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Posts posted by cowboysfan88

  1. Let's see Barnes shot the 3 with 15 secs on the shot clock. Wait and either force a foul or get a better shot.

    Then deflection caused a turnover. Call timeout get 8 more secs and force a foul.

    That's trying to give the game away. Maybe not the best words but the truth we played terrible at the end making dumb middle school mistakes.

    And don't say Golden State excuses after Tuesday when Rockets said the same thing after the second quarter comeback.

    what excuses Houston has made and like I said GS ain't a perfect team they have flaws just like Houston and almost got beaten because of there flaws that's not giving the game away giving the game away was when a team just gives up and stop playing
  2. Anybody else been frustrated with Terrence Jones???

    I have hated on Jones all year and now iam finally done...

    1) Soft
    2) No Awarness
    3) Cant put the ball in an ocean
    4) Cant hit layups
    5) Cant rebound for ****

    Barnes was destroying you on the glass bro grow some balls you are a POWER forward
    Get this fool out of here plz

    I understand but who else are you going to put in his spot
  3. GS went up 11 with 2:06 left according to CBS stat tracker. GS then turned the ball over 3 times and missed 3 layups in the last 2 minutes. Hence me saying that they were doing everything they could to give the game away. I can link the stat tracker if you want to look at it.

    dude like I said that's plenty of time for a team to make plays warriors are good but the rockets can hang with them
  4. I posted that while GS was in the process of blowing a big lead in a short amount of time. Regardless of what happened earlier, at that point, GS was in the process of almost blowing a game after building what should've been an insurmountable lead.

    they were up by 9 with 3 an a half left in the game that's plenty of time for the other team to make plays you make it seem like GS was up by 30
  5. Experts don't talk about this. GSW have never faced this line up. Here are a few difference's
    1) In the first game, 2 starters were Tarik Black and Garica
    2)For two of those games no Brewer or Smith
    3)..For two of those games no D12, and the two he played, he wasn't 100%
    4) Terrance Jones didn't play any of the 4 games.
    GSW have shown they have trouble getting into into the paint against big front courts which the Rockets have. Secondly, the Grizzlies three point game is non-existent. The Rockets have a variety of good three point shooters, plenty good enough to keep up with the Warriors. This isn't the same 0-4 Rockets against the Warriors.

    I agree as well but Houston has to jump out on GS and steal home court from GS then take care business at home
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