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Posts posted by cowboysfan88

  1. yeah me too, I think he is having trouble with his coach whom I believe has great character, was a heck of a player, and wants to win. This twin could be trouble. One thing we can say about TJ is that he is a good kid and does not cause trouble with his coach and team mates.

    im ready to let tj go he is to inconsistent I even heard today they was looking at josh smith again he is on the trading block with the clippers


    I went to this same game last year at NRG. I arrived quite early, thinking I would easily get in and be seated well before kickoff. Parking traffic was terrible, but we still parked with plenty of time to spare. We walked up to NRG, and one whole side had no ticket booths open. We had to walk all the way around  and was met with insanely long lines, maybe 150 to 200 feet long, because just a few booths were open. Finally, we got to our seats as the 2nd quarter was starting.   

    Maybe NRG will do a better job this time around. I don't know how it will go tonight but I wanted to let you all know about this up front. 




    i already know that's why im going to be there atleast an hour and half to 2 hrs before the game starts

  3. This has been the case, when the academics started to slide, parents started moving their kids to other districts. Dickinson what the first district to start taking kids in when my son was a freshmen at LM, that was 11 years ago.

    actually  tc was in 02

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