, 77 said:

    the dems were asking for him to leave just a few short weeks ago and now that he's gone they act like they are mad about it! Liars and cheats just cant figure them out.

    republicans can find liars and cheats by looking in the mirror.

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