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Everything posted by dav-joel

  1. Inquiring Minds (IM) 756 miles divided by 11 hours = 68.73 mph - TNTITAN - that's covering serious real estate! There is an ex-astronaut in Clear Lake, that can supply you with nasa diapers and some MRE s- cuz you won't have much time to stop. )if your plan is to cover 756 miles in 11 hrs.
  2. Its hard to know what a team is thinking when they are "gettin fired up" at mid field. BUT --- If the players are trying to copy Terrell Owens (spiking the ball on the logo after a touchdown), dancing, spitting or otherwise obviously disrespecting ---- it is not right.
  3. The "Southeast Texas Friday Night Football Gumbo" is a mix of fans, participation, winning, losing etc. You can't remove one ingredient without totally changing the "taste". Every ingredient you mentioned is necessary, and equally important.
  4. I agree - Its good to apologize for your thoughtless post - Good for you - Taking pleasure in somebody elses pain does not attract real life Karma. :)
  5. A young man from Nederland, Mr. Mosely is doing well - I am as happy for him as I am for Mr. Charles, Mr. Smith or Mr. Guzman. I think I know why the other person wishes ill on anybody that is an "M.C." Personally I don't believe there is room in this world for such apparent hate or dislike. Its like a cancer.
  6. Participate if you desire and if its not your bag, don't participate.
  7. Best celebration IMO is toss the ball to the nearest referee and jog back to ther sideline or huddle. Just like Earl Campbell did evertytime except his first NFL touchdown. Like Bum Phillips told Earl. "Don't act like its the first time you have ever been there............."
  8. What the censored happened last year? As for this year - HF needs to play all 4 quarters and they will win by 14. Hamshire-Fannett 30 (There is no P in Hamshire) Jasper 16
  9. Don't be too critical of his/her's math. I think WOS92 is really an "offensive genius".
  10. Lumberton is "so for real"? - OK If you beat PN-G this week, you are for real - Promise- ;)
  11. Lumberton will play the winner the following Sunday --- Sorry - sorry -- Just kidding ---I'm bored. I really just wanted to give it a bump. ;D
  12. Confirmed - If Lumberton defeats Bmt-Central,Jesus will allow the 12 disciples to schedule a December football game. (The disciples will be able to field a 12 man team)
  13. HF is way better than some think - If they play 4 qtrs they will win in a close one.
  14. FYI - I think you accidently left your caps lock on.
  15. Central is picked to win by the majority of fans so it would be only an upset. IMO only a mild upset. Not a major shocker. Lumb. IS 5-0 against their opponents, no matter how weak the opponent is.
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