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Posts posted by cowboysfan88


    Crosby needs to schedule teams such as Pearland Dawson or friendswood or a solid 6a team like atascocita. Teams where simply tossing it around the corner and letting Williams outrun everyone will not work.

    You have to challenge yourself to reach another level past where the pure athleticism can take you.


    I agree about the schedule part but sometimes that doesn't mean nothing ml



    Tj has played good lately but my problem is with him is doing the big games he disappear I can see him getting traded and the rockets needs to let DH play more he is healthy let him play something has to give too much money and talent invested on this roster too be playing this poorly 

  3. I grew up in TC/LM area I graduated at TC most folks from this area seen this coming yrs  ago I know its a sad thing to say but I blame all parties for this situation to happen all the  way up to the superintendent to all down to the students/parents I went to school with some guys who were struggling in TC but transfer to LM for sports graduate with honors at LM the school district supports what it wants to support before school started this yr it was a lady went to register her son for school and thought he was in a certain grade but told her that he had failed now how can you not know what's going on at your child school but y'all get my point I think most of the students will annex to TC this talk has been going on for yrs so I know TC has planned for this to happened


  4. Well since I live in Houston and usually have season tickets to the game thousands of us Houstonian believe that the Rockets should play more in the paint, instead of jacking up 3’s all night.  Slashing to the basket and playing more around the circle I think is durable. Jeff Hornasack made a killing during his tenure playing for the Utha Jazz around the paint area for many years.  NO I AM NOT A COACH but, you live by the three you die by the three, the Rockets offense is too predictable, mix it up a bit. IMO. No one needs a coaching degree to knsot

    Sorry lady bug didn't mean to quote you my quote was to king 

  5. Here we go bashing the coach again I didn't hear anything when the rockets was winning last week about the coach sucks the problem is this plays with no effort to a team that hasn't won a game yet this season no way this game should had been close especially when you were up by 10+ points and you have 2 guys playing defense while everyone else is still standing around you can't blame the coach for that or when your offense is missing 3 point shots and FTS you can't blame the coach for everything his team should be held accountable as well his job is set up his team to win and there job is to excite his game plan both should be held responsible and it will also help the coach if his team was healthy but that's the coaches fault right give me a break

  6. Well since I live in Houston and usually have season tickets to the game thousands of us Houstonian believe that the Rockets should play more in the paint, instead of jacking up 3’s all night.  Slashing to the basket and playing more around the circle I think is durable. Jeff Hornasack made a killing during his tenure playing for the Utha Jazz around the paint area for many years.  NO I AM NOT A COACH but, you live by the three you die by the three, the Rockets offense is too predictable, mix it up a bit. IMO. No one needs a coaching degree to knot

    Well Houston been playing the same system for how many yrs  now and there record improves each yr I agree McHale can do a better job coaching but its more than the coach if your team don't play ball guess what your team isn't going to win games coaches are not on the court the players are the blame should go hand and hand like I said before when the rockets are winning I don't hear too many fans crying about coaching 

  7. Every team in the NBA has talent coaches can only game plan its up to his team to excute his game plan I'm pretty sure none of y'all could do any better than what he is doing I bet if they win 20 + in a row no one would be crying about fired this coach or that coach like I said I'm not a fan of McHale but at the same time since he has been a rockets coach the team has improve each yr 

  8. I think TC will be the only team to make it out of the first round from 23-5A, a lot like Ridge Point was last year. That is of course if Bush doesn't beat ball and send Ridge Point into division 2 with Texas City. Overall 23-5A is not as strong as last year, TC is better but I would like to see how they play against Ridge Point this week and most likely Port Lavaca in bi-district. I think GR will beat Ridge Point and Foster will beat Elkins in a close game. I actually think Texas City is a good matchup for Crosby, their defense is solid but their offense is pretty pedestrian having not scored over 29 points in five weeks. I think their offense only averages something like 287 yards per game. If that's all they've done so far I would imagine it extremely hard to even do that on Crosby's defense.

    The way the brackets are set up I wouldn't be surprised to see two or three 21-5A teams get three deep.      

    actually no I graduated in 06 went all the way to the regional finals and yes you do have to score points but what I'm saying is this team will be in games cuz of their d I do agree there o needs to balance out

  9. I think TC will be the only team to make it out of the first round from 23-5A, a lot like Ridge Point was last year. That is of course if Bush doesn't beat ball and send Ridge Point into division 2 with Texas City. Overall 23-5A is not as strong as last year, TC is better but I would like to see how they play against Ridge Point this week and most likely Port Lavaca in bi-district. I think GR will beat Ridge Point and Foster will beat Elkins in a close game. I actually think Texas City is a good matchup for Crosby, their defense is solid but their offense is pretty pedestrian having not scored over 29 points in five weeks. I think their offense only averages something like 287 yards per game. If that's all they've done so far I would imagine it extremely hard to even do that on Crosby's defense.

    The way the brackets are set up I wouldn't be surprised to see two or three 21-5A teams get three deep.      

    Well that's TC known for since the 90's there gameplan hasn't changed much since then but like I said before there D can keep them in games  and yeah I don't think rp isn't going far I been to plenty of games where I seen teams that wasn't supposed to go far make it deep in the playoffs I was even on a team where we made a deep run and beat the #1 team in state couple of yes ago


  10. I don't know what you see but outside of Crosby can go deep in the playoffs but it is the playoffs I have seen state rank teams get beat in the 1st round and also have seen teams that had no business in the playoffs make a deep run TC defense will keep them in almost every game their offense is young  so most times they run the ball they can get 200 rushing ppg its just they don't have a lot experience at the qb position Fb elkins can make the 2nd round they are pretty talented I can't say much about as rp I haven't seen much of them this yr tonights game tc vs rp and ball vs bush are big games

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