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Posts posted by td

  1. I'm in charge of the Pinto league. Neither the Pinto nor the Shetland league had enough kids to sign up. I know they have been holding out trying to get more kids. I just got the Pinto list on Friday and called all of the parents so I could get them their money back. If you don't hear anything by Tuesday send me a private message and I will see what I can do to help you.

  2. I have video of a WOS "pushing" a Dayton player.

    The Dayton coach responded to this by "pushing" the WOS coach.

    This was an unfortunate episode on BOTH sides that just shouldn't happen at all.

    If you are talking about coaches pushing kids back then I saw that on both sides. That was seperate the kids not to harm any of them. Thats what I saw coaches from both sides doing. I didn't see a coach from either side trying to harm a kid.

    Let's not make this a bigger story than it was.

  3. How convienent considering the so called attack was in response to a West Orange coach punch on a Dayton player.  It was the worst thing I have seen in a long time from both sides.  It looked bad because Dayton came across the field, but you would to in that situation.  West Orange just put them boys back in their place and it is a wakeup call to Dayton, coaches and players.

    If you saw a WOS coach punch a player then you saw something I didn't.

  4. moody is a fine coach and knows what happned  two his team and come monday will try and patch it up and get ready for wo-s. as for wo-s coach hooks and  his coaching staff will be besy also trying to get his kids off cloud 9 and get them ready for lc-m becouse thay know  the lc-m bears are a tuff  and will be ready to welcome  wo-s just becouse you  lose dont mean that your not good and hooks knows this

    I think they will be ready. You don't have to do much to get up for a cross town rival. We need to prepare but as for getting the kids "up" for the game they will be up.

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