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  1. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from bullets13 in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    Which is why I said in post #6, the consumer gets screwed either way. This isn't a black and white issue. Kudos to the guys willing/capable of using their brains rather than scanning article headlines for key words and choosing their stance on the spot.

  2. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from thetragichippy in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    Which is why I said in post #6, the consumer gets screwed either way. This isn't a black and white issue. Kudos to the guys willing/capable of using their brains rather than scanning article headlines for key words and choosing their stance on the spot.

  3. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to CraigS in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    hence my flip flopping and mention of government involvement and negatives for the consumer. ... is it possible to better understand the situation ... yet be more confused as to how I feel about an approach toward a solution. .... maybe I'll just take up residence on the fence with you. ...
  4. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to CraigS in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    I agreed that the government being involved is a slippery slope. ... but if you read through the entire cartoon you'll see why. ... it's no different than the so called state run media so many complain about. .... pick and choose their favorites then report accordingly. .. rather than report the actual news. .... especially since the 2 ISP giants have now combined. ... if they so choose. .. they could in essence shut down any site they don't want you to see. ... hence the CNN /FOX example. .... or basically shut down Netflix while starting their own like company. ... yet quality would not have any bearing. ... only control through ISP providers.....

    maybe the answer should be not to allow the monopoly. ... which there are already laws prohibiting
  5. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to CraigS in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   

    OK. ... after much more studying... and questioning of people that truly understand. ...I have to change my position.... at least for me this link helps me "get it"....

    I'm sure there is some underlying negative. .. add there always is when government gets involved. ... And at the consumer level. .. but in the bigger picture of ISPs control. ...I agree. ... something needed to be done. ... now let's see the outcome. ... for better. .. for worse
  6. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Why Not Expand Medicare To All Age Ranges?   
    Same way it's payed for now?

  7. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    Usual deflection?

    Not a single conservative in this topic has explained to me what net neutrality means! How can you say you don't see the merits when you don't even understand the issue?

    Lumraiderfan has confirmed his status as a low information voter, congrats!

  8. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to SKINS in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    ISPs have been screwing us since day one.
  9. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to Englebert in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    I've read (skimmed over at best) some articles a few months ago. All I can remember was that internet providers (AT&T, Verizon, etc) were against it and content providers (Netflix, Google, etc) were for it. Content providers were for it because IPs could not throttle their speed, and some other reasons I can't remember. IPs were against it because they said it would raise the cost to consumers, and some other reasons I can't remember. None of the articles I skimmed over explained how it would affect the consumer...me. One article said it was good for the consumer and a couple said it was bad for the consumer.
     Having said that I really don't know the effect on consumers, I'm still thinking this is a bad idea. Frankly, I don't trust the government at all (and history shows good reason). I would be against this if my own dad were president, so this is not an Obama bashing reason. Many laws are passed with good intentions, then some yahoo congressmen re-interprets the law. So this may be a well-intentioned law designed to help consumers, but will be abused in short order. My assumption is that this law is to get the internet under the FCC banner, i.e. government control. Once under the FCC, then the government can start making regulation laws at will, starting with taxes. Of course, porn will probably be the next target. Then who knows what. But I'm positive I will not like it.
    In addition to regulation, I'm sure the government will claim that since internet content falls under their banner, they are free to track, store and review all content. I'm guessing that they will threaten to block any internet providers that doesn't give the government full access to all of their data. No search warrants required.
    Once under FCC regulation, the size of the FCC will have to expand dramatically, or a whole new agency will sprout up. I'm troubled to think about how many more government employees will be hired to regulate the internet. Hell, it will probably reach the size of Homeland Security.
    This is all speculation on my part, but every time I try to like the government they give 10,000 reasons not to.
  10. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    Can you explain what it is first? Surely if you don't like it then you must have an understanding of what it means.. Right? Oh wait. Obama bad, conservatives smart. I forgot.

  11. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    This forum must have the 10% of low information voting conservatives who don't know what it is then, because I've yet to see someone explain it to me.

    All I see is the usual "Obama bad, conservatives smart" lines repeated over and over.

  12. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to bullets13 in obama Wants To Take Over The Internet...   
    pretty typical article from one of these websites: riles up the conservative reader without explaining what is happening or why? A whole article bashing the net neutrality movement and its supporters, but no explanation as to what it actually is. Not that any of their readers need an explanation to hate something Obama's behind.
  13. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to stevenash in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    Back to your billions.
  14. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from RETIREDFAN1 in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    This guy might be worse than smitty
  15. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from thetragichippy in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    Also something to think about - most religious people are probably extremely confident that their respective God is the right one and everyone else believes in a false God, and they all point to their respective religious texts citing the "one true God" passages. I bet Muslims on other message boards are copy pasting the exact same arguments being used here to defend their religion.

    It sounds like deep down you know it's all BS, but really really want it to be true.. I'm the same.

  16. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Here's The Problem!   
    Every country and religion brainwashes their kids by the way
  17. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Here's The Problem!   
    Its not that simple.

    All the kids see is their uncles and cousins getting killed by some foreign enemy and want to join up to defend their country.

  18. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to thetragichippy in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    Guys, I believe in God.....
    I also believe that being gay is not a choice. I used to think it was, but me being straight as they come, I cannot imagine any way I would choose to be with a man. I honestly think I would die first, first out of pride, second out of gross......
    And as 77 just pointed out, my God loves everyone.....
  19. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to thetragichippy in Enlightened- I know how much you like scientific evidence   
    Yes, some folks want to argue their way into a painted corner.......
    and still be wrong.....
    They hate admitting when you have a valid point....
    Too bad everyone can't debate and recognize when someone has a point.
  20. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from thetragichippy in Enlightened- I know how much you like scientific evidence   
    This entire topic has me feeling like I'm taking crazy pills

  21. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Enlightened- I know how much you like scientific evidence   
    This entire topic has me feeling like I'm taking crazy pills

  22. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Enlightened- I know how much you like scientific evidence   
    What kinda stupid statement is this? What exactly are you getting at?

    Do you think people should be free to do literally anything they want? Just go around raping and killing people?

  23. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Inflame The Situation?   
    Lol no.

    But at least you got the first part right

  24. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah reacted to 77 in What has happened in the last 40 years?   
    We need term limits on these crooks!
  25. Like
    EnlightenedMessiah got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in B. Hussien Soebarkah?   
    Did aliens tell you this?
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